Where does the heat of super-nova end up after black hole formation?

In summary: But that's not really what happens. What actually happens is that the energy can't escape, so it accumulates over time. Eventually the black hole becomes so dense that it's impossible for any energy to escape, and so it ends up with a temperature of about absolute zero.
  • #1
When a massive star dies, you either get a neutron star, or a black hole.

From my lecture, neutron star are extremely hot object, with temperature around 10E11 to 10E12 kelvin.

I'd assume black hole created from a similar process with just more mass, wouldn't have temperature any lower.

But I also read that black hole have temperature proportional to their size, which for solar sized one is measured in nano kelvin.

So my question is, how does a black hole get rid of its birthing creation temperature?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
It doesn't. All that happens is the associated energy cannot escape, so it contributes to the mass of the black hole.
  • #3
Black holes are so amazing -__-
  • #4
Most of the energy of the supernova - including the case where a Neutrino star is remaining, is radiated away by photons and neutrinos. The remaining energy is either in the remnant's mass, heat, or rotational kinetic energy.
  • #5
As said previously.. what you end up after a supernova are the SNR i.e supernova remnants the ingredients to the formation of heavier elements such as gold,etc. That's how we have got gold on our planet.

If my memory serves me right.. a flux of degenerate neutrons in a very short duration is radiated out, usually this would disintegrate but i think it forms heavier isotopes of different elements in a reaction called s-process.
  • #6
Khursed said:
So my question is, how does a black hole get rid of its birthing creation temperature?

It swallows up all of the heat. Naively you'd expect a black hole to have a temperature of absolute zero since it eats up all of the energy falling into it. Where Stephen Hawking got his big start was to point out that this won't work without causing lots of heat problems, and so black holes have to have some small temperature.

If you put something really, really hot next to something really, really cold, you'd expect that energy to flow very quickly from the hot thing to the cold thing, which is what happens with a black hole.

FAQ: Where does the heat of super-nova end up after black hole formation?

1. What is a super-nova?

A super-nova is a catastrophic explosion that occurs when a massive star dies. It is one of the most powerful events in the universe, releasing an immense amount of energy and matter into space.

2. How does a black hole form from a super-nova?

When a massive star runs out of fuel, it can no longer support its own weight and collapses under its own gravity. This collapse creates a massive explosion known as a super-nova. The remaining core of the star then collapses even further, becoming infinitely dense and creating a black hole.

3. What happens to the heat of a super-nova during black hole formation?

During the collapse of a super-nova, the intense heat and energy of the explosion is converted into gravitational potential energy. As the star's core becomes infinitely dense, the heat is trapped inside the black hole.

4. Can the heat of a super-nova escape a black hole?

No, according to the laws of physics, nothing, including heat and light, can escape a black hole. This is due to the extreme gravitational pull of the black hole, which is so strong that not even light can escape it.

5. Is the heat of a super-nova important for the formation of a black hole?

Yes, the heat and energy of a super-nova are crucial for the formation of a black hole. Without this intense explosion, the star would not have enough energy to collapse and form a black hole. The heat also plays a role in the formation of the black hole's accretion disk, which feeds the black hole with matter.
