Which programming language should i use for my project? And question about PIC.

In summary, the speaker plans to build a robotic butler for their final year project that can be summoned by a remote control to bring food and drinks to the user. They are considering using either PIC or Atmel microcontrollers and are wondering if they can learn to use PIC on their own. The responder suggests using either PIC or Atmel and recommends using MPLAB for PIC and AVR Studio 4 for Atmel.
  • #1
I will be doing my finalyear project next year. And I thought of building a robotic butler, i.e: a robot that can be summoned by the user with a click on the remote control to bring the food/drinks that are stored in it to the user.
I am hoping that the robot could trace and go to the signal source and avoid any obstacles on its way.
Which programming language and micro controller should i use for this?

And is it possible for one to use PIC by self-learning?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I would suggest either PIC or Atmel. They are both well supported and you can learn how to use them on your own. If your go with PIC then I would use MPLAB and with Atmel use AVR Studio 4.
  • #3

I cannot make a specific recommendation for the programming language and microcontroller to use for your project without knowing more details about your specific goals and requirements. However, I can provide some general advice and considerations to help you make an informed decision.

First, it's important to assess your own skills and experience with programming languages and microcontrollers. If you have prior experience with a certain language or microcontroller, it may be easier for you to use that for your project. If you are starting from scratch, it may be beneficial to choose a language and microcontroller that have a large community and resources available for support and learning.

For a project like building a robotic butler, you will likely need a programming language that can handle complex tasks and algorithms, as well as interact with sensors and motors. Some popular choices for robotics projects include C++, Python, and Java. It may also be useful to research what languages and microcontrollers are commonly used in similar projects to get an idea of what may work best for your specific project.

In terms of microcontrollers, PIC (Programmable Integrated Circuit) is a popular choice for robotics and automation projects due to its low cost and flexibility. However, as with any microcontroller, there may be a learning curve involved in using it for your specific project. It is possible to self-learn how to use PIC, but it will require dedication and resources such as online tutorials, books, and forums.

Ultimately, the best programming language and microcontroller for your project will depend on your specific goals, resources, and level of experience. I recommend doing further research and possibly consulting with experts in the field to make an informed decision. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Which programming language should i use for my project? And question about PIC.

1. Which programming language is the best one to use for my project?

The best programming language to use for your project depends on a variety of factors such as the type of project, your level of experience, and the resources available. It is important to research and evaluate different languages to determine which one is the most suitable for your specific project.

2. Can I use any programming language for a PIC project?

While some programming languages may be compatible with PIC (Programmable Interface Controller) projects, it is recommended to use languages specifically designed for PIC such as C or assembly language. These languages are optimized for low-level programming and are better suited for PIC microcontrollers.

3. Is it necessary to have prior experience with a programming language to use it for a project?

It is not necessary to have prior experience with a programming language to use it for a project. However, it is important to have a basic understanding of programming concepts and to be willing to learn and familiarize yourself with the language before starting your project.

4. How do I choose between different programming languages for my project?

The best way to choose between different programming languages is to consider the specific requirements of your project, your level of experience, and the resources available. It is also helpful to research and read reviews or seek advice from experienced programmers.

5. Can I use multiple programming languages for a single project?

It is possible to use multiple programming languages for a single project, but it is not recommended unless necessary. Using multiple languages can increase complexity and may result in compatibility issues. It is best to stick to one language, or use a language that allows for integration with other languages, such as Java.
