Where should I go after Boas' Mathematical Methods in Physics?

In summary, the conversation discusses a student's efforts to fill in gaps in their applied math background during the summer before their sophomore year of undergrad. They have taken theory-based courses in linear algebra and analysis, but feel the need for a more condensed and practical resource. They also ask for recommendations on self-studying texts and the importance of being proficient in math for graduate school. Suggestions for textbooks and topics to focus on are also given.
  • #1
I'm currently a rising sophomore (undergrad), and I'm trying to fill in some gaps in my applied math background this summer. So far, I've taken linear algebra and multi/intro analysis, but they were both theory-only and had very few applications (ex: I finished LA without knowing the various methods of diagonalizing or inverting a given matrix). I just finished going through Boas' text, but I feel like I need something a little more condensed (only bits and pieces of about 1/3 of the chapters I hadn't seen before). Any recommendations? (For next year I'm looking at QM, stat mech, and possibly GR)

Also, is self-studying texts the best way to be going about this? I would really prefer saving an elective spot for pure math rather than a mathematical methods in physics course.
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  • #2
Can you work any problem in Boas cold? Stick your finger in the book and work the nearest problem?
  • #3
physics16 said:
I'm currently a rising sophomore (undergrad), and I'm trying to fill in some gaps in my applied math background this summer. So far, I've taken linear algebra and multi/intro analysis, but they were both theory-only and had very few applications (ex: I finished LA without knowing the various methods of diagonalizing or inverting a given matrix). I just finished going through Boas' text, but I feel like I need something a little more condensed (only bits and pieces of about 1/3 of the chapters I hadn't seen before). Any recommendations? (For next year I'm looking at QM, stat mech, and possibly GR)

I don't quite understand this. What exactly do you mean by "... I've just finished going throught Boas' text..."? Did you work through all the problems in that text?

You claim to have done linear algebra by "... theory only..." and "... without knowing ...diagonalization...". But you have "gone through" Boas? She covered both applications and diagonalization in linear algebra. Did you go through those? Have you mastered it?

This is a head-scratcher.

  • #4
Sorry for the ambiguity. By "go through" I meant that I skimmed through portions I was familiar with, read the sections I wasn't, and then worked on the exercises I thought I couldn't do/looked interesting. Could I do any problem cold? No. I'd have to look up the special functions in chapters 11 and 12, but anything else is fair game. In general, my confidence in solving the problems still depends on whether I've been using the techniques in physics throughout the semester (ex: I know Rodrigues' Formula by heart; I'd be a little more pressed to come up with a Bessel function).

@ZapperZ: I read Boas' text after my linear algebra course, so yes, I was able to fill in that particularly glaring hole.
  • #5
If you can't work every problem, it's probably too soon to move on.
  • #6
Personally, I think that math is sorely lacking in undergrad physics programs, at least in the US. I suggest you get some good "math for scientists and engineers" books. These are my favorites, I still have old editions of them all on my shelf and refer to them after 20 or so years:





Personally, I think that you should know everything in these books (or know where to find it when you need it) by the time you graduate. We had to take courses in complex variables, boundary value problems, and vector analysis through the math dept as requirements for the BS in physics but now it seems that they want to cram it all into a methods course in the physics dept. I don't know how you can understand or become proficient in anything by taking a course with a book like Boas. If you have any plans to go to grad school you'll want to be proficient at math.
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  • #8
The ultimate (in my opinion) mathematical methods book is Bender & Orszag. If you are as comfortable with Boas as you suggest you should find the text manageable.

If you want a text like Boas 2.0 there is always Arfken & Weber, Byron & Fuller, Hassani, etc. Take your pick.

If you want a more focused textbook, for example, say you want to focus on PDES, a text such as Strauss is well oriented for physics. This is not quite what you asked for but if you want to start learning differential geometry (which may or may not be useful depending on your inclinations) a textbook like Do Carmo Differential geometry of curves and surfaces is a pretty good choice too.
  • #9
I agree with Fusiontron, I forgot about that book. It's probably the most complete at your level. I wouldn't even begin to read Bender until you've mastered everything at your level. It's more advanced, mainly asymptotics and advanced perturbation techniques.

Related to Where should I go after Boas' Mathematical Methods in Physics?

1. Where can I find more advanced mathematical methods for physics beyond Boas' textbook?

There are many resources available for learning advanced mathematical methods for physics. Some popular options include textbooks such as Arfken and Weber's "Mathematical Methods for Physicists" and Hassani's "Mathematical Methods for Students of Physics and Related Fields." Online resources such as Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourseWare also offer free lectures and practice problems on various mathematical topics for physics.

2. Are there any specific mathematical topics I should focus on after Boas' Mathematical Methods in Physics?

After Boas' textbook, it is recommended to focus on advanced calculus topics such as vector calculus, complex analysis, and partial differential equations. Linear algebra, group theory, and Fourier analysis are also important for more advanced physics topics.

3. How important is it to have strong mathematical skills for physics?

Mathematical skills are crucial for understanding and solving problems in physics. However, the level of mathematical proficiency needed depends on the specific field of physics. For example, theoretical physicists require a deeper understanding of advanced mathematical concepts compared to experimental physicists.

4. Can I skip certain sections of Boas' textbook if I feel confident in those topics?

While it is possible to skip certain sections of the textbook, it is not recommended. Boas' textbook covers a wide range of mathematical methods that are all relevant to physics, and skipping sections may lead to gaps in understanding. It is better to review and reinforce all topics to have a strong foundation for further learning.

5. Are there any online resources for practicing mathematical problems in physics?

Yes, there are many online resources for practicing mathematical problems in physics. Some popular options include Khan Academy, Brilliant, and Physics Stack Exchange. Additionally, many textbooks have accompanying workbooks or online problem sets for practice. It is important to regularly practice solving problems to improve mathematical skills in physics.

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