Which Engineering degree/subject to study?

In summary: However, you will also need to gain knowledge in mechanical and aerospace engineering to specialize in propulsion energy technology for space and civil transportation. It may seem daunting to start from scratch, but with dedication and hard work, it is never too late to pursue your dreams. In summary, it is recommended to pursue a degree in electrical engineering with a focus on mechanical and aerospace engineering to work towards your goal of advancing propulsion energy technology and renewable energy in the technology industry. Starting late should not discourage you, as long as you are willing to put in the effort to catch up and learn.
  • #1
I have been thinking for a while to go to university/collage as I have been saving money for some time now
and I would like to study aboard in Canada . I am interested in some fields of the technology industry ,I would like to work and help advance the sector of propulsion energy technology of space and maybe civil , making the solar and other renewables more energy efficient so that we could have a more healthy living,making transporting better and
in general invent something that will help advance us in a better way.I know some of it sounds as a cliche ..
what Engineering degree should I peruse in order to get into the above fields of subject

A got a few problems one of them is that I am 23 years old and by that age some people already have a degree isn't it late? the other factors is the fact that I will need to start some subjects from scratch because in high school they didn't allowed people with lacking math to participate in Physics class and other science based class's ..

I will really appreciate those who will help me

I am new to this forum
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  • #2
For energy sectors it sounds like a base in electrical engineering is your first step.

Related to Which Engineering degree/subject to study?

1. What is the difference between a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering focuses on designing, manufacturing, and maintaining mechanical systems, while Electrical Engineering focuses on the study of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Both degrees involve problem-solving and critical thinking, but the specific applications and industries may differ.

2. Which engineering degree has the best job prospects?

According to recent data, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering have the highest demand for jobs in the engineering field. However, the job market can vary depending on location and industry.

3. Is it better to pursue a specialized engineering degree or a general one?

It ultimately depends on your career goals and interests. Specialized engineering degrees, such as Aerospace Engineering or Biomedical Engineering, focus on specific industries and may lead to more job opportunities in those fields. On the other hand, a general engineering degree may offer a broader range of job opportunities and allow for more flexibility in career paths.

4. What skills are essential for success in an engineering degree?

Strong problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail are essential for success in any engineering degree. Additionally, strong math, science, and technical skills are crucial for understanding and applying engineering concepts.

5. What are some potential career paths with an engineering degree?

Some potential career paths with an engineering degree include working in research and development, consulting, manufacturing, construction, and project management. Some engineers may also choose to pursue careers in finance, law, or entrepreneurship.
