Which Convention Should Be Used to Calculate Electromagnetic Tensor Invariants?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the invariant for the electromagnetic field tensor and its dual form. The contravariant and covariant components are given, along with the contravariant components of the dual tensor. The attempt at a solution uses various relations and conventions to obtain the correct solution, but there is a discrepancy in the sign. It is suggested that the problem may lie in the equations used or the conventions chosen.
  • #1

Homework Statement


I have to calculate the invariant: [tex] \tilde{F}^{\mu \nu} \, F_{\mu \nu} [/tex]
where F is the electromagnetic field tensor and [tex] \tilde{F} [/tex] the dual one.

Homework Equations

First, the contravariant components of the electromagnetic field tensor are given by:
[tex]F^{\mu\nu} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -E_1 & -E_2 & -E_3 \\ E_1 & 0 & -B_3 & B_2 \\ E_2 & B_3 & 0 & -B_1 \\ E_3 & -B_2 & B_1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}[/tex]

and the covariant by:
[tex]F_{\mu\nu} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & E_1 & E_2 & E_3 \\ -E_1 & 0 & -B_3 & B_2 \\ -E_2 & B_3 & 0 & -B_1 \\ -E_3 & -B_2 & B_1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}[/tex]

And last but not least, the contravariant components of the dual elm. field tensor:
[tex]\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -B_1 & -B_2 & -B_3 \\ B_1 & 0 & E_3 & -E_2 \\ B_2 & -E_3 & 0 & E_1 \\ B_3 & E_2 & -E_1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}

The Attempt at a Solution

First I note:
[tex]\tilde{F}^{a0} = B^{a} [/tex]

[tex]\tilde{F}^{ab} = \epsilon^{abi} E_{i}[/tex]

[tex]F_{a0} = - E_{a} [/tex]

[tex]F_{ab} = \epsilon_{abc} B^{c}[/tex]

Now, if I use these relations I obtain the wrong solution:

[tex] \tilde{F}^{\mu \nu} \, F_{\mu \nu} = 2 \tilde{F}^{a0} F_{a0} + \tilde{F}^{ab} F_{ab} = - 2 B^{a} E_{a} + \epsilon^{abi} E_{i} \epsilon_{abc} B^{c} = 0 [/tex]
where I used the relation: [tex] \epsilon^{abi} \epsilon_{abc} = 2 \delta^{i}_{c} [/tex]

Of course, if i simply insert the components explicitly (the "matrix elements") I get the result [tex]\tilde{F}^{\mu \nu} \, F_{\mu \nu} = - 4 \vec{B} \cdot \vec{E} [/tex] and everything is fine.

I used the following convention: [tex] \epsilon^{0123} = 1 [/tex], latin indices: {1,2,3}, greek indices: {0,1,2,3}

Further I calculated: [tex] \epsilon_{123} = \eta_{\alpha 1} \, \eta_{\beta 2} \, \eta_{\gamma 3} \, \epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma} = - 1 [/tex] where [tex] \eta = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) [/tex] is the metric tensor.

I think there has to be a wrong sign, but I don't find it. Does anyone have an idea?
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  • #2
parton said:
[tex]F_{ab} = \epsilon_{abc} B^{c}[/tex]

I think you might want to double check this one :wink:
  • #3
hmmm, I don't see anything wrong here !?

If I check it I obtain the right elements, for example: [tex] F_{12} = \epsilon_{123} B^{3} = - B^{3} [/tex].
  • #4
parton said:
hmmm, I don't see anything wrong here !?

If I check it I obtain the right elements, for example: [tex] F_{12} = \epsilon_{123} B^{3} = - B^{3} [/tex].

[tex]\epsilon_{123}=+1[/tex] :wink:
  • #5
parton said:
Further I calculated: [tex] \epsilon_{123} = \eta_{\alpha 1} \, \eta_{\beta 2} \, \eta_{\gamma 3} \, \epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma} = - 1 [/tex]

This assumes that [tex]\epsilon_{abc}[/tex] transforms as a tensor; but it doesn't. It is a tensor density with weight -1.
  • #6
ok, [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] is a pseudotensor, but where is the difference between covariant [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] and contravariant [tex] \epsilon^{ijk} [/tex] components?

In the case with 4 indices there is a difference, for example: [tex] \epsilon^{0123} \neq \epsilon_{0123} [/tex]. Why should it be different with 3 components?
  • #7
parton said:
ok, [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] is a pseudotensor, but where is the difference between covariant [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] and contravariant [tex] \epsilon^{ijk} [/tex] components?

There isn't a difference in the convention that I'm used to seeing.

In the case with 4 indices there is a difference, for example: [tex] \epsilon^{0123} \neq \epsilon_{0123} [/tex]. Why should it be different with 3 components?

I'm assuming that you are using the same convention (the most common convention) http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/LeviCivitaPermutationSymbol3.html .

In that case, then [tex] \epsilon^{0123} = \epsilon_{0123} [/tex].

If you are using some other convention, whereby [tex] \epsilon_{123}=-1 [/tex] , then your problem is in the equation [tex] \epsilon^{abi} \epsilon_{abc} = 2 \delta^{i}_{c}[/tex] instead.
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  • #8
i've found something, have a look at this (page 9): http://www.worldscibooks.com/phy_etextbook/6938/6938_chap01.pdf"

Further I found something in another wiki (but it's not in english). There is a remark that in relativity there you have to differ between co- and contravariant indices. It is just convention whether you use [tex] \epsilon^{0123} [/tex]= +1 or -1.

But all this doesn't explain my problem :confused:
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  • #9
parton said:
i've found something, have a look at this (page 9): http://www.worldscibooks.com/phy_etextbook/6938/6938_chap01.pdf"

The convention used in the above link is not very common; but if that is the convention you use in your course then you can stick with it.

According to that convention, [tex]\epsilon_{ijk}=-e^{ijk}[/tex] and [tex]e_{123}=1[/tex]. Therefor, [tex]\epsilon^{abi} \epsilon_{abc} = -2 \delta^{i}_{c}[/tex] in this convention. In addition, epsilon is a tensor in this convention.

So the question you need to ask yourself is which convention is used in your course text/notes?
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Related to Which Convention Should Be Used to Calculate Electromagnetic Tensor Invariants?

What is the electromagnetic tensor?

The electromagnetic tensor, also known as the electromagnetic field tensor or the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor, is a mathematical object used to describe the electromagnetic field in space and time. It represents the combined electric and magnetic fields and their interactions.

What are the components of the electromagnetic tensor?

The electromagnetic tensor has 6 components, which are labeled as Fμν. These components represent the 3-dimensional electric field (E) and magnetic field (B) in the x, y, and z directions.

What is the significance of the invariant property of the electromagnetic tensor?

The invariant property of the electromagnetic tensor means that it remains the same in all reference frames. This is important because it allows us to describe the electromagnetic field using a single mathematical object, regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

How is the electromagnetic tensor used in Maxwell's equations?

The electromagnetic tensor is used in Maxwell's equations to describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space and time. It is particularly useful in the equations describing electromagnetic waves, such as light.

What are some practical applications of the electromagnetic tensor?

The electromagnetic tensor has many practical applications, such as in the development of electromagnetic motors and generators, the design of wireless communication devices, and in medical imaging techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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