Which Is More Fundamental: Time or Distance?

In summary, light travels on a straight line in flat spacetime, but can travel on a curved path in curved spacetime. A planet's orbit represents the longest proper time between two given events, but it can also be the longest within a particular class of curves.
  • #1
Gold Member
Is the following logic correct?

When spacetime is flat, we say that light travels in a straight line. A planet also would travel in a straight line because that would take the shortest travel time between two points.

Does light seek out the shortest time to travel between two points, or the shortest distance? Which one is more fundamental?

Now if spacetime is curved, would I say light travels on the curved path because that curved path represents the shortest time it takes light to travel between two points, but not necessarily the shortest distance?

And same thing with a planet orbiting a star. Is this logic correct? --> the orbit of the planet represents the shortest time a planet can go from one coordinate to another.
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  • #2
Albertgauss said:
When spacetime is flat, we say that light travels in a straight line.

Strictly speaking, it travels on a null geodesic. See below.

Albertgauss said:
A planet also would travel in a straight line because that would take the shortest travel time between two points.

No; it takes the longest travel time between two events. You have to think of spacetime, not space. An object that is not subject to any forces travels on a geodesic of spacetime, and a geodesic is a curve of maximal proper time (maximum time elapsed) between two given events (points in spacetime).

Albertgauss said:
Does light seek out the shortest time to travel between two points, or the shortest distance? Which one is more fundamental?

Neither. Rather, both are the same thing as far as light is concerned. Light travels on null geodesics, which do not have an invariant "time" or "distance" associated with them (whereas timelike geodesics, the curves that things like planets travel on, do have an invariant time--the proper time according to the planet's clock).

Albertgauss said:
f spacetime is curved, would I say light travels on the curved path because that curved path represents the shortest time it takes light to travel between two points, but not necessarily the shortest distance?

Neither. See above.

Albertgauss said:
And same thing with a planet orbiting a star. Is this logic correct? --> the orbit of the planet represents the shortest time a planet can go from one coordinate to another.

No. The planet's orbit represents the longest proper time between two given events--but in curved spacetime there is a caveat, that the orbit might not be the globally longest proper time, but only the longest within a particular class of curves. In the case of the planet, if we consider the two given events to be two successive perhelion passages of the planet, its orbit will be the longest proper time in the class of curves that all go around the star once between those two events. But there will be another geodesic with even longer proper time, which doesn't go around the star at all--it just goes radially outward and then falls back again in such a way that it passes through both successive perihelion events of the planet.
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  • #3
It looks like I ran into a website that has bad information. I was only looking at the image and failed to actually read what was on the website. I'll be more careful than that next time. I think I got everything I need from this. I understand the above as much as I need to. In fact, all of this is on Wiki. I didn't go to WIki first because I didn't think I needed to.

Related to Which Is More Fundamental: Time or Distance?

1. What is the definition of time and distance?

Time and distance are two fundamental concepts in physics. Time refers to the duration or measure of change, while distance refers to the amount of space between two points.

2. Which one is more fundamental: time or distance?

This is a highly debated question in the scientific community. Some argue that time is more fundamental as it is a fundamental quantity in the laws of physics, while others argue that distance is more fundamental as it is an essential component in measuring and understanding the physical world.

3. Can time exist without distance?

According to the theory of relativity, time and distance are interconnected and cannot exist without each other. Time can only be measured by the movement of objects, which requires a distance to be traversed.

4. Is time or distance constant?

In classical physics, time and distance were considered to be absolute and constant. However, with the discovery of relativity, it was revealed that both time and distance are relative and can vary depending on the observer's frame of reference.

5. How do time and distance affect each other?

As mentioned earlier, time and distance are interconnected. The faster an object moves, the slower time passes for it, and the shorter the distance it travels. This is known as time dilation and length contraction, which are essential principles in the theory of relativity.

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