Which is More Acidic: Benzoic Acid or Formic Acid?

  • Thread starter Cosmos
  • Start date
In summary, there is a debate over whether benzoic acid or formic acid is more acidic. One argument suggests that the presence of an aromatic ring in benzoic acid decreases electron density on the carboxylate carbon, making it more acidic. However, another argument argues that the presence of two oxygen atoms in formic acid increases electron density on the carboxylate carbon, making it more acidic. Despite these arguments, the Ka values show that formic acid is indeed more acidic.
  • #1
Well...hello brothers and sisters...may I know whether benzoic acid is more acidic or formic acid...because I have two arguments which support don't support each other...:frown::frown:
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Tell us what information you found.
  • #3
argument 1: Due to the presence of the aromatic ring which pulls electrons slightly due to the presence sp2 hybridized carbon atom, decreases the electron density on the carboxylate carbon atom making it more acidic than formic acid which doesn't have such interaction.Thus, benzoic acid is more stronger than formic acid.

argument 2: Due to the presence of two oxygen atoms in carboxylate ion which pulls the electron from the aromatic ring slightly towards it as the oxygen atoms are more electronegative compared to sp2 hybridized carbon atoms. Thus increasing the electron density on the carboxylate carbon making benzoic acid less acidic compared to formic as there no such interaction in formic acid (negligible).

I have these two fighting arguments...:oldfrown::oldconfused:
  • #4
Such arguments are quite handwavy, you are comparing apples and oranges.

Just check Ka values.
  • #5
yes the ka values say that formic acid is more acidic but my reasonings are not able to fit...:oldcry:

FAQ: Which is More Acidic: Benzoic Acid or Formic Acid?

What is acidity?

Acidity refers to the level of acid in a substance, typically measured on a pH scale. A substance with a low pH is considered acidic, while a substance with a high pH is considered basic or alkaline.

How is acidity measured?

The most common way to measure acidity is by using a pH meter or pH paper strips. pH meters use a probe to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, while pH paper strips change color based on the acidity level of the substance being tested.

What are the effects of high acidity?

High acidity can have negative effects on living organisms and the environment. It can erode and damage materials, and can also harm plants and animals by altering the pH of soil and water. In humans, high acidity can cause heartburn and other digestive issues.

What are some common sources of acidity?

Acidity can be found in many substances, including citrus fruits, vinegar, and battery acid. It can also be found in natural sources such as rainwater and volcanic emissions. Human activities, such as industrial pollution and the burning of fossil fuels, can also contribute to increased acidity levels in the environment.

How can acidity be controlled?

To control acidity levels, substances can be added to neutralize acids and raise the pH. This process, known as neutralization, is commonly used in farming to adjust the pH of soil. In industrial settings, processes such as scrubbing and buffering can be used to control acidity and prevent harm to the environment.

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