Where Can I Find the Missing Arxiv Paper hep-th/9312153?

  • Thread starter luxxio
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties accessing a paper on arxiv.org due to PDF and Latex format issues. The conversation also mentions a link to the paper's source, which appears to be a text file containing the abstract, references, and main body of the paper. The paper discusses the application of quantum deformations to the $D=4$ Poincar\'e algebra and group, with a focus on the \k-deformation and its impact on the mass shell condition and Hamiltonian for free \k-relativistic particles. The conversation also mentions two possible remedies for the decrease in velocity with increasing energy in this model.
  • #1
but arxiv.org tell me that the pdf (or ps) is not available. the latex format don't work. someone can tell me where i can found it? thanx
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I hope someone else can help. I would write email to one of the authors.
This is what happened to me when I tried. I went to the abstract and clicked on PDF.
I got an error message which said that they have the source but they cannot convert to PDF and it tells me to write email to the authors.

But the word "source" is a link. So I click on that and I get what looks like a text file for the paper itself. I can read, or almost read, this text file. The abstract and the list of references to other papers come first. Then I scroll down and get to the main body of the paper, which looks like this (this is just a short sample):

Recently, many proposals were presented showing how to apply the ideas of
quantum deformations [\rone-\rthree] to the $D=4$ Poincar\'e algebra
[\rfour-\rten] as well as
the $D=4$ Poincar\'e group [\releven-\rsixteen].
The $\kappa$-deformation of the $D=4$ Poincar\'e algebra, first proposed
in [\rfour,\reight], leads to the modification of relativistic symmetries with
three-dimensional $E(3)$ subalgebra unchanged. The deformation
parameter $\kappa$ describes the fundamental mass in the theory
and the limit $\kappa\rightarrow \infty$ corresponds to the undeformed case.

As a consequence of the \k deformation the mass shell condition is changed as
follows ( $\vec p\sp2\equiv p_1\sp2+p_2\sp2+p_3\sp2$) [\reight]:

$$p_0\sp2- \vec p\sp2=m\sp2\quad\rightarrow\quad \bigl(2\kappa sinh{p_0\over
2\kappa}\bigr)\sp2-\vec p\sp2=m\sp2.\eqn\eonethree$$
The \k-deformed mass-shell condition leads to the following modification of
the Hamiltonian of free
\k-relativistic particles:
$$H=P_0=\sqrt{\vec P\sp2+M\sp2}\;
\rightarrow\;H_0\sp{\kappa}=P_0=2\kappa\,arcsinh{\sqrt{\vec P\sp2+M\sp2}\over

In the \k-deformed Poincar\'e algebra, which we describe in section 2,
the four-momenta commute and
we can introduce the space-time
dependence by
the standard Fourier transforms of the four-momenta functions. In such a way we
can choose
the \k-relativistic classical mechanics
to be formulated in terms of
space coordinates satisfying standard relativistic Poisson brackets:
$$\{x\sp{\mu},p\sp{\nu}\}=i\eta\sp{\mu\nu},\qquad \hbox{diag}\eta=(-1,1,1,1).
The form of the Hamilton equations of motion remains also unchanged \ie\
we have
$$\dot x_i={\partial H\sp{\kappa}\over \partial p_i},\quad
\dot p_i=-{\partial H\sp{\kappa}\over \partial x_i}.\eqn\eonefive$$
In such an approach the only change due to the \k-deformation
is the explicit form of the
Hamiltonian (see \eonetwo\ for the free case).

In section 3 we present the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalism
for both the massive and massless
free \k-relativistic particles described by the Hamiltonian
As is known [\rseventeen,\reighteen,\rten], however, the velocity decreases
with the increase
of energy at large
energies ($E\gg \kappa m$) in such a model.

To eliminate the velocity decrease with the increase of energy
we present in section 4 two
possible remedies:
\item{i)} The introduction of space coordinates with nonvanishing Poisson
We consider massive spinless systems and we
introduce the three space coordinates $x\sp{i}$ as the
functions of the \k deformed Poincar\'e algebra generators.
The standard choice, with space variables satisfying \eonefour\ (for
$\mu,\nu=1,2,3$) was found by
Bacry [\reighteen, \rten]. Recently Maggiore [\rnineteen]
proposed other functions
of the \k Poincar\'e generators
which even for a spinless system describe space coordinates with
nonvanishing Poisson brackets. It appears that such a proposal fits nicely
into the schemes in which the symplectic tensor determining
the Hamilton equations is not canonical.
  • #3
You don't have access to the published paper itself?

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  • #4
xepma said:
You don't have access to the published paper itself?


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FAQ: Where Can I Find the Missing Arxiv Paper hep-th/9312153?

1. What is "hep-th/9312153"?

"hep-th/9312153" is a unique identifier for a scientific paper in the field of high energy physics. It is commonly referred to as an "arXiv ID" and is used to help organize and categorize research publications in this field.

2. Why can't I find "hep-th/9312153"?

There could be a few reasons for this. It is possible that the paper has not been published yet or has been removed from the arXiv database. It is also possible that the ID was entered incorrectly. If you are having trouble finding the paper, it is best to contact the author or the arXiv support team for assistance.

3. What is the significance of "hep-th/9312153"?

This particular paper was one of the first to propose a new theory known as "string theory" in the field of high energy physics. It has been cited numerous times and is considered a significant contribution to the field.

4. Can you provide a summary of the contents of "hep-th/9312153"?

The paper discusses the mathematical framework of string theory and its potential applications in understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It also proposes a new approach to solving the equations of motion in string theory, known as "worldsheet supersymmetry". Overall, it presents a new and promising theory for further exploration in the field of high energy physics.

5. How can I access "hep-th/9312153"?

The paper is available for free on the arXiv database. You can access it by searching for the ID "hep-th/9312153" on the arXiv website. If you are unable to access it, you can also contact the author for a copy or request it through your institution's library.

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