Which gene expressions start to happen in an embryo

In summary, the paper describes a visualization technique using fluorescent labeling to track the dynamics of RNA expression in zebrafish embryos during early-to-mid blastula stages. The onset of zygotic transcription is shown to be where the embryo begins to rely on its own genome.
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Watching dynamics of RNA expression - paper describing a visualization technique.

Movie 1 from supplemental information: in a zebrafish embryo, DNA is stained with red fluorescence and carboxyfluoresceinaed Morpholino oligos targeting dre-miR-430 emit visible green fluorescence when they reach sufficient localized concentration. In red you can watch condensation of chromosomes, mitosis, and loosening of the chromatin. After a few divisions you will see green dots appear where groups of miR430 genes are being transcribed and capturing fluorescent-labeled Morpholinos. Each nucleus contains two dots, the maternal and paternal chromosomes revealing the site of miR430 transcription. The green dots disappear as the red chromosomes condense out of the chromatin for mitosis and gene expression halts for division. This movie shows the early-to-mid blastula stages and the onset of zygotic transcription occurs at mid-blastula, so you don't see the green dots appear during the first few cell divisions; early on the cells are expressing maternal mRNAs that are already present in the egg. The onset of zygotic transcription is where the embryo begins to rely on its own genome.

Movie 1: https://www.biorxiv.org/highwire/filestream/112058/field_highwire_adjunct_files/3/366468-4.mp4

The paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/07/15/366468

Hadzhiev Y, Qureshi H, Wheatley L, Cooper L, Jasiulewicz A, Nguyen HV, Wragg J, Poovathumkadavil D, Conic S, Bajan S, Sik A, Hutvagner G, Tora L, Gambus A, Fossey JS, Mueller F. A cell cycle-coordinated nuclear compartment for Polymerase II transcription encompasses the earliest gene expression before global genome activation. BioRXive. 2018;[Epub] doi:doi.org/10.1101/366468.
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I found this paper really interesting! It provides a great insight into how RNA expression is dynamically regulated during early embryonic development. The video included in the supplemental information is also really cool and helps to visualize the process nicely. It's amazing to see how the green dots appear when the maternal and paternal chromosomes begin expressing miR430 genes. It's a great example of the complex processes involved in gene expression.

FAQ: Which gene expressions start to happen in an embryo

1. What is gene expression in an embryo?

Gene expression in an embryo refers to the process by which the genetic information stored in the DNA of the embryo is used to produce proteins, which are essential for the development and functioning of the embryo.

2. When does gene expression start in an embryo?

The process of gene expression starts in an embryo as soon as the egg is fertilized. The sperm carries genetic material, called DNA, which combines with the genetic material in the egg to form a single cell, known as a zygote. This zygote then starts the process of cell division, leading to the expression of genes.

3. Which genes are expressed in an embryo?

There are a variety of genes that are expressed in an embryo, but some of the most important ones are those involved in cell growth and differentiation, as well as those responsible for the development of organs and tissues.

4. How is gene expression regulated in an embryo?

Gene expression in an embryo is tightly regulated by a complex network of molecular signals. These signals can come from both within the embryo itself, as well as from the mother's body. The timing and level of gene expression is critical for proper development and any disruptions can lead to birth defects or developmental disorders.

5. Can gene expression in an embryo be altered?

Yes, gene expression in an embryo can be altered by a variety of factors, including environmental influences, maternal factors, and genetic mutations. These alterations can have significant impacts on the development and health of the embryo, and can even be passed down to future generations.
