Which brand of graphic calculator is best

In summary, a human graduate student is most productive, but not always very reliable. A TI-83 or 84 would be perfectly fine for a high school student. A TI-86 is overkill for high school, but could be used through college. A graphing calculator is not very useful in college, but can be useful in high school. A spreadsheet or CASS program such as MATLAB is better than a graphing calculator, but a student probably isn't going to be able to use their laptop in place of a calculator on tests.

What brand?

  • Hewlett Packard

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Casio

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Texas Instruments

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
My son needs one for school, my friend who is a government scientist said Casio, however the last Casio watch I owned probably lost 5 minutes a day how could I possibly trust them to make an advanced calculating device?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
TI-83 plus. Used it from high school through grad school. I've also used only one pencil throughout college, a zebra M-402.
  • #3
I agree on a Texas Instrumentals. I've got a TI-86, I think.
  • #4
I have always used a Casio CFX 9850 GB Plus. It is a far better calculator with a very large range of functions. I find the TI to be a bit basic for the real scientist/engineer.
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  • #5
What "School," High school or college?

If High school, the TI-84 is probably the best option. I use lab sensors that interface with student's calculators for data logging, and the 84s have always had the least glitches.

If for college, especially engineering, the TI-89 is probably better. It's capability of graphing 3 dimensional vector fields makes me cry (when I remember the math I had to do back in 1985, while these things spit out a matrix in a click, I just sob).

I clicked HP in the poll when I meant to click TI. My preferred (non graphing) calculator for my own general use is an HP RPN calculator, but my recommendation for you is the TI 84.
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  • #6
Cyrus said:
TI-83 plus. Used it from high school through grad school. I've also used only one pencil throughout college, a zebra M-402.

Silly Cyrus, a zebra is a mammal, not a pencil. tsk tsk.


Ohh, wait, I see, you mean a Zebra. The lack of a capital there had me confused.
  • #7
The only problem with the TI-89 is that it's often banned for some of your freshmen/sophomore level math classes. I think a TI-86 is overkill for high school, but it could carry one all the way through college and beyond, and definitely through the first year or two of college if one wanted to eventually upgrade to the TI-89.

Of course, a TI-83 or 84 could also carry one all the way through college. In fact, you could still get through college using a slide rule. (Not much fun working with matrices, though).

In college, there were probably one or two problems a class where a graphing calculator really came in handy and maybe two or three classes where where a good electronic calculator was nearly indispensable. A spreadsheet or CASS program such as MATLAB works a lot better than a graphing calculator, but, obviously, a student probably isn't going to be able to use their laptop in place of a calculator on tests.

I finished my EE degree just a couple years ago and I used either a Pickett N4-ES Dual Base Hyperbolic Speed Rule or my standard Post 1460 Versalog at least 90% of the time (the N4-ES was better suited for electrical engineering, but the bamboo of the Versalog just had a special feel to it), excel spreadsheets for most of the calculations I did on the computer, Matlab for problems I couldn't set up very well in Excel, and used my TI-86 barely at all in most classes.
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  • #8
I've only used TI but it has worked fine. If for high school a TI-84 would probably be perfect.
  • #9
"Human graduate student" is the most productive, although sometimes not very reliable. But most of the time very graphic.

FAQ: Which brand of graphic calculator is best

1. What are the top brands of graphic calculators on the market?

The top brands of graphic calculators on the market include Texas Instruments, Casio, HP, Sharp, and Graphing Calculator.

2. What features should I look for in a graphic calculator?

When choosing a graphic calculator, consider features such as screen resolution, memory capacity, processing speed, graphing capabilities, and compatibility with various mathematical functions and equations.

3. How do I determine which brand of graphic calculator is best for my needs?

The best brand of graphic calculator for your needs will depend on your specific usage and preferences. Consider factors such as budget, required features, and brand reputation when making your decision.

4. What is the price range for graphic calculators?

The price range for graphic calculators can vary depending on the brand, features, and model. Basic models can cost around $20, while more advanced models can cost up to $200 or more.

5. Are there any brand-specific advantages or disadvantages for graphic calculators?

Each brand of graphic calculator may have its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Texas Instruments is known for its advanced graphing capabilities, while Casio is known for its affordable pricing. It is important to research and compare different brands to determine which one best fits your needs.

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