Where is the Error in Calculating the Magnetic Field of a Current Loop?

In summary, the goal is to find the magnetic field along the z-axis of a circular loop with constant current lying in the z=0 plane. Using the formula B = (u_o I/4pi) (dl x vec(r))/r^3, where dl is the length around the loop and vec(r) is the vector of r, it is determined that the numerator should be -2piR^2 rather than -2piRz. After doing a Google search for "magnetic field of current loop along the z axis," a helpful resource is found with a diagram and explanation. It is ultimately determined that dBz should equal cosine theta, not sine theta, when looking at the diagram.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find magnetic field along the z-axis of a circular loop, radius R with constant current lying in the z=0 plane.

Homework Equations

vec(r) = vector of r.
zhat = unit vector z.

The Attempt at a Solution

So starting with the definition, B = (u_o I/4pi) (dl x vec(r))/r^3, where:
\vec(r) = z(zhat) - R(s hat), thus:
r = root(z^2 + R^2)

also dl x vec(r) = vec(r)dl(phi x s) = (dl)(-zhat). Since dl = length around current loop = 2piR:
dl x vec(r) = -2piR(zhat) vec(r).

Here's where I get stuck.
If I continue along this line of thought, zhat (from the cross product) dotted with vec(r) will give me z, and my numerator will end up being -2piRz, but the answer says the numerator should be -2piR^2. Basically, I should have an R instead of z, but I don't know where I'm going wrong. I know other approaches will give me the right answer, but can someone identify along my train of thought what the problem with this approach is?

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  • #3
I'm looking at it, but judging from the diagram it looks like dBz should equal cosine theta, not sine theta which is what they're claiming... Still kind of confused.
  • #4
AriAstronomer said:
I'm looking at it, but judging from the diagram it looks like dBz should equal cosine theta, not sine theta which is what they're claiming... Still kind of confused.

Draw your own picture. When theta goes to 90 degrees dB = dB_z as required.
  • #5

Hello Arielle,

Your approach seems to be on the right track, but there are a few errors in your calculations. First, the vector dl should be pointing in the direction of the current, which is in the z-direction. Therefore, dl should be equal to R(phi hat), where phi is the azimuthal angle around the loop. This means that the cross product dl x vec(r) should be equal to R(zhat x phi hat), which gives a result of R(s hat).

Next, when you take the dot product of zhat with vec(r), you should get a result of z, not R. This is because vec(r) is a vector pointing from the origin to a point on the loop, and in this case, the point is located at a distance z above the origin. Therefore, the z component of vec(r) is simply z.

Putting these together, we get a result of -2piR^2 for the numerator, which matches the correct answer. I hope this helps clarify your approach. Keep up the good work in your scientific studies!

FAQ: Where is the Error in Calculating the Magnetic Field of a Current Loop?

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a physical phenomenon that describes the force exerted by magnets and electric currents on each other. It is a vector field, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is typically represented by magnetic field lines.

How is a magnetic field created by a current loop?

A current loop is a closed circuit in which an electric current flows through a wire. When a current flows through a loop, it creates a circular magnetic field around the wire that is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. This magnetic field is strongest at the center of the loop and becomes weaker as you move away from the loop.

What is the direction of the magnetic field of a current loop?

The direction of the magnetic field of a current loop can be determined using the right-hand rule. If you point your right thumb in the direction of the current flow, your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field lines. Alternatively, you can also use the right-hand grip rule, where your fingers wrap around the loop in the direction of the current and your thumb points in the direction of the magnetic field.

How is the strength of the magnetic field of a current loop calculated?

The strength of the magnetic field of a current loop is directly proportional to the current flowing through the loop and the number of loops in the circuit. It is also inversely proportional to the distance from the loop. The mathematical formula for calculating the magnetic field strength at a point is B = μ0I/2R, where B is the magnetic field strength, μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current, and R is the distance from the center of the loop.

What are some real-world applications of the magnetic field of a current loop?

The magnetic field of a current loop has several practical applications. It is used in devices such as electric motors and generators, where the interaction between the magnetic field and current causes motion. It is also used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, which use strong magnetic fields to produce detailed images of the human body. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field, which is created by currents in its molten iron core, protects our planet from harmful solar radiation and is essential for compass navigation.
