Where should the violinist place their finger to play concert A?

In summary, the conversation discusses the method for finding the placement of a violinist's finger in order to play a note with a specific frequency. The correct method involves using the equation v = frequency * wavelength and dividing the wavelength for concert A by 2. There is some disagreement about the resulting answer of 0.624m, as it is much longer than the actual length of the violin string.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A violin string has a length of 0.35m and is tuned to concert G (a frequency of 392Hz). Where must the violionist place her finger to play concert A, with a frequency of 440Hz?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I used v= frequency * wavelength and found the velocity, then found the wavelength for concert A and devided by 2. Is this the right method?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Depends on what you used for wavelength. If you used 2*0.35, then yes, it's correct.
  • #3

So would the answer be 0.624m?
  • #4

a.a said:
So would the answer be 0.624m?

I wouldn't think so. The violin sting itself is only 0.35m, your answer is nearly double it's length!

FAQ: Where should the violinist place their finger to play concert A?

What are waves in playing a violin?

Waves in playing a violin refer to the vibrations produced in the strings of the instrument when it is played. These vibrations are responsible for creating the sound that we hear.

How do waves affect the sound produced by a violin?

The waves produced by a violin have a direct impact on the sound quality and characteristics of the instrument. The frequency, amplitude, and shape of the waves determine the pitch, volume, and timbre of the sound, respectively.

What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves in a violin?

Transverse waves are produced when the strings of the violin are plucked or bowed, causing the strings to vibrate perpendicular to their length. Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, are created when the sound waves travel through the air inside the violin's body, producing a resonant sound.

How can waves be manipulated to produce different sounds on a violin?

Waves can be manipulated in several ways to create different sounds on a violin. By changing the pressure and position of the fingers on the strings, the frequency and amplitude of the waves can be altered, resulting in different pitches and volumes. The use of different bowing techniques can also affect the shape and quality of the waves, producing a variety of timbres.

Can waves in a violin be affected by external factors?

Yes, waves in a violin can be affected by external factors such as temperature, humidity, and the material and condition of the strings. These factors can influence the tension and elasticity of the strings, ultimately affecting the waves produced and the sound of the instrument.
