Where Can I Find Free Practice Problems for Second Year Engineering Statistics?

  • Thread starter Physics is Phun
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In summary, the conversation is about finding practice problems for a second year engineering statistics course. The person initially asks for website recommendations, but then goes on to mention finding some on their own through Google. Another person suggests a difficult book that could be found in a library. The conversation then shifts to someone asking for help with using statistical measures to build a trading decision framework. They also mention needing help with spreadsheets and defining price oscillators. They provide a link for reference.
  • #1
Physics is Phun
out of me being too poor/cheap to buy my stats txt book, I'm running out of problems to do while studying for exams.
anybody know of any good websites that may have some practice problems for a second year engineering stats course. we just covered the basics. distributions, likelihood, hypothosis testing, basic regression.
Or if you just want to share your favourite stats problem :-p that'd be great too!
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hmm seemed to have found some on my own...google is your friend!
still. any favourite problems people have. i'd be glad to hear 'em :)
  • #3
Try to find Papoulis' book in a library or something. Headaches guaranteed!
  • #4
hi, Having forgotten basic Statistics, I am not finding time to brush up basic concepts to put them to a compelling use. Actual I need to build a short-term or Intra-day trading "decision framework" for a set of Stocks based on statistical measure concepts, I can provide you with the historical intra-day numbers for a year or so and need to derive "decision values" based on a Statistical knowledge base. Can you help me with this, it will be simple and straight forward, to start with I will need an enumeration of Statistical measure "concepts" that could be used to build the model using Spread sheets- BTW,are you proficient in Spread sheets ? I will also need some approaches using which "price oscillators" can be defined for a small set of stocks and use this in the decision making framework. I hope you can comprehend me? As regards your need for Reference, I suppose this should suffice : http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/

FAQ: Where Can I Find Free Practice Problems for Second Year Engineering Statistics?

What is the purpose of solving statistics problems?

The purpose of solving statistics problems is to analyze and interpret data in order to make informed decisions and draw conclusions about a particular population or phenomenon. It is used in various fields such as business, healthcare, and social sciences to understand patterns and trends and make predictions.

What are the types of statistics problems?

The types of statistics problems include descriptive statistics, which involve summarizing and describing data, and inferential statistics, which involve making predictions and generalizations about a population based on a sample. Other types include probability, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

How do you approach solving statistics problems?

To approach solving statistics problems, it is important to first understand the problem and identify the type of problem it is. Then, gather and organize the necessary data and choose appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data. Finally, interpret the results and draw conclusions based on the data and statistical analysis.

What skills are necessary to solve statistics problems?

To solve statistics problems, one must have a strong foundation in mathematics, specifically in algebra and probability. Additionally, critical thinking and analytical skills are important in understanding and interpreting data. Familiarity with statistical software and programming languages can also be beneficial.

What are common mistakes to avoid when solving statistics problems?

Common mistakes to avoid when solving statistics problems include using incorrect statistical methods, misinterpreting data, and making assumptions without proper evidence. It is also important to ensure that the data is accurate, unbiased, and representative of the population being studied.
