Where do I start? Going back to school.

  • Thread starter tkav1980
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In summary, the individual is 31 years old and graduated high school in 1998. They did not take college seriously and dropped out in 2000 with poor grades. They are now interested in pursuing a career in Physics and are considering retaking algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, and taking English courses at a community college to improve their chances of getting into a reputable university. They are unsure of where to start since it has been a long time since they were in school. Another person with similar circumstances shares their experience of taking transferable credits from a community college and successfully transferring to a decent university's applied physics honors program. They recommend using Khan Academy for self-study in order to excel in both high school and undergraduate
  • #1
31 Years Old
Graduated high school in 1998
Decided not to take college seriously and dropped out with poor grades in 2000.
I'd like to pursue a career in Physics.
I'm not concerned with how long it will take, or how much work it will be at this stage in life, But I am curious as to weather or not retaking algebra, trig, geometry, Calculus and getting a few English courses/ electives out of the way at a community college will put me in a position to get into a reputable university?

It's been so long I really have no idea where to start.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm exactly the same. Same age, same circumstances (more or less). I took as many transferable credits as possible from a CC (58, max 60). I took all my electives and language classes. I also took some non transferable prep physics, chem courses as I forgot everything completely. I think I did around 75 credits total. I've transferred to a decent university's applied physics honours program. I had no problem getting in. Average transfer GPA was 3.2 and I had a 4.0 in physics.

Did all this over 4 years working 40+ hrs a week. Just plodding through 2-3 classes at a time. I am no longer working so I can focus on my upper level physics classes.

What I did was find the course sequence for the university program I wanted and matched up all the transferable classes at the CC. I had to start at the very beginning of the chem sequence (no pre-req's) and I was able to get an exemption to place directly in calc I, since my algebra was strong enough (self study).
  • #3
I'm going to continue to evangelize http://www.khanacademy.org/#browse" I think anyone who is trying to get a leg up in their undergraduate or high school (or heck, elementary or middle school) education should got check it out.
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FAQ: Where do I start? Going back to school.

Where do I start when deciding to go back to school?

The first step is to determine your goals and interests. Think about why you want to go back to school and what you hope to achieve. This will help guide your decision-making process.

How do I choose a degree or program?

Consider your career goals and research which degrees or programs align with those goals. Also, look into the curriculum and course offerings to ensure they will provide the skills and knowledge you need.

What kind of financial aid is available for adult learners?

There are various types of financial aid available for adult learners, including scholarships, grants, loans, and employer tuition assistance. Research these options and determine which ones you may be eligible for.

How do I balance going back to school with other responsibilities?

It's important to create a schedule and prioritize your time. Communicate with your employer, family, and friends about your decision to go back to school and ask for their support. Also, take advantage of resources such as online classes and flexible schedules.

What resources are available to help me succeed?

Most colleges and universities have resources specifically for adult learners, such as academic advising, career services, and support groups. Take advantage of these resources to help you navigate your academic journey.

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