Where Does Platinum Fit in Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electrolysis?

In summary, the electrolysis process for producing hydrogen from water requires the use of platinum. The platinum is used to help catalyze the two different reactions that occur in the cell, oxidation and reduction. The platinum content is a major expense for fuel cells, as it is quite expensive.
  • #1
Hey folks,

I am currently doing some research on hydrogen fuel cells as part of a project. I just wanted to clear up some confusion I am having with the whole *platinum issue.*

Very generally speaking, this is what I have gathered on H2 Fuel cell vehicles:

1) Electrolysis is needed to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, the former being used for fuel.

2) Somehow the H2 is used to reverse the electrolysis procedure to produce current to drive vehicle.

So for starters, we are not "burning" the hydrogen right? We are using an electrochemical system to drive the vehicle as opposed to a thermomechanical one?

Also, I keep getting confused as to where all if this platinum is being used? Is it in the electrolysis part when producing the hydrogen? Or is it on board in the vehicle while converting the H2 into a current? Or both? I ask because I keep finding loose references to the *platinum issue* in both areas (fuel cells and electrolysis).

So where does all the platinum come into play?

Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
Yes, there is no "burning" of the hydrogen. There is still a red-ox reaction occurring, just in a different manner. In a nut shell, the hydrogen ions and the electrons are spatially separated and are used to create electrical work. In a thermal engine the hydrogen ions and electrons roam about as they will and combine with oxygen to generate heat, used to drive the engine.

The platinum is used as a catalyst for both the hydrogen oxidation and the oxygen reduction reactions. It is located on the surface of the electrodes, which are usually made out of an activated carbon bonded to the polymer electrolyte (if we're talking PEMFCs).

For fuel cells, the platinum comes into play because it works as a great catalyst and allows the H2/O2 reaction to occur spontaneously and efficiently. With no catalyst there would be no reaction unless the cell operated at VERY high temperatures.

For electrolyzers, you really don't need any platinum or any type of catalyst at all. If you put a large enough voltage across water with an electrolyte mixed in, there's going to be H2 on one side and O2 on the other. The reason the platinum is there is because it makes the reaction more efficient. In other words it means you can generate more hydrogen for less electricity so in most cases it pays off to have it in there.
  • #3
Also to add to what Topher925 said...
The platinum content is only an issue because it is a precious metal. It works great but is incredibly expensive, about $1700 per ounce, so it adds significantly to the cost of the fuel cell. A lot of fuel cell research is based on finding different catalysts not based on precious metals so the product might be commercially viable.
  • #4
Hologram0110 said:
... about $1700 per ounce, ...

About $1734 as of this morning and climbing. :smile:

A lot of fuel cell research is based on finding different catalysts not based on precious metals so the product might be commercially viable.

If anyone cares (which no one but me probably does) there was recently a major breakthrough in catalyst research using a N based complex for catalyzing oxygen reduction reactions.

  • #5

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out about your research on hydrogen fuel cells. You are correct in your understanding that hydrogen fuel cells do not involve burning hydrogen in a traditional sense. Instead, they use an electrochemical process to convert the hydrogen into electricity.

The platinum issue you mention is related to the catalyst used in fuel cells to facilitate the electrochemical reaction. Platinum is a highly efficient catalyst for this process, but it is also expensive and rare. This is why there is a focus on finding alternative catalysts that are more affordable and abundant.

In terms of its specific use, platinum is used in both the electrolysis process and in the fuel cell itself. In electrolysis, platinum is used as a catalyst on the anode (positive electrode) to speed up the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. In the fuel cell, platinum is used on the cathode (negative electrode) to facilitate the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity.

I hope this helps clarify the role of platinum in hydrogen fuel cells. Let me know if you have any further questions. Best of luck with your project!

FAQ: Where Does Platinum Fit in Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electrolysis?

What is the difference between a fuel cell and electrolysis?

A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel, such as hydrogen, into electricity. Electrolysis, on the other hand, is the process of using electricity to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Which one is more efficient, fuel cells or electrolysis?

Fuel cells are generally more efficient than electrolysis. The overall efficiency of a fuel cell can reach up to 60%, while the efficiency of electrolysis is typically around 70-80%. This is because electrolysis requires more energy input to produce hydrogen than the energy output from the fuel cell.

What are some common uses for fuel cells and electrolysis?

Fuel cells are commonly used to power vehicles, such as cars and buses, and also for stationary power generation in buildings. Electrolysis is used to produce hydrogen for fuel cells, as well as for chemical production and energy storage.

What are the environmental impacts of fuel cells and electrolysis?

Fuel cells and electrolysis both have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. However, the production of hydrogen through electrolysis may still produce emissions depending on the source of electricity used. Fuel cells produce only water and heat as byproducts.

Which technology is more cost-effective, fuel cells or electrolysis?

The cost-effectiveness of fuel cells and electrolysis depends on various factors such as the type of fuel, scale of production, and availability of renewable energy sources. Currently, fuel cells tend to be more expensive due to the high cost of producing and storing hydrogen, while electrolysis can be more cost-effective in certain applications.

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