Which engineering course makes the most use of particles ?

In summary, there are two engineering courses that make use of particles physics: electrical engineering and nuclear engineering. While electrical engineering, specifically microelectronics and nano electronics, utilizes quantum mechanics more, it is not heavily taught in undergraduate courses. On the other hand, chemical engineering majors tend to learn more about quantum mechanics in their physical chemistry classes. However, for those who pursue research or graduate level studies in solid state electronics, electrical engineering does delve deeper into quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Which engineering course makes the most use of particles physics ?

as the title says
which engineering course uses particles and quantum mechanics the most ?
i heard about electrical engineering specifically microelectronics like semiconductors and nano electronics
i have also heard about nuclear engineering
but which one makes the most use of quantum mechanics ? even if its one outside the two
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  • #2
Between the two, EE goes more into qm but ee majors don't really learn qm. Actually, the chem eng majors I've known learn a lot more qm, in their physical chemistry classes.

With ee though, research and grad level classes do get more into qm, if you get into solid state electronics.

Related to Which engineering course makes the most use of particles ?

1. What is the definition of "particles" in engineering?

In engineering, particles refer to any small, discrete units that make up a substance or material. These can include atoms, molecules, ions, and subatomic particles like protons and electrons.

2. Which engineering course focuses on particles the most?

The field of materials engineering is dedicated to understanding the behavior and properties of different materials, including how particles interact and affect the overall properties of a material. Therefore, materials engineering courses make the most use of particles.

3. How are particles used in mechanical engineering?

In mechanical engineering, particles are used in the design and development of various mechanical systems and components. For example, understanding the behavior of particles in fluids is crucial for designing efficient pumps and turbines.

4. Do all engineering courses use particles?

While particles are a fundamental aspect of many engineering disciplines, not all courses focus on them equally. For example, civil engineering may focus more on macro-level forces and structures rather than individual particles.

5. Are there any specific applications of particle knowledge in engineering?

Yes, there are many applications of particle knowledge in engineering, including materials design, chemical reactions, fluid dynamics, and electronic device design. Understanding how particles behave and interact is crucial for developing new technologies and improving existing ones.
