Where is the Equilibrium Position of a Bead on a Rotating Circular Wire?

Your Name]In summary, the problem involves a particle constrained to move on a rotating circular wire. The equilibrium position and frequency of small oscillations are to be determined. The potential energy is calculated using the forces of gravity and centripetal force, and a critical angular velocity is found that separates the motion into two types. However, there were mistakes in the calculation of the potential energy and differentiation of the potential energy with respect to θ. The correct interpretation of the critical angular velocity is that it separates the particle's motion into stable and unstable circular motion.
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Homework Statement

A particle is constrained to move without friction on a circular wire rotating with constant speed ω about a vertical diameter. Find the equilibrium position of the particle, and calculate the frequency of small oscillations around this position. Find and interpret physically a critical angular velocity, ω = ωc, that divides the particle’s motion into two distinct types.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I set it up in spherical coordinates. The wire is [itex]\rho^2+z^2=R^2[/itex] and it is being rotated about the z axis (rho lies in x-y plane). I set [itex]\theta[/itex] to be the angle measured around the circle counterclockwise from the rho axis. The forces acting on the particle are gravity (mg) and centripetal force ([itex]-m\rho\omega^2[/itex]). The potential due to gravity is then mgy and the potential due to centripetal force is:

[itex]\int_{0}^{\rho}m\rho\omega^2 d\rho=\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2\rho^2=\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2R^2cos^2(\theta)[/itex]
Gravitational potential becomes mgy=mgRsin(θ). Now my total potential energy is:

I differentiate with respect to θ and set equal to zero:

I'm concerned about this answer. As ω→0, θ diverges. I should get θ → -π/2

Where did I screw this up? Thank you.
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. I would like to offer some feedback on your solution attempt.

Firstly, your set-up in spherical coordinates seems appropriate for this problem. However, I believe you have made a mistake in your calculation of the potential due to centripetal force. The correct expression should be:

U = -∫Fdr = -∫(-mρω²)dr = ∫mρω²dr = 1/2mω²ρ²

This is because the force is acting in the ρ direction, and the potential energy is defined as the negative of the work done by the force. This result is consistent with your expression for the potential due to gravity.

Secondly, when you differentiate the potential energy with respect to θ, you should also take into account the chain rule. The correct expression should be:

U_θ = mgRcos(θ) - mω²R²cos(θ)sin(θ)θ' = 0

where θ' is the derivative of θ with respect to time. This will give you a different expression for θ, which will not diverge as ω→0.

Finally, I believe the interpretation of the critical angular velocity ωc is that it separates the motion of the particle into two distinct types: stable circular motion when ω < ωc, and unstable circular motion when ω > ωc. This can be seen from the fact that the equilibrium position θ is only defined for ω < ωc, and for ω > ωc, there is no equilibrium position and the particle will spiral outward or inward along the wire.

I hope this helps clarify your solution attempt. Keep up the good work!

Related to Where is the Equilibrium Position of a Bead on a Rotating Circular Wire?

1. What is a "Bead on a wire" system?

The "Bead on a wire" system is a simple physics experiment that consists of a bead or a weight that slides along a wire or a string. The system is often used to demonstrate the concept of potential energy.

2. What is potential energy in this context?

Potential energy is the energy that is stored in a system due to its position or configuration. In the "Bead on a wire" system, the potential energy is the energy that the bead possesses due to its position on the wire.

3. How does the potential energy of the bead change as it moves along the wire?

The potential energy of the bead increases as it moves higher up on the wire and decreases as it moves lower. This is because the higher the bead is on the wire, the more gravitational potential energy it possesses.

4. What factors affect the potential energy of the bead?

The potential energy of the bead is affected by its mass, the height of the wire, and the strength of the gravitational field. The potential energy also changes if external forces, such as friction or air resistance, are acting on the bead.

5. How is the potential energy of the bead related to its kinetic energy?

The potential energy of the bead can be converted into kinetic energy as it slides down the wire. As the bead moves, its potential energy decreases while its kinetic energy increases. At the bottom of the wire, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, and the bead is moving at its maximum speed.
