Where Can I Find a Free Font with the Electric Field Symbol for Word?

In summary, Daniel thinks that there might be an alternative symbol for the electric field, but he can't find it. He's thinking of using \cal E.
  • #1
El Hombre Invisible
Yo! Anyone know of any free font compatible with Word (or that comes with Word!) that has the goddam electric field symbol in it? Whoever came up with that sign had an irrational hatred of word processors.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What do you mean by "electric field symbol"? I always thought electric field (strength) was represented by "E".
  • #3
It's like an E, but it's squiggly. It's not electric field strength, it's the vector I'm after. Anyone else?
  • #4
Do you mean epsilon? It's a greek letter.

[tex] \epsilon [/tex]

In American textbooks I often see E as the electric field and epsilon as the energy density.
  • #5
Crosson said:
Do you mean epsilon? It's a greek letter.

[tex] \epsilon [/tex]

In American textbooks I often see E as the electric field and epsilon as the energy density.
No, it's not in the Greek alphabet. If it were, that would be cool since loads of standard fonts have Greek characters.

'E' seems to be the most common symbol for the electric field, but we seem to use another (note to self: must find out why). It's like an E, but more elaborate and... squiggly. It's the best word for it.

So if anyone knows any alternative symbols to 'E' for the electric field, please let me know. Thanks.
  • #6
I've only seen E, here are E's some from the Latex sheet,

[tex] \mathbb{E} \ \epsilon \ \varepsilon\ \xi [/tex]

I've also seen an E that has the same style as this N, maybe that's what you're looking for:

[tex] \aleph [/tex]
  • #7
The 4-the letter is a Greek letter called "xi" ,not an "e".:-p

  • #8
El Hombre Invisible said:
Yo! Anyone know of any free font compatible with Word (or that comes with Word!) that has the goddam electric field symbol in it? Whoever came up with that sign had an irrational hatred of word processors.

Do you mean the "E" in the Gothic (German) alphabet ?This one

[tex] \mathfrak{E} [/tex] ?


P.S.Electric field strength is a vector. :rolleyes:
  • #9
Or how about [itex]\cal E[/itex]?
  • #10
dextercioby said:
The 4-the letter is a Greek letter called "xi" ,not an "e".:-p


Epsilon isn't 'E' either, they jus both look like E's :-p
  • #11
Epsilon's is read "e" in any version of Greek .:-p While "xi" is read "e",iff the reader's drunk.

  • #12
Can you use the Equation Editor (not installed by default with MS Word)?
Can you attach a small scan? or name the text you are using?
  • #13
Tom Mattson said:
Or how about [itex]\cal E[/itex]?

I think this is the one he's after. I've seen this used in many texts.
  • #14
Hi all. Sorry, none of the above suggestions fit the bill. The reason I couldn't show you what I meant was simply that I couldn't find a wesbite that used it on the internet either - everything uses 'E', so I'm pretty confused why we're using this mad symbol.

It looks a lot like xi, and I've been using that, but I don't think it is, since the textbook has used the xi symbol too and they're clearly different.

But anyway, I have resolved to suffer the embarrassment and attempt to draw this evil bast. Attached as a bmp file. Don't laugh.


  • electric field symbol.bmp
    3.7 KB · Views: 1,082
  • #15
It looks a lot like xi, and I've been using that, but I don't think it is, since the textbook has used the xi symbol too and they're clearly different.

:-p dex :-p

Thats the one Tom Mattson pasted, except more elaborate (I believe).
  • #16
My physics teacher often says
"Symbols are not important what do symbol represent is important" :-p
  • #17
whozum said:
:-p dex :-p

Thats the one Tom Mattson pasted, except more elaborate (I believe).
Is that upper-case epsilon? Dammit, guess what upper-case epsilon is in Word... 'E'! Well, at least that explains the interchangeability of electric field symbols... blame the greeks I guess.

Okay, so does anyone know a font that has [itex]\cal E[/itex]? I can't find that either. :frown: I guess I could just use a lower case epsilon and up the font size...
  • #18
I have "Caligraphic" fonts installed in my SWP 2.5 (dating 1995).I'm sure they're installed in Miktex and other Windows base Tex editors.You can copy paste it as an image into a Word document,if the stupid MS program doesn't have "Caligraphic" fonts.

  • #19
Guess what the stupid MS program doesn't have...

Poke it, I'll just use the lower-case one and make it reet big.

Thanks everyone.
  • #20
Yeah I noticed that squigly looking E when scanning through a materials science textbook--- engineers may often use different symbols than physicists--- but as an EE student... most of the stuff in my EE textbooks is pretty much the same as physics...

although the confusion of EEs using H for magnetic field strength and B for magnetic flux density.

FAQ: Where Can I Find a Free Font with the Electric Field Symbol for Word?

1. What does the electric field symbol represent?

The electric field symbol represents the strength and direction of the electric field at a particular point in space. It is used to describe the force that a charged particle would experience at that point.

2. How is the electric field symbol typically represented?

The electric field symbol is typically represented by the letter 'E' with an arrow pointing in the direction of the field. The length of the arrow represents the strength of the field.

3. What are the units of the electric field symbol?

The units of the electric field symbol are newtons per coulomb (N/C) in the SI system. In other systems of measurement, it may be represented as volts per meter (V/m).

4. How is the electric field symbol related to electric potential?

The electric field symbol is related to electric potential through the equation E = -∇V, where E represents the electric field, V represents the electric potential, and ∇ represents the gradient operator. This means that the electric field is the negative of the gradient of the electric potential.

5. Can the electric field symbol be negative?

Yes, the electric field symbol can be negative. This indicates that the field is directed in the opposite direction of the arrow, and the force on a charged particle would be in the opposite direction. A negative electric field can also indicate that the field is decreasing in strength as the distance from the source increases.
