Where Can I Find References on Composite Quarks and Leptons?

  • Thread starter francesco85
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In summary, the conversation focused on the possibility of quarks and leptons being composite objects and the references available for studying this concept. The current theory states that they are fundamental particles, but there are extensions that suggest otherwise. However, this is a highly speculative topic with no experimental support. Some references were provided, including a book on preons as composite objects and lectures by Chivukula, as well as experimental search exclusions from PDG and recent publications by CMS.
  • #1
Hello everybody; does anyone know a good reference (possibly modern) where one can study quarks and leptons (as well as gauge bosons) as composite objects? By reference I mean papers, books, reviews and every other thing you might find useful :)

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Current theory says quarks and leptons are not composite.
  • #3
mathman said:
Current theory says quarks and leptons are not composite.

I know that standard model assumes that all the particles described in it are fundamental; Aren't there extensions that assumes the compositeness of quarks and leptons? Why couldn't this explain the flavor puzzle for example? Isn't there any link with electroweak symmetry breaking? Why is it excluded? What about the Electroweak Precison Tests? Can you give a reference, please?
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  • #4
Here's a survey, although out of date. "Preons: Models of Leptons, Quarks and Gauge Bosons As Composite Objects", a book by I. D'Souza et al (1992).

To repeat Mathman's comment, this is a highly speculative topic unsupported by experiment.
  • #5
Bill_K said:
Here's a survey, although out of date. "Preons: Models of Leptons, Quarks and Gauge Bosons As Composite Objects", a book by I. D'Souza et al (1992).

To repeat Mathman's comment, this is a highly speculative topic unsupported by experiment.

Thank you very much for the reference.
For the sake of clarity, what do you mean by "unsupported"? Experimentally excluded? If so what experiments exclude the compositeness? Or simply experimentally not verified (yet)?
Thanks in advance,
  • #6
The TASI lectures by Chivukula http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0011264v1 would be someplace to start for some theory. Experimental search exclusions are summarized by PDG at


for vector composites and


for quark/lepton composites. You can click around there to find references to the original papers. Some recent publications by CMS are here:

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  • #7
Thank you very much, to everybody; I will have a look to the references you have given!


FAQ: Where Can I Find References on Composite Quarks and Leptons?

1. What are composite quarks and leptons?

Composite quarks and leptons are hypothetical fundamental particles that are made up of smaller, more basic particles. They are not currently observed in nature, but are predicted by some theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

2. How are composite quarks and leptons different from elementary particles?

Elementary particles are considered to be indivisible, meaning they cannot be broken down into smaller particles. Composite quarks and leptons, on the other hand, are made up of smaller particles and are not considered to be fundamental.

3. What are the implications of the existence of composite quarks and leptons?

If composite quarks and leptons were to be discovered, it would provide evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model. It could also help explain some of the unanswered questions in particle physics, such as the origin of mass and the nature of dark matter.

4. How can we detect or study composite quarks and leptons?

Since composite quarks and leptons are predicted to be unstable and have short lifetimes, they can only be indirectly detected through their decay products. This would require high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, to produce and study these particles.

5. Are there any experimental or observational evidence for composite quarks and leptons?

Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence for the existence of composite quarks and leptons. However, there have been some theoretical studies and indirect evidence from precision measurements that suggest their existence. Further research and experimentation are needed to confirm their existence.
