Which religion do you affiliate with?

  • Thread starter micromass
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In summary: I think its time we had a standard.In summary, Dave is offended that Pastafarianism did not make an appearance on the list of religions. Dave is curious about pastafarianism because it seems to him its something for mocking other religions.

Which religion do you affiliate with?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Islam

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sikhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bahá'i Faith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Korean Shamanism

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Caodaism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cheondoism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hoahaoism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tengriism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • None

    Votes: 43 69.4%

  • Total voters
  • #1
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A bit of a sensitive topic, so rest assured: I will moderate this closely. So please no attacking of other people's choices, no mocking or anything. Thanks!
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  • #2
I change my views easily when I find new credible information. So affiliation simply isn't my thing.
  • #3
None, though my background is Catholic.I'm baptized, had my first communion and confirmation.
  • #4
micromass said:
A bit of a sensitive topic, so rest assured: I will moderate this closely. So please no attacking of other people's choices, no mocking or anything.
I'm offended that you didn't give a explicit item for Pastafarian!

[And if anyone mocks Pastafarianism, I will be even more offended.]
  • #5
I suppose Christian is as close as it gets to where I'm at. :)
  • #6
I'm curious about the respondent who answered "Korean Shamanism". In Japan, most people can claim to be both Buddhist and Shintoist (which essentially is a form of Japanese shamanism) at the same time without contradiction, as both faiths are highly syncretic, and the two often reinforce and influence one another. I'm wondering if it's analogous in Korea as well.

Also, I've never heard of Caodaism, Hoahaoism, or Cheondoism until now. BTW, the poll misspelled the folk religion of Mongols -- it's "Tengriism", not "Tenriism".

BTW, to answer your original post, I consider myself to be an agnostic with a strong orientation/bias towards atheism, as I reject all organized religions. The only reason I hesitate to call myself an atheist is because from what I undetstand, to be an atheist means one makes the specific claim that God (or gods) does not exist, and prefer not to make any such specific assumptions.
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  • #7
I don't have any religious affiliation. Though, I recently called to make an appointment at the hospital, and the woman asked a bunch of questions, including what religion I am. She asked if I was still a Christian. Apparently, years ago, my mom had that as my religion when I went to that hospital as a kid. I like how parents will tell their children what religion they are, as if it's a biological trait.

I have a friend who claims to be of the Norse religion. Does he really believe in Thor? I doubt it. Maybe he just says it to be different.

If I had to choose any of the religions though, I'd go with Jainism. I've heard good things about them. I don't know much about them, except they refuse to kill ANYTHING. I don't know if I could do that. If you're a cockroach in my house, you're as good as dead. I can't just let my house get infested. So maybe I couldn't choose Jainism after all. It's the most moral, I believe, but I guess it's not for me.
  • #8
I'm a Christian atheist. I was brought up as a Christian, so it's specifically the Christian god which I don't believe in!
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  • #9
Born and raised a christian, but now happily an atheist.
  • #10
To identify as a Buddhist is a bit of a strange thing. If you want to see Buddhists arguing, just get them in a room together and ask them whether Buddhism is a religion or not. If that doesn't work, ask them whether rebirth is literal or metaphorical. Then get out.

All I know that the practice(s) involved probably kept me from turning into a drug addled loser.

-Dave K
  • #11
strangerep said:
I'm offended that you didn't give a explicit item for Pastafarian!

I too am offended that Pastafarianism did not make an appearance. It is a legitimate religion that I subscribe to. I pray to The Flying Spaghetti Monster that one day our religion will be given the same weight as all the others.
  • #12
WannabeNewton said:
I too am offended that Pastafarianism did not make an appearance. It is a legitimate religion that I subscribe to.

I couldn't list all religions, so I simply listed the 14 largest religions of the world. You can always choose other.
  • #13
micromass said:
I couldn't list all religions, so I simply listed the 14 largest religions of the world. You can always choose other.

It's too late, the damage has been done :cry:
  • #14
micromass said:
I couldn't list all religions, so I simply listed the 14 largest religions of the world.
Largest measured by what ordering relation? Number of deities? Wealth of its institutions? Number of devotees?
  • #15
WannabeNewton said:
I too am offended that Pastafarianism did not make an appearance. It is a legitimate religion that I subscribe to. I pray to The Flying Spaghetti Monster that one day our religion will be given the same weight as all the others.
Bow down before the pasta!
  • #16
strangerep said:
I'm offended that you didn't give a explicit item for Pastafarian!

[And if anyone mocks Pastafarianism, I will be even more offended.]

I don't want to mock anything. I'm just curious about pastafarianism because it seems to me its something for mocking other religions. I'm just asking for some clarification. And if you're going to answer, do it via private message.

EDIT: And others are really serious about it? Or are mocking Pastafarianism? or are mocking any other religion?
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  • #17
Doc Al said:
Bow down before the pasta!

