Where does surplus current go if i switch off appliance

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of "green day", where the government encourages people to switch off appliances for an hour in the evening. One concern raised is where the current will go if everyone switches off their appliances at the same time. It is explained that there is usually a control station that coordinates the different power stations and regulates the generators. The conversation also touches on the relationship between voltage, current, and power, and how adding load can affect these. Overall, the green day aims to reduce power consumption.
  • #1
jaus tail
Hello everyone,

I've read about green day when government says to switch off appliances for an hour in evening.

But if everyone switches off appliance, then where will all that current go? We cannot stop generator so quickly.

It's like a dam is giving water to three pipes, in full force. Suddenly two pipes are removed, so wouldn't that one pipe carry all the water and if that one pipe doesn't carry water, wouldn't dam explode since there's more water than it can contain?

Who tells the generator, to supply less current?

Also if I have a single load which with a power supply. Load would be resistor(i hope I'm right.) so if i increase resistance in series(which is like adding load) then the total resistance increases, so current should reduce.

I asked professors but they just said that green day works as news papers say so.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
The wave reflects off the end of the open circuit. It registers as a decreased demand at the main control.
Note: nothing like water in pipes - if there is nowhere to go, the current does not go anywhere.

There is usually some sort of control station somewhere - maybe owned by the power company - which coordinates the different power stations. In each station there is a control board to regulate which generators are going and how fast they go - like the throttle in a car. It amounts to some people watching a dial and turning a knob - if the dial gets higher, they turn the know up and if it gets low they turn the knob down.

There is a nice demonstration on video somewhere showing a bicycle powered house.

The principle is the same.

You are interested that big loads should draw more power, but a bigger load at the same voltage draws less current ... suggesting less power is drawn?

Note: in the video, when the shower turns on, adding load to the system, the voltage supplied drops.
The cyclists have to pedal harder to keep the voltage high enough to power the shower.

You pay for power, not current.

The green day reduces power consumption.
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FAQ: Where does surplus current go if i switch off appliance

1. Where does the surplus current go if I switch off the appliance?

When you switch off an appliance, the surplus current is redirected back to the main power supply. This is because the switch interrupts the flow of electricity to the appliance, causing it to stop drawing current. The excess current then travels back through the circuit to the main power source.

2. Is there any danger in leaving surplus current in the appliance if it is switched off?

Yes, there is a potential danger in leaving surplus current in the appliance even if it is switched off. This is because the excess current can cause a buildup of heat in the appliance, which can lead to damage or even a fire hazard. It is important to always switch off and unplug appliances when not in use to prevent this from happening.

3. Can the surplus current go to any other devices in the same circuit?

No, the surplus current will not go to any other devices in the same circuit. This is because each appliance is designed with its own specific circuit to draw and use the necessary amount of current. When the appliance is switched off, the circuit is broken and the surplus current cannot flow to other devices.

4. Will the surplus current continue to flow if the appliance is unplugged?

No, the surplus current will not continue to flow if the appliance is unplugged. When you unplug an appliance, you are essentially breaking the circuit and preventing any current from flowing. This ensures that there is no risk of excess current causing damage or hazards.

5. Why does surplus current exist and where does it come from?

Surplus current exists because the electrical system in a home or building is designed to provide more current than is actually needed by the appliances. This is to account for potential spikes in use and to ensure that the appliances receive enough current to function properly. The surplus current comes from the main power source and is distributed throughout the electrical system.
