Where does energy come from - electric polarization

In summary, the potential energy released when a dielectric is polarized comes from the electric field itself and is already accounted for in the equations for electrics in matter.
  • #1
Consider a dielectric between two electrodes. If you turn on power the atoms in the dielectric will be polarized, because they are in an electric field. You could also say this as the nucleus and electrons of each atom has a potential energy, which is released.
My question is: Where does this potential energy come from? Certainly it wasn't there before we turned on the voltage...?
Either way it must come from the creation of the field itself, where you separate + and - charge. So my next question is: Why does one not account for the extra potential needed to do this work in the equations for electrics in matter?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The potential energy that is released when the dielectric is polarized comes from the electric field itself. As the electric field is generated, the atoms of the dielectric become polarized and acquire potential energy. This potential energy is stored in the form of electrostatic forces between the atoms and molecules of the dielectric. When the electric field is applied, the work done to create the field is not accounted for in the equations for electrics in matter. This is because the work done to create the electric field is already included in the equation. The equation takes into account the fact that work must be done to create an electric field and thus the potential energy that is released when the dielectric is polarized is included in the equation.

FAQ: Where does energy come from - electric polarization

1. Where does the energy for electric polarization come from?

The energy for electric polarization comes from the movement of charged particles, such as electrons and protons. When these particles are separated and aligned in a certain way, they create an electric field which stores potential energy. This energy can be released when the particles are allowed to move back to their original positions, resulting in electric polarization.

2. How is electric polarization different from electric charge?

Electric polarization and electric charge are two related but distinct concepts. Electric charge refers to the property of matter that causes it to experience an electric force in the presence of other charged objects. On the other hand, electric polarization refers to the creation of an electric dipole moment in a material due to the separation of positive and negative charges. In other words, electric polarization is a consequence of electric charge, but not the same thing.

3. Can any material be electrically polarized?

Yes, any material that contains charged particles, such as atoms or molecules, can be electrically polarized. However, the extent of polarization may vary depending on the material's composition and structure. Some materials, such as metals, have a high electrical conductivity and are less likely to be polarized, while others, such as dielectrics, have lower conductivity and are more easily polarized.

4. What is the role of electric polarization in technology?

Electric polarization plays a crucial role in many modern technologies, including capacitors, sensors, and electronic displays. In capacitors, electric polarization helps to store and release electrical energy, while sensors use polarization to detect changes in electric fields. Electronic displays, such as LCD screens, rely on the ability to control the polarization of light to produce images.

5. How does temperature affect electric polarization?

The effect of temperature on electric polarization depends on the material in question. In general, increasing the temperature of a material will cause its particles to move around more, which can disrupt the alignment of charges and decrease the overall polarization. However, some materials, such as ferroelectric materials, exhibit a phenomenon called the Curie temperature, where their electric polarization disappears at a certain temperature due to a phase transition.
