Which force drives the expansion of the universe?

In summary, the expansion of the universe is due to the pressure of matter and energy. Dark energy is also a factor, but its role is still unknown.
  • #1
Which force drives the expansion of the universe?
The mental model is a explosion and subsecuent expansion product of the
presure of matter and energy, but is this right? The most probable model of
the universe do not have limits, so matter and energy cannot push over
boundaries of the universe because there is no boundaries. From the very
begining the universe was limitless. I am not talking about the moment of
creation. Imagine a universe the size of an orange with the quantity of
matter and energy of ours. How it may evolve? May it crash instantly into a
singularity? Why?
By the way, did somebody calculate the energy necessary to spread apart all
the matter and energy of this universe from the plank time to present time?
(something like the potential energy of all the universe)
To many questions for now...
Thanks for your answers
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
What drives the expansion...
I can tell you that there's a thing called dark energy culprit of the acceleration of the universe. Dark energy has not still an identity: it can be vacuum energy, quintessence, Chaplygin gas,...
But you will be mislead if you think that without dark energy would not be expansion. In fact, the cosmological paradigm until the discovery of dark energy was the called Einstein-De Sitter universe, that was expanding but decelerating. So, you add dark energy to the Einstein-De sitter universe and you get the actual model.
But the question is: What was driving the expansion in the Einstein-de sitter universe and consequently also contributes to the expansion in the actual model?
I have my own ideas, but prefer not to say it, cause are very radical. Perhaps it would be useful to postulate the existence of some field, independent of dark energy, also contributing to expansion?
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  • #3
Ah, the universe is expanding is it?
Of course it is! The expansion of the universe is all the galaxies moving away from each other, no wait, they are standing still, but the space is expanding making them look like they are moving, no wait it's both.

Ah, we know this because we know that distance is proportional to redshift, and we have absolutely no doubt that this redshift is caused exclusively by the Doppler effect, no wait, it's the expanding space making the light lose energy, no wait, it's both.

I am so glad that we are so certain, it makes me feel good inside.

  • #4
Pietro please think about a historical example

it does not take a force to push the planets along their orbit paths around the sun

kepler did not realize this and he thought there must be angels pushing behind every planet, like farmers pushing a wagon

it does not take any force to "drive" the expansion
once it has started it will just continue expanding

it must take something (not exactly a force but an energy density) to slow the expansion down!

this is what the Friedmann equation says, it says the energy density in the universe will cause expansion to slow down (except in the very special case of dark energy)

leaving out dark energy (ie. the pressure term) it says:
[tex]\frac{a''}{a} = -\frac{4\pi G}{3} \rho[/tex]

a is the scalefactor showing size and a' is the rate of expansion and a'' is the acceleration, so the lefthandside is a measure of acceleration
and rho is the energy density so it makes the acceleration negative. Deceleration. the expansion slows
but only very gradually because the average density of energy in space is very very sparse

putting dark energy (ie. the pressure term) back in it says:
[tex]\frac{a''}{a} = -\frac{4\pi G}{3}( \rho + 3p)[/tex]

dark energy is something with negative pressure so that it can make the righthand side of that equation positive (a minus of a minus)

maybe the Friedmann equations do not explain things but they
are currently the prevailing model people have

what do the Friedmannequations explain, nothing except they tell you what needs to be explained

what needs to be explained is not a force "driving" the expansion of space, space does not need a force to push it to expand, it does not work so, it likes to expand and will keep expanding unless you slow it down, by rho, the energy density----this is what the equation says

the mystery is what special kind of energy can have a very very gentle negative pressure in space and cause this slowing down NOT to happen

(like Newton's equations for the planets going around the sun----they don't explain everything but at least they have the angels pushing in the right direction-----he understood that the planets liked to go along their path and did not need a force pushing them, what they need is a force to bend their path)
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  • #5
Pietro said:
Which force drives the expansion of the universe?

Lambda or Cosmological Constant. When Einstein introduced this factor into his Gravitational Equations, it was to produce a stability against Dynamical interactions, that he thought made the Universe very un-stable.

Recently there are models that define this as an Energy/Space density product, which turns into a Repulsive Field Force.

The Space that is between Galaxies has a ratio of Density different of that of Space between Atoms.

Example I have seen the Equations that show the Vacuum Density causes Light to be variable according to Vacuum Density. Now the interesting thing is that Photon Density and Energy Density are two different aspects of the Vacuum Density, or a specific Electro-Magnetic-Vacuum Density.

Just as the speed of light is gauged by the Vacuum Density it travels through(producing a constant speed in Labs), the density of E-M-Vacuum is altered by the speed and density of Photons.

As one pulls light out of a chamber, it gets Dark, the Energy contained is allways expansive (this is what a vacuum is), but when one send a photon into the Vacuumated chamber, you are introducing a certain (hv) energy into a certain Energy Density, caused by the lack of photons.

In E=MC2 energy and light are exchanged at a certain speed, but if you treat the Photon as a form of 'Energy Density' value, the smallest energy density value being low-energy, or infrared for instance, then the corresponding smallest Mass-Energy Density is..well let's not say anything for now.

