Where Can I Find Copyright Free Audio Lectures on Science Topics?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the LiftPort Group is working on a space elevator and they are looking for copyright free audio lectures on science topics.
  • #1
I'm working on a new feature here at PF and I'm wondering if anyone has copyright free audio lectures on science topics they can share for my project. Maybe some of your professors wouldn't mind you taping their lecture? Let me know if you have any ideas.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That would be great.

I could tape my philosophy class, but i believe it is too Christian based for this forum.

Anyone willing to volunteer?
  • #3
One guy 2 talk 2

The "LiftPort Group" is a group of companies that have banded together to make a go of building the world's first "Space Elevator" by "April 12, 2018".
Over the last several weeks I've gotten to know their public relations point man, who, unlike most "P.R. Types", impresses me as a very sincere guy with some very real fire in the blood over the idea of working toward making a serious go at constructing a space elevator.
Now although I don't know what kind of material they've got sitting around that you might be able to use, if they DO have material you could use, this would be the guy who could probably find it for you.
His name is Matt Speten and his e-mail addy is:
The reason I think he might be able to help you is that this bunch is doing some very serious work in areas like making carbon nano-tube materials, beaming laser energy over exceptionally long distances to power elevator cars called "climbers", and developing other associated technologies needed to achieve this ambicious goal.
They've got a hell of a pool of expertise over there, so if anyone knows about existing audio materials on things like carbon nano-tube production, orbital mechanics, etc., they probably would, and I do know for sure that they're open to just about any idea that could raise public awareness of the idea of building a Space Elevator, so it's very possible you could help each other out.
  • #4
I should've recorded my ethics class. I love how my professor debunked the ethics of those so-called "vegetarians" and "pro choice" advocates. He was brilliant
  • #5
woo - this will be awesome :)

FAQ: Where Can I Find Copyright Free Audio Lectures on Science Topics?

1. What are "Copyright Free Audio Lectures"?

"Copyright Free Audio Lectures" are audio recordings of lectures or presentations that are not protected by copyright laws. This means that they can be used, shared, and distributed freely without permission or payment to the creator.

2. How are "Copyright Free Audio Lectures" different from other audio recordings?

Unlike other audio recordings, "Copyright Free Audio Lectures" do not have any copyright restrictions. This means that they can be used for any purpose without fear of copyright infringement.

3. Where can I find "Copyright Free Audio Lectures"?

"Copyright Free Audio Lectures" can be found on various websites, such as open education platforms, online libraries, and educational institutions. Some creators also make their lectures available for free on their own websites or through podcasting platforms.

4. Can I use "Copyright Free Audio Lectures" for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use "Copyright Free Audio Lectures" for commercial purposes. As long as you comply with the terms of use set by the creator, you can use the lectures for any commercial project without having to pay royalties or seek permission.

5. Do I need to credit the creator of a "Copyright Free Audio Lecture"?

It is always good practice to give credit to the creator of a "Copyright Free Audio Lecture," even though it is not a legal requirement. This shows respect for the creator's work and helps others find the lecture as well.

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