Where can i find a good tutorial for linked list,binary trees

In summary, the individuals in the conversation discussed their plans for the weekend and shared their excitement for an upcoming trip to the beach. They also mentioned their concern for a colleague who had been feeling unwell.
  • #1
i got this code


i know linked lists a little
but in this code there are some arrows i can't understand
what is their meaning??

is there any tutorial for these arrows thing?
Technology news on Phys.org
  • #2

Scroll down to the section titled 'Pointers to structures'.
  • #3

There are many resources available online for learning about linked lists and binary trees. Some popular websites for tutorials on these data structures include GeeksforGeeks, Tutorialspoint, and Codecademy. You can also find helpful videos on YouTube and online courses on platforms like Udemy and Coursera.

As for the code you provided, it looks like it is a visual representation of a linked list with nodes and arrows indicating the connections between nodes. The arrows typically represent pointers, which are used to link nodes together in a linked list. You can find more information on pointers and their significance in linked lists in any of the resources mentioned above. Additionally, you can refer to the code and comments within it to gain a better understanding of how the linked list is being implemented.

FAQ: Where can i find a good tutorial for linked list,binary trees

1. What is a linked list and binary tree?

A linked list is a data structure that consists of a sequence of nodes, where each node contains a data value and a pointer to the next node. A binary tree is a data structure that is composed of nodes, where each node has at most two child nodes.

2. Why are linked lists and binary trees important?

Linked lists and binary trees are important data structures because they allow for efficient storage and retrieval of data. They are commonly used in many computer algorithms and applications.

3. Where can I find a good tutorial for linked lists and binary trees?

There are many online resources that offer tutorials for linked lists and binary trees, such as tutorials on programming websites like GeeksforGeeks and tutorials on YouTube. You can also find books and courses on the subject.

4. How do I implement a linked list or binary tree in my code?

The implementation of linked lists and binary trees may vary depending on the programming language, but the basic concept remains the same. You can find step-by-step guides and examples in tutorials or reference materials.

5. What are some common operations on linked lists and binary trees?

Some common operations on linked lists include inserting, deleting, and searching for a node. For binary trees, common operations include inserting, deleting, and traversing the tree in different orders (inorder, preorder, postorder).