The magnificence of the Great Pasta never fails to bring me to my knees in tears of joy.
  • #18
The list does not include "Unitarian-Universalist" which is larger than some of those listed.
  • #19
Shyan said:
I don't want to mock anything. I'm just curious about pastafarianism because it seems to me its something for mocking other religions. I'm just asking for some clarification. And if you're going to answer, do it via private message.

EDIT: And others are really serious about it? Or are mocking Pastafarianism? or are mocking any other religion?

I don't want to derail the thread so I'll answer briefly. It isn't about mocking religions, but is a somewhat humorous way of bringing attention to the problem of lack of separation of church and state in America. By saying "why can't I be granted special privilege for my religion?", it is essentially "mocking" the government."

See: Texas Pastafarian Wins Battle At DMV, Becomes First In U.S. To Wear Colander In License Photo

Last I will say on it!

-Dave K
  • #20
Shyan said:
EDIT: And others are really serious about it?

Of course it's serious. It's just as serious as any other religion.
  • #21
WannabeNewton said:
Of course it's serious. It's just as serious as any other religion.

So are serious about being religious?
  • #22
Shyan said:
So are serious about being religious?

Yes certainly. I am a devout follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • #23
HallsofIvy said:
The list does not include "Unitarian-Universalist" which is larger than some of those listed.

The list is apparently from Wikipedia:


The smallest of these groups (Hoahaoism) is listed as having 1.5-3 million followers.

Wikipedia's article on Unitarian-Universalism gives 800,000 followers, using this page as a reference:


In terms of this poll, one could argue for counting it under either "Christianity" or "Other", depending on whether the primary criterion is historical origin or current creed (or rather, lack thereof). Individual UU's are all over the map in terms of personal belief.
  • #24
I voted "Nun," (misspelled as "None" in the pole). I was raised by nuns, and even though I don't believe or practice anymore, nun-ism lingers in the cracks and crevices.
  • #25
I look at religions in the same way I do as a hobby. Some only do it part time, while others are complete over-the-top fanatics about it. What I find humorous is when someone happens to mention something negative about a hobby (religion), and someone gets up-in-arms offended about it. As long as no one is knocking on my door trying to get me to partake in their hobby, I could care less. If, for example, someone tried to pull my young nephew into participating in their religion, I would look at it as creepily as I would someone pressuring to get him to build models, play ping pong, or dance with them. Especially from a complete stranger!

People just need to relax and keep their personal time to themselves.

None here.
  • #26
According to the 2001 census, Jedi was the number 4 religion in England and Wales. See Jedi census phenomenon.
  • #27
leroyjenkens said:
I have a friend who claims to be of the Norse religion. Does he really believe in Thor? I doubt it. Maybe he just says it to be different.

Does he offer human sacrifices to Odin? No? Odin is displeased.
  • #29
StatGuy2000 said:
...to answer your original post, I consider myself to be an agnostic with a strong orientation/bias towards atheism, as I reject all organized religions. The only reason I hesitate to call myself an atheist is because from what I understand, to be an atheist means one makes the specific claim that God (or gods) does not exist, and prefer not to make any such specific assumptions.

The scientific approach to theism... I like it!
  • #30
DrGreg said:
According to the 2001 census, Jedi was the number 4 religion in England and Wales. See Jedi census phenomenon.

Omg this is amazing lol. In light of this, I'm going to start the Jimmy Page religion.
  • #31
More complaining about the options

It strikes me as a fairly serious defect that there's a single "None" category instead of separate categories for atheism, agnosticism, and non-sectarian monotheism. When 73% of the respondents choose a singe answer in a 16-choice poll, we're losing a far amount of resolution.
  • #32
Nugatory said:
It strikes me as a fairly serious defect that there's a single "None" category instead of separate categories for atheism, agnosticism, and non-sectarian monotheism. When 73% of the respondents choose a singe answer in a 16-choice poll, we're losing a far amount of resolution.

Your wish is my command: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=766157
  • #33
Nugatory said:
It strikes me as a fairly serious defect that there's a single "None" category instead of separate categories for atheism, agnosticism, and non-sectarian monotheism. When 73% of the respondents choose a singe answer in a 16-choice poll, we're losing a far amount of resolution.

Well to be frank, I think the poll is as it should be. I wouldn't consider atheism a religion at all, nor agnosticism. And since the poll asks what religion your afflicted with, I think none is an appropriate answer given the question.
  • #34
I like the fact the OP used "None" as an option. It's always nice to see when someone bothers to get it right, ie: not labeling atheism as a religion.
  • #35
Nugatory said:
and non-sectarian monotheism.

The big 3 (some would say the only 3) monotheistic flavors are up there, I really don't think there's a degeneracy problem here. Atheist/agnostics are clearly the only ones that should be picking the "none" option.

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