Where Does the Energy of Cyclotron Radiation Come From? Solving the Paradox

In summary, there is a paradox surrounding a charged ring that rotates at high speed and emits photons due to its rotating charges. The presence of a toroidal mirror that reflects the photons back inside raises the question of where the energy of the photons comes from. One possible explanation is that it comes from the rotational energy of the system, but this contradicts the law of conservation of angular momentum as the system would have to slow down. Another explanation is that the system does not reduce its rotation, therefore conserving angular momentum, but this contradicts thermodynamics as the energy of the photons would come from nothing. However, the resolution lies in the fact that the photons carry momentum and therefore, the lost angular momentum of the rotating system is accounted for.
  • #1
goran d
Description of the paradox:

We have a charged ring, which rotates at high speed. Since rotating charges produce cyclotron radiation, it emits photons. There is a toroidal mirror around the ring, spinning together with it. The mirror reflects the photons back inside, preventing them from escaping.
The paradox lies in the question, where does the energy of the photons come from. There are two possible answers:

1. The energy comes from the rotational energy of the system. This way, the energy is conserved, but then, the system has to slow down its rotation, which contradicts the law of conservation of angular momentum.
2. The system does not reduce it's rotation. Angular momentum is conserved, but then, the energy of the photons comes from nothing, which contradicts thermodynamics.
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  • #2
1. The energy comes from the rotational energy of the system. This way, the energy is conserved, but then, the system has to slow down its rotation, which contradicts the law of conservation of angular momentum.
The photons carry momentum, everything is fine.

For a perfect mirror, it does not matter if it rotates, by the way.
  • #3
goran d said:
Since rotating charges produce cyclotron radiation, it emits photons.

A uniformly charged ring rotating about its axis does not radiate. (If you don't believe me, calculate the power radiated)
  • #4
Vanadium is right, if the electric current was constant, there would be no radiation according to Maxwell's equations. In fact it is said that in the first years of cyclotrons, nobody expected radiation from them. It was discovered accidentally.

For more realistic description of the cyclotron radiation, we can replace the continuous current by a series of bunches of point-like electrons. One bunch contains many (>##10^9## ?) electrons. These move more-less like one big charged body and because of the separations between different bunches, there are points in space where the current density is no longer constant in time. Then we get radiation of energy from the electrons.

The paradox lies in the question, where does the energy of the photons come from.

The energy of radiation comes from the energy of the circling electrons, which consists of their kinetic energy and the electromagnetic energy of the field near them. There is no paradox with conservation of angular momentum, since the radiation emitted carries the lost angular momentum.

I think that perfect mirror does not exist, so sooner or later the radiation will leak out, but if it was there as a sort of spatial restriction (toroidal universe), the angular momentum of particles + field would be constant too.
  • #5

As a scientist, the first step in addressing this paradox would be to carefully examine the assumptions and conditions of the system described. It is important to note that the concept of a "perfect" toroidal mirror, one that can reflect all photons without any loss, is not physically possible. In reality, there will always be some energy loss due to imperfections in the mirror.

Furthermore, the idea of a charged ring rotating at high speeds is also a simplification of a complex system. In reality, there would be other forces acting on the ring, such as friction, which would also result in energy loss.

With these considerations in mind, it is possible to propose a solution to the paradox. One possibility is that the energy of the photons comes from a combination of the rotational energy of the system and the imperfections in the mirror. This would result in a gradual decrease in the rotation of the ring, as well as a decrease in the intensity of the emitted photons over time.

Another solution could be that the energy of the photons is not coming from the system itself, but from external sources. For example, the charged ring could be placed in a magnetic field, which could provide the necessary energy for the emission of photons. This would not contradict the laws of thermodynamics, as the energy is coming from an external source rather than being created within the system.

In conclusion, the Cyclotron radiation paradox highlights the importance of carefully considering all factors and assumptions in a system before drawing conclusions. It also reminds us that in the complex world of science, seemingly paradoxical situations can often be explained by taking into account a broader range of factors and variables.

FAQ: Where Does the Energy of Cyclotron Radiation Come From? Solving the Paradox

1. What is the Cyclotron radiation paradox?

The Cyclotron radiation paradox is a concept in physics that describes the apparent contradiction between classical electromagnetic theory and quantum mechanics when it comes to predicting the radiation emitted by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field. According to classical theory, the charged particle should emit continuous radiation, while quantum mechanics predicts that the radiation should be emitted in discrete packets or quanta.

2. Why is it called a paradox?

The term "paradox" is used because the predictions of classical and quantum theories seem to contradict each other, leading to a paradoxical situation. This paradox has been resolved by the development of quantum electrodynamics, which combines both classical and quantum theories to accurately describe the radiation emitted by charged particles in a magnetic field.

3. How was the Cyclotron radiation paradox resolved?

The Cyclotron radiation paradox was resolved by the development of quantum electrodynamics (QED). QED combines classical and quantum theories to accurately describe the behavior of particles and their interactions with electromagnetic fields. In QED, the radiation emitted by a charged particle in a magnetic field is described as a series of discrete events or quanta, rather than a continuous stream of radiation as predicted by classical theory.

4. What are the practical applications of the Cyclotron radiation paradox?

The understanding of the Cyclotron radiation paradox has led to the development of technologies such as particle accelerators and medical imaging devices, which rely on the precise control and manipulation of charged particles in magnetic fields. Additionally, the resolution of this paradox has contributed to our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the behavior of matter at a subatomic level.

5. Are there any other paradoxes related to Cyclotron radiation?

There are other paradoxes related to Cyclotron radiation, such as the Synchrotron radiation paradox, which describes the apparent contradiction between classical and quantum theories when predicting the radiation emitted by a charged particle moving in a circular orbit. This paradox was also resolved by the development of QED, and it has similar practical applications to the Cyclotron radiation paradox.

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