Where Did the Electrons Go During Rutherford's Experiment?

  • Thread starter benzun_1999
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In summary, Rutherford's experiment showed that alpha particles were deflected when they hit an atom's nucleus. The electrons had no deciding factor in the path of the alpha particles.
  • #1
Dear reader,
Did the alpha particles hit the electrons during the alpha particle bombardment? if so where did they go?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Er hmm... Rutherford's experiment referred to the deflection of alpha particles, not their absorption. Their detector lacked the sophistication to working out anything to do with that.

alpha - electron interactions? One would expect the alpha particle to simply ionise the particle, and become a helium atom. As far as I know, of course.
  • #3
Are you referring to Rutherford's famous experiment, the one where he fired alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold, expecting them to go through the sheet which a majority of did but some reflected off or were deflected at odd angles? if so then...

The alpha particles that were almost completely reflected hit the nuclei of an atom. An atom's nuclei is massive (full of mass) but compared to at entire atoms radius they are tiny which is why so few were reflected. This is why Rutherford was quoted 'It's like firing a shell at a sheet of paper, and the shell bouncing back' It was that suprising to him because before that he had accepted the traditional 'Plum Puddiing' assumption of atomic structure.

The alpha particles that were deflected off and less obtuse angles where, so did not follow the beam, were repelled by the charge of the nucleus of the gold atoms. The electrons had very little-no deciding factor in the path of the alpha particles.

Im not sure if this has helped answer your question or if you wanted a more detailed answer but oh well, this is the best i can give!
  • #4
yes ...

Yes i am talking about the experiment you mentioned but I am not clear adout the answer you gave. i feel that the alpha particels must have not hit the electrons as electrons were not there due to the reason that they were waves then. as per my hypothesis electronsonly act as particles when an another wave interacts with it.

The more the dimentions we know, more we know.
  • #5
Um yeah... riiiiiiight... theory development, anyone?

- Warren
  • #6
The electrons are simply to small to effect the passage of an alpha particle. How much is the path of your car effected when a bug splats on the windshield?
  • #7
Well, next year is the return of the 17 year cidadas. Enough of them splat on your windshield and you can't see where you're going. Good thing alpha particles don't have drivers. They could really have screwed up the data.

  • #8
Yeah if u think about it an alpha particle is a He2+ ion, so is approximately 3000 times (i think) the size of an electron so there is no worries about electrons, even with their high mass/charge ratio, affecting the path of the alpha particles. :smile: Electrons are seen as waves AND particles depending on the way their interactions are explained. Because theories on electrons having wave like properties, hadnt really been developed until Einstein was around, electrons are classed as particles. If they were waves anyway, surely the interactions would have no affect, all they would do is provide energy but in not enough proportions to affect a high energy stream of massive particles
  • #9
does anyone mean the deep inelastic collision of electrons?
  • #10
I shouldn't think so...what's that anyway?

FAQ: Where Did the Electrons Go During Rutherford's Experiment?

1. What was Rutherford's experiment?

Rutherford's experiment, also known as the gold foil experiment, was a series of experiments conducted by physicist Ernest Rutherford in 1911 to investigate the structure of an atom.

2. What was the purpose of Rutherford's experiment?

The purpose of Rutherford's experiment was to test the prevailing model of the atom, the Thomson model, and to determine if the atom was composed of a solid, positively charged core (nucleus) surrounded by negatively charged electrons.

3. What was the setup of Rutherford's experiment?

Rutherford's experiment involved firing positively charged alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil and observing the deflection of the particles as they passed through the foil.

4. What were the results of Rutherford's experiment?

Rutherford's experiment showed that most of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil, but some were deflected at large angles and a few even bounced back in the direction they came from. This led Rutherford to conclude that the atom is mostly empty space with a small, dense nucleus at the center.

5. How did Rutherford's experiment contribute to our understanding of the atom?

Rutherford's experiment revolutionized our understanding of the atom by disproving the Thomson model and introducing the concept of a small, positively charged nucleus at the center of the atom. This paved the way for further research and discoveries in the field of atomic structure.
