Where should I go to college for astrophysics?

In summary, the person is deciding between attending UMD College Park or UChicago for their undergraduate studies in order to pursue a PhD in astrophysics. They are considering double-majoring in aerospace engineering at UMD. The person is also concerned about the cost of attending UChicago and whether it will affect their ability to afford graduate school. However, it is unlikely that affording grad school will be an issue as Ph.D. students in physics typically receive enough funding to cover basic expenses. The person also mentions the potential impact of undergraduate debt on their ability to pay for grad school.
  • #1
julia tepper
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping to end up with a PhD in astrophysics. Where should I go to college? I have a full ride at UMD College Park, and I got into UChicago. If I go to UMD, I'd probably double-major in aerospace engineering. Which school would be better at getting me to a good PhD program? Also, if I spend all my money on Chicago, I'm worried about not being able to afford grad school. Is this an issue? Thanks!

P.S. Any help would be greatly appreciated bc I have to decide tonight :smile:
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  • #2
julia tepper said:
if I spend all my money on Chicago, I'm worried about not being able to afford grad school. Is this an issue?

Probably not, at least as far as affording grad school is concerned. Ph.D. students in physics and presumably astrophysics also, normally receive enough funding to support a very basic lifestyle. I was even able to save a little bit of money during grad school, by always sharing an apartment, and not owning a car until near the end. (Disclaimer: this was > 30 years ago.)

However, if you rack up debt during undergrad, you probably won't be able to pay off much if any of it during grad school, so the interest will keep accumulating even though you won't actually have to pay anything until you finish.

FAQ: Where should I go to college for astrophysics?

1. What are the top schools for astrophysics?

Some of the top schools for astrophysics include Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Princeton University, Harvard University, and University of California, Berkeley.

2. What should I consider when choosing a college for astrophysics?

Some factors to consider when choosing a college for astrophysics include the faculty and their research interests, the availability of research opportunities, the quality of the astrophysics program, the resources and facilities available, and the location of the college.

3. How important is the reputation of a college for astrophysics?

The reputation of a college for astrophysics can be important as it can indicate the quality of the program and the opportunities available. However, it is also important to consider other factors such as faculty, resources, and research opportunities.

4. Do I need to attend a prestigious college for astrophysics to have a successful career?

No, attending a prestigious college is not a guarantee for a successful career in astrophysics. It is more important to have a strong foundation in astrophysics and to gain research experience and skills during your college years.

5. Are there any specific courses or programs I should look for in an astrophysics college?

Some important courses and programs to look for in an astrophysics college include courses in advanced mathematics, physics, and computer science, as well as research opportunities and programs in astrophysics. It may also be beneficial to look for opportunities to work with telescopes and other astronomical equipment.

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