Which Command to Use for Spacing in LaTeX?

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter MathematicalPhysicist
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In summary, the problem is that I want to write with spacings between words, but don't know which command to use, is it:\vspaceor \haspace and where to place it?
  • #1
Gold Member
I have this problem, I want to write with spacings between words, but don't know which command to use, is it:
or \haspace and where to place it?

here's the code (disregard what is written there (-: ):

$$ Let's define a quasi-function, as a function defined by a series as: f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}


Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I don't think I understand the question: where do you want the spaces? Do you want to write words in a maths environment and have spaces between the words?
  • #3
Yes, the file that I get from the above code is displayed in one sentence without any spaces between the words, I would like to know how to fix this.

Thanks in advance.
  • #4
Two possibilities:

1) Only write the formula within the $$-signs:
Let's define a quasi-function, as a function defined by a series as: $$f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}$$

2) Use the \text{} mode within the $$-signs:
$$ \text{Let's define a quasi-function, as a function defined by a series as:} f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}$$
  • #5
A third option, if you really want the words to be formatted the same as the maths,

$$ Let's\ define\ a\ quasi-function,\ as\ a\ function\ defined\ by\ a\ series\ as:\ f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}$$I would advise you to use one of the options Edgardo gives you, though, since that's the usual way to format things.
  • #6
I used both your approaches, but with with no success, eventually, what I tried is this code:
Let's define a quasi-function, as a function defined by a series as:\end{verbatim}$f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}$

which is better than my other attmepts, now the problem is that in this way the equation is typed beneath the sentence, is there any way to write such that the equation and the sentence before it will be typed in the same line?

P.s this way I indeed have the spaces between the words, because it's in a typstting form.
  • #7
If you type something like


Let's define a quasi-function, as a function defined by a series as:
$f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}$


then it should work. You don't need to use the verbatim environment for everything that you want to write. Are you using a weird class file, or something?
  • #8
I tried it your way, cristo, but this way it only prints the equation.
I don't follow though, what is a 'class file'?
  • #9
At the top of your latex file, you will have a line that looks something like


where xxx is the name of the class file. The most common class file is "article", but there are different class files for different purposes (journal papers, theses, etc..). So, what does the documentclass line look like in your file?
  • #10
Please try the following basic example and tell us if the spacing is ok or not...


\author{me myself}

Just plain text with no formulas...
  • #11
Ok, now it works, I guess it didn't work before because I didn't type \documentclass.
  • #12
I think in this situation you should use one of the equation environments like 'equation' or 'align' instead of using inline math mode like this $\lambda$ symbol,

f(x)=\sum{b_n f_n(x)}

FAQ: Which Command to Use for Spacing in LaTeX?

1. How do I insert mathematical symbols and equations in Latex in Texniccenter?

To insert mathematical symbols and equations in Latex in Texniccenter, you can use the built-in equation editor or use the appropriate commands such as \frac{}{} for fractions and \sqrt{} for square roots.

2. Is it possible to change the font and font size in Latex in Texniccenter?

Yes, you can change the font and font size in Latex in Texniccenter by using the \documentclass{} command and specifying the desired font and font size.

3. How can I insert figures and tables in Latex in Texniccenter?

To insert figures and tables in Latex in Texniccenter, you can use the \includegraphics{} command for figures and the \begin{table} and \end{table} commands for tables. Make sure to include the appropriate packages for figures and tables in the preamble.

4. What is the best way to organize my Latex document in Texniccenter?

The best way to organize your Latex document in Texniccenter is by using sections and subsections. You can also use the \label{} and \ref{} commands to refer to different parts of your document.

5. Can I collaborate with others on a Latex document in Texniccenter?

Yes, you can collaborate with others on a Latex document in Texniccenter by using a version control system such as Git or by using an online collaborative editor such as Overleaf.

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