Which Object Has Greater Momentum if Kinetic Energy is Equal?

In summary, the conversation discusses three physics problems involving momentum, kinetic energy, and the conservation of mechanical energy. The first problem asks about the relationship between momentum and kinetic energy for two objects with different masses but the same kinetic energy. The second problem involves a ball dropping and bouncing back, and discusses the concept of elastic collisions. The third problem involves a person walking on a plank and the conservation of mechanical energy in a closed system. The conversation also touches on the concept of external forces and the center of mass.
  • #1
Hey, I'm sorry to bombard you with questions, but I've been out of my Physics lecture due to lots of work from other classes, and I've got these 3 questions which I have no idea how to do. Our professor does not teach according to our textbook, and I'm too thick to understand these concepts. Any help would be very, very appreciated.

1. a. Two objects have masses of M and 3M, respectively. If both have the same kinetic energy, which one has the larger linear momentum and by what factor? Why?
b. If the two objects have the same linear momentum (magnitude), which will have the larger kinetic energy and by what factor? Why?

2. You drop a ball of mass 1 kg from a height of 2m. The collision with Earth lasts for about 10^-4 seconds and on bouncing the ball rises to a height of 1.5m. Is this collision totally elastic? Why?

3. A person of mass 50 kg is standing at the end of a plank of mass 100 kg and length 5m and the plank rests on a horizontal smooth, icy surface. If the person walks from one end to the other, by how much will the plank move? Why?

2. KE= 1/2m(p/m)^2=(p^2)/2m, (v1'-v2')=(v2-v1)=-(v1-v2)

3. (1) I'm really trying to understand 1, because I had thought that two objects with the same momentum, but different masses would have different kinetic energies. I don't think that I can really apply this, though.
(2) I'm thinking that it's not, because in an elastic collision, the KEs should be the same? On second thought, I don't know this at all, either.
(3) I don't know where to start with this.

I'm sorry for my idiocy.
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  • #2
In the first question, the two bodies have the same energy, but different momenta. The second question asks about a different situation, when the momentum is the same and the energy is different.

You wrote the correct relation between KE and linear momentum: KE=p^2/(2m). The two momenta are pa and pb, the masses are ma=M, mb=3M. Go ahead.

2. What do you know about the KE at the ground before and after impact, knowing the hight the ball fall from and the one it raised?

3. The plank and man is a closed system, only internal forces acting along the icy surface. What is the quantity conserved when there is no external force?

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  • #3
ehild said:
In the first question, the two bodies have the same energy, but different momenta. The second question asks about a different situation, when the momentum is the same and the energy is different.

You wrote the correct relation between KE and linear momentum: KE=p^2/(2m). The two momenta are pa and pb, the masses are ma=M, mb=3M. Go ahead.

2. What do you know about the KE at the ground before and after impact, knowing the hight the ball fall from and the one it raised?

3. The plank and man is a closed system, only internal forces acting along the icy surface. What is the quantity conserved when there is no external force?


2) Since KE in a total elastic collision should remain the same (I think), would this not be due to the fact that some KE is transferred to the ground, and so, since there is less Kinetic energy, the height on the way back up is less?

3) The forces from the man and the plank? mg? I'm not really sure.

Thanks so much for your help.
  • #4
Alms said:
2) Since KE in a total elastic collision should remain the same (I think), would this not be due to the fact that some KE is transferred to the ground, and so, since there is less Kinetic energy, the height on the way back up is less?

It is true. But the ground stayed in rest so the mechanical energy was not conserved during the impact. The soil absorbed some of it, and transformed to other energies, deformation, sound, heat, and so on.

As for question 3: The same but opposite forces act between the man and the plank so the net force is zero. What happens with the centre of mass of the plank-man system if there is no external force?
  • #5
ehild said:
It is true. But the ground stayed in rest so the mechanical energy was not conserved during the impact. The soil absorbed some of it, and transformed to other energies, deformation, sound, heat, and so on.

As for question 3: The same but opposite forces act between the man and the plank so the net force is zero. What happens with the centre of mass of the plank-man system if there is no external force?

If there is no external force, then velocity is constant and the system does not move?
  • #6
Alms said:
If there is no external force, then velocity is constant and the system does not move?
If it did not move before the man walked from one side of the plank to the other, it will not move as a whole. The centre of mass stays in rest, while the man and the plank move relative to each other and relative to the ice.
See attached picture.



  • plank+man.JPG
    10 KB · Views: 439
  • #7
Thank you very much, you helped me a lot.

FAQ: Which Object Has Greater Momentum if Kinetic Energy is Equal?

1. What is linear momentum?

Linear momentum is a measure of an object's motion in a straight line. It is the product of an object's mass and its velocity.

2. How is linear momentum calculated?

Linear momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's mass (m) by its velocity (v). The formula is p = mv.

3. What is the conservation of linear momentum?

The conservation of linear momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant, provided that there are no external forces acting on the system.

4. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is dependent on an object's mass and velocity, and is calculated by the formula KE = 1/2mv^2.

5. How is kinetic energy related to linear momentum?

Kinetic energy and linear momentum are related through the formula KE = p^2/2m, where p is the object's linear momentum and m is its mass. This means that an object with a greater linear momentum will also have a greater kinetic energy.
