Where Can I Find a Latex Template for Nature Physics?

In summary: It does not have a template. You can just use the very simple template and the editor would convert it when accepted.
  • #1
Does anybody know where I could download a latex template for the magazine Nature Physics? or Nature ?
Thank you all.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
iiternal said:
Does anybody know where I could download a latex template for the magazine Nature Physics? or Nature ?
Thank you all.

Google the title of your thread, and click the first link to Nature... :smile:
  • #3
berkeman said:
Google the title of your thread, and click the first link to Nature... :smile:

Yes, I tried. But it does not give me the Latex form. It has only the pdf form.
  • #4
iiternal said:
Yes, I tried. But it does not give me the Latex form. It has only the pdf form.

From: http://www.nature.com/nphys/authors/submit/index.html#TeX-LaTeX

Authors submitting LaTeX files may use any of the standard class files such as article.cls, revtex.cls or amsart.cls. Non-standard fonts should be avoided; please use the default Computer Modern fonts. For the inclusion of graphics, we recommend graphicx.sty. Please use numerical references only for citations. There is no need to spend time visually formatting the manuscript: Nature Physics style will be imposed automatically when the paper is prepared for publication. References should be included within the manuscript file itself as our system cannot accept BibTeX bibliography files. Authors who wish to use BibTeX to prepare their references should therefore copy the reference list from the .bbl file that BibTeX generates and paste it into the main manuscript .tex file (and delete the associated \bibliography and \bibliographystyle commands). As a final precaution, authors should ensure that the complete .tex file compiles successfully on their own system with no errors or warnings, before submission.

I'm no expert on LaTeX, but doesn't that help?
  • #6
If you want to make a document that looks the same as the published journal, then you need the template - or at least, you need to know enough about LaTeX to imitate it.

On the other hand, the journal publishers have got the (correct) message that the big advantage of LaTeX is separating the format from the content - unlike WYSISYG systems where often "what you see is ALL you get", and where people are tempted to waste time "optimising" the appearance of their documents BEFORE they have actually finished writing them.
  • #7
Actually, I don't quite get the need to use an actual template for something like this. Unlike journals that require page limit (such as PRL, or short report articles), there really isn't any real need to want to use such LaTex template or even style given by Nature. I know I didn't when we submitted (and published) in Nature last time. It was written in Word as a double-spaced manuscript! Why? Because in the end, your paper will appear and be formatted the way the editors want to do it anyway! Your paper will seldom appear at the top of the page, it will never have figure where you think it should, and it might even have different page breaks!

Unless you are concerned about the length that the Nature paper might have (i.e. you're concerned about publication costs), I think your effort might be better suited in worrying more about writing the paper and making it as good as it can be, rather than trying to find the LaTex template or style or trying to understand how to use it.

  • #8
iiternal said:
Thank you. But I need a template file, I mean a .tex file for the nature physics.
However, I am now using the template for Nature. Hope it works:-)

could you please send the nature physics template to me?
I need it too.

Thanks a lot!
  • #9
malcolmx_87 said:
could you please send the nature physics template to me?
I need it too.

Thanks a lot!

It does not have a template. You can just use the very simple template and the editor would convert it when accepted.

FAQ: Where Can I Find a Latex Template for Nature Physics?

1. How do I use the Nature Physics Latex template?

To use the Nature Physics Latex template, first download the template from the journal's website. Then, follow the instructions provided in the template's user guide to format your document according to the journal's guidelines.

2. Can I customize the Nature Physics Latex template?

Yes, you can customize the template to fit your specific needs. However, it is important to ensure that your final document still adheres to the journal's guidelines and formatting requirements.

3. Are there any specific guidelines for formatting equations in the Nature Physics Latex template?

Yes, the journal has specific guidelines for formatting equations in the template. These guidelines can be found in the user guide and should be followed closely to ensure proper formatting.

4. Can I use the Nature Physics Latex template for other journals?

No, the Nature Physics Latex template is specifically designed for the Nature Physics journal and may not be suitable for other journals. It is important to use the appropriate template for the journal you are submitting to.

5. Is there a word count limit for submissions using the Nature Physics Latex template?

Yes, the journal has a word count limit for submissions. This information can be found in the submission guidelines and should be followed to ensure that your document is within the acceptable word count range.

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