Where is has the other half of the energy gone ?

  • Thread starter MrPhy
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In summary, in the ideal case where there is no resistance for any switch or wire, the energy in the capacitors will be radiated away as EM or lost to heat. This is because energy is conserved and if it is not in the capacitors, it must be lost through some other means. This is similar to the scenario of two connected water tanks where the energy is lost through oscillation and friction.
  • #1
Where is has the other half of the energy gone ??

this is quite a common question asked in many interviews.There are two capacitors C.Intially one capacitor is charged to V volts while the other is at zero volts.At t=0,a switch connects both of them in parallel.Due to charge sharing the voltage at the node connecting both of the capacitors become V/2 volts.Now the question is the energy before the switch was closed was 1/2 CV^2 and the total energy after the switch was closed is 1/4 CV^2.WHere is has the other half of the energy gone ?

Note : this problem it is in the ideal case , where no resistance for any switch or wire
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  • #2
Just a guess based on previous threads, but probably into the resistance of the switch/wire. That seems to be where energy usually goes.
  • #3
Energy is radiated away.
  • #4

Doc Al said:
Energy is radiated away.

we never anyone of US while studying charging & discarging of Cap we study radiated

and if so , you mean that the connecting wires are antennas

but our problem is valid whatever was the wire length (so short , so long ...etc)

so the raditation depends a lot on the antenna length ?
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  • #5
Something's got to give somewhere. :smile:

If you ignore resistance and radiative losses, why wouldn't the charge keep oscillating back and forth? Even with very low resistance, you'll have energy radiated away. (Even the capacitor plates will radiate.) Through some mechanism, energy will be lost until the charges have done their thing and settled into the new configuration.
  • #6
MrPhy said:
we never anyone of US while studying charging & discarging of Cap we study radiated

and if so
That's why its a decent interview question. It makes you think a little beyond what you actually studied. Bottom line is that energy is conserved. If it isn't in the capacitors then it must be radiated away as EM or lost to heat.
  • #7
Doc Al said:
If you ignore resistance and radiative losses, why wouldn't the charge keep oscillating back and forth?
Similar scenario: Consider two cylindrical water tanks connected by a pipe at the bottom, with a valve in the pipe. One water tank is full, the other empty. Open the valve. At some point in the future, the water level will be equal in both tanks and the potential energy 1/2 what it was before. Where did the energy go?

The answer is, the water will oscillate back and forth between the two tanks until the friction in the pipe and viscous friction in the water absorbs (and reradiates) the kinetic energy.

FAQ: Where is has the other half of the energy gone ?

1. What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or converted from one form to another.

2. How does this law apply to the missing half of the energy?

The missing half of the energy is not actually missing, but rather it has been converted into another form that may not be easily recognizable or measurable.

3. Can you give an example of energy conversion?

One example of energy conversion is the conversion of chemical energy from food into mechanical energy in our bodies as we move and perform physical activities.

4. Is it possible for energy to be completely lost?

No, according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be completely lost. It may be dispersed or become more difficult to detect, but it still exists in some form.

5. How does this concept relate to energy efficiency?

The conservation of energy principle highlights the importance of using energy efficiently. By minimizing energy waste and maximizing energy conversion, we can make the most of the energy we have and reduce our overall energy consumption.

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