Redshift can be a measure of the Density of Space and the density of Mass-Energy of Light, and as a consequence, the drop in the speed of Light transversing or Relative to other Energy Density Regions, produces a change in the Energy Value of E=MC2, resulting in where there is Darkness, there is Repulsive Expansive Energies.

In simplistic terms without the equational values, the 'Darker' the Energy Density, the more Negative the Gravity, the less speed a photon can achieve.

This is according to my work, but it is an extension to Einsteins Field Equations, and very relevant to Sakharov's 'induced' gravitational work, I will be posting the full extensions very soon.
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  • #6
Olias said:
This is according to my work, but it is an extension to Einsteins Field Equations, and very relevant to Sakharov's 'induced' gravitational work, I will be posting the full extensions very soon.

I look forward to it. :smile:
  • #7
The expansion of space is driven by the dominant component of the energy density at each cosmological epoch.

It is assumed that today this component is the dark energy. The dark energy has a positive energy density but it exerts a negative pressure (against the positive energy density), which leads to an acceleration of the expansion of space (see marcus’ post).

But this was not always the case. Before recombination (the formation of neutral hidrogen from the radiation-matter plasma which filled the universe until 400.000 years after the big-bang) the dominant component was radiation.

After recombination (more or less) matter became the dominant component until 'today' (IIRC it is assumend that at z ~ 0.5, the dark energy is becoming the dominant component). Both components, radiation and matter, lead the expansion of space to decelerate.

The radiation dominated epoch can be traced back until the end of inflation, a period at the very early universe. During inflation the dominant component was again some sort of energy with a positive energy density but exerting a negative pressure, which lead to an accelerated expansion of space.

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  • #8
sol2 said:
I look forward to it. :smile:

Sol, you have to look at this paper!


If one reads it, (pay attention to the equations on page 8, and paragraph thereafter:Quote-Although the size of the Universe increases in each successive cycle, its size with respect to Planck units remains the same, unless of course we consider a model in which the field [tex]phi[/tex] and radiation may exchange energy.

The words[unless we consider] seem pretty new to me :smile:
  • #9
Olias said:
Sol, you have to look at this paper!


If one reads it, (pay attention to the equations on page 8, and paragraph thereafter:Quote-Although the size of the Universe increases in each successive cycle, its size with respect to Planck units remains the same, unless of course we consider a model in which the field [tex]phi[/tex] and radiation may exchange energy.

The words[unless we consider] seem pretty new to me :smile:

There is an obvious flurry of activity in Scientific circles at this moment, and clarity is evolving, so for the benefit of PF users, look at this paper by no-other than S.Hsu and A.Zee!


Only three pages long, but has some very relevant and highly speculative insights!
  • #10
marcus said:
it does not take a force to push the planets along their orbit paths around the sun

*ahem* GRAVITY*ahem*
  • #11
I know there is all this dark energy - negative pressure malarky going on... but what if there some longer range (on extragalatic scales) force at work? In essence a dissociative force which scales to gravity as gravity scales to electromagnetism?
  • #12
Applying Occam's razor, the simple answer appears to be gravity. lamda represents the distance at which gravity ceases to be attractive and becomes repulsive. Fortunately, this crank theory [everyone is entitled to at least one crank theory and I claim this one] is easily disproven. Compare the distance indicators between relatively [to earth] massive regions of the universe to less massive regions and check for discrepancies in recessional velocities. Only cosmologically remote bodies need apply...
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  • #13
All systems will evolve to the lowest possible state of energy or the highest state of disorder and will tend to stay there unless energy is supplyed or order is restored thru the expenditure of energy.
--------"After all is said and done, Gravity Rules."------------- :approve:

FAQ: Which force drives the expansion of the universe?

1. What is the force that drives the expansion of the universe?

The force that drives the expansion of the universe is known as dark energy. It makes up approximately 70% of the total energy in the universe and is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2. How does dark energy cause the expansion of the universe?

Dark energy is a repulsive force that counteracts the force of gravity, causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. It is believed to be a property of space itself, and its strength remains constant as the universe expands.

3. Is dark energy the only force driving the expansion of the universe?

No, dark energy is not the only force driving the expansion of the universe. The force of gravity also plays a role in the expansion, as it pulls matter and energy together. However, the strength of dark energy is currently greater than the force of gravity, leading to the universe's overall expansion.

4. How does dark energy affect the future of the universe?

Based on current observations and theories, dark energy will continue to cause the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. This could potentially lead to the "Big Rip" scenario, in which the expansion becomes so rapid that it tears apart all matter and eventually the fabric of space itself.

5. Is there any way to measure the strength of dark energy?

Scientists use a method called cosmological redshift to indirectly measure the strength of dark energy. This involves observing the changes in light from distant objects, such as galaxies, as they move away from us due to the expansion of the universe. Additionally, experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider aim to directly detect and measure the properties of dark energy.
