Where Can I Find Open Loop Dynamic Process Data?

In summary, my sister is looking for a data set of discrete-time open loop data from a dynamic process. She is specifically looking for data sets that do not have any linear feedback. She is not specifying any other constraints.
  • #1
This is from my sister:
I have an assignment due very soon that requires open loop dynamic process data (at least 75 observations long). I am having a horrible time finding some. Can anyone help?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you have any other information on what she's looking for?
  • #3
Here is some more info she gave me, possibly the assignment

Data set requisites:
1. Must be discrete-time;
2. Should provide the measured inputs (“Xt”, the controllable factor values)
and output values (“Yt”, the values of the observed quality characteristic
thought to be affected by Xt);
3. Should be at least 75 time units long, where the time unit is defined by
the context of the data.
4. The data must not have been obtained while a (linear) feedback controller
was operating on the process, i.e., this must be “open loop” data. To check
whether you have met this requisite, use Minitab to determine the
cross-correlation function (CCF) between the input series and the output
series. If the CCF at lag zero, lag one, or lag two is significant, you
probably have linear feedback.
5. I prefer data sets for which there is a “story” related about what the
process is, about what are the inputs and outputs, about how they were
measured, etc. Please include this information in your report.
6. Be sure you provide time series data from a dynamic process; not data
from a responsive process.

Thanks all, this is urgent!
  • #4
And this can be on any system at all? No other constraints?

Tell her to contact a local wind tunnel.

I'm pretty certain that velocity tests using pitot tubes are all done on feed forward observations. Velocity as a function of distance along the test airfoil.

Is that sort of like what she's looking for?

EDIT: I'm not sure... from the language, it sounds like she's looking for a control system type application, not a data aquisition type application. Am I wrong?
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  • #5
Right, I googled with +"open-loop" +"data set". Thousands of hits but no specific data sets yet

A few more possibilities:
Find a freshman physics. He must have done a few practical tests with open loop systems.
Generate a test of an open loop system yourself perhaps by measuring system response on a jump input on a simple band filter or something like that.

FAQ: Where Can I Find Open Loop Dynamic Process Data?

What is an open loop dynamic process?

An open loop dynamic process refers to a system in which the output is not affected by the input. This means that there is no feedback loop to regulate or adjust the output based on the input. The output is solely determined by the initial conditions and the input to the system.

What type of data is collected in an open loop dynamic process?

In an open loop dynamic process, data is typically collected on the input and output variables of the system. This can include measurements such as time, temperature, pressure, or any other relevant parameters that affect the system's behavior.

What are the advantages of using open loop dynamic process data?

One of the main advantages of using open loop dynamic process data is that it allows for the study of the system's behavior without external influences. This can provide valuable insights into the system's characteristics and can be used to develop control strategies for more complex systems.

How is open loop dynamic process data analyzed?

Open loop dynamic process data is typically analyzed using mathematical models and simulation techniques. This involves using the collected data to develop a model of the system's behavior and then using the model to predict how the system will respond to different inputs.

What are some examples of open loop dynamic processes?

Some examples of open loop dynamic processes include chemical reactions, weather systems, and simple mechanical systems. These processes can be studied and analyzed using open loop dynamic process data to better understand their behavior and make predictions about their future behavior.
