Which Textbooks Were Your Most Memorable?

  • Thread starter andytoh
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In summary, the most inspiring textbooks mentioned by the participants in this conversation are "Elementary Topology" by Gemignani, "Tensors and Manifolds" by Wasserman, "Practical Techniques" by Jordan & Smith, "Calculus Made Easy" by Thomson, "Phys Chem P.W.Atkins" by P.W.Atkins, "Calculus" by Courant, "Euclid's Elements" by Euclid, "Course in Analysis" by Goursat, "Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite" by Euler, "Baron's Guide to Calculus" and "Baron's Guide to Trigonometry" by Baron, "Topics in Algebra" by Herstein, "A First Course
  • #1
I asked my differential geometry professor, and he said Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds and Dugundji's Topology. He said those books gave him the foundation that shaped him into what he is now.

Please mention your most inspiring textbooks, which you swear by to this day.
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  • #2
"Elementary Topology" by Gemignani. Not very well-known, nor advanced. But it is the textbook that I read long time ago that made me finally realize that I love math. The book is too easy for me now, but it has great sentimental value for me.

"Tensors and Manifolds" by Wasserman will probably be my bible for the future--I haven't finished it yet.
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  • #3
I didn't have a maths textbook until recently (and I am in my late 20's), which is "Practical Techniques by Jordan & Smith".

I have Calculus made easy by Thomson which is just fun fun to read, not at all like a standard text.

Having studied chem a bit i think "Phys Chem P.W.Atkins" was my book of preference there, never was a huge fan of organics.
  • #4
spivaks calc on manifolds also formed, as a full time teacher in 1971 or so, the basis for my understanding of advanced calc, but it was courant's diff calc vol1 that lifted me as a college freshman in 1960, into the higher level of math once and for all, after a first glimpse in high school from allendoefer and oakleys "principles of mathematics".

I also like Mumfords first three preliminary chapters ("redbook") on algebraic geometry, and Beauville's Complex Algebraic Surfaces.

but mostly i only began to really learn math at an advanced age (about 32) when i was already a little beyond the level of textbooks and more into learning from professors. I read a lot of textbooks by Widder, Lang, Rudin, Royden, Halmos, Zariski, Herstein, Artin, Munroe, Spanier, Ahlfors, Kamke, Hausdorff, Hilbert, ... preparing for research, but I didn't understand them. Grad school at Brandeis and later Utah, was eye - opening.

So I never really learned anything from a textbook that even approximates what I got from live teachers like Herb Clemens, David Mumford, Phillip Griffiths, Boris Moishezon, Hugo Rossi, Robert Seeley, Ron Stern, Maurice Auslander, Alan Mayer, Bernard Teissier, Arnaud Beauville, Robert Varley, Pete Bousfield, Ed Brown Jr., Johnny Wahl, Mike Schlessinger, Lynn Loomis, David Kazhdan, Frans Oort, Mike Artin, Robin Hartshorne, John Tate, Raoul Bott, Mike Spivak, Paul Monsky, Ken Chakiris, Bob Friedman, Dave Morrison, Ron Donagi, Barry Mazur, Janos Kolla'r, Miles Reid, Heisuke Hironaka, and many others (Enrico, Maurizio, Fabrizio, Fabio, Sevin, Gerald, ...).

A human being who understands the subject can often tell you more in one sentence than you can get from reading a whole chapter of a book.
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  • #5
i also like euclids elements, goursats course in analysis, and anything by arnol'd, e.g. his diff eq books.
  • #6
recall the words of niels abel, "study the masters, not the pupils".In this vein, I recommend the worlds best precalculus book, Euler's "Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite".
  • #7
I would say Baron's Guide to Calculus and Baron's Guide to Trignometry, which I studied from in 7th grade.
  • #8
which is more or less the opposite to my advice, and abels.
  • #9
Different people have different tastes and different levels of study.

MadScientist's popular-type books are what gave him the greatest leap in mathematical understanding and appreciation in his youth. Those easy books might not be suitable for him anymore, but they are what assisted him the most during his development in math.

My "Elementary Topology" by Gemignani is too easy for me now, but it has great sentimental value for me, for it was what look me from the boring life to mathematical heaven.
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  • #10
Hey! I still am in 8th grade... You speak of me as if I am some 150 year old guy... :smile:

By the way, much of Euler seems outdated. It seems much more logical for me to not go very deep into Euler and make Minskowi Geometry a long term goal of mine.
  • #11
young mad scientist, you cannot simutaneously claim youth and foolishness and also disdain the advice of your elders. If you have the moxie to tell a senior research scientist his recommendations are "outdated", even though you apparently have not read them, you have to take your chances.

to put it simply, euler is a lot less outdated than barron's trigonometry.
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  • #12
I love you, mathwonk!

I am new to mathematics so my favorite texts so far is, Herstein's "Topics in Algebra" (recommended to me by you beautiful PFers) and Fraleigh's "A First Course in Abstract Algebra". I have only recently started working through them but I am finding that I really enjoy the elegance and beauty behind the logic of algebraic systems. Fraleigh is a larger book and slightly less advanced than Herstein's, however it covers roughly the same topics and has a lot of diagrams and pictures which is good for my introduction to algebra. Herstein is full of content and brilliant logic which I can't wait to start to understand more deeply.

A passion for theoretical physics made me want to do math but my exposure to abstract mathematics has developed a new passion for pure math itself (perhaps as much as my passion for physics).
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  • #13
well i can understand that, as i have often inspired strong emotions, but it seems to date those wishing to rend me limb from limb still outnumber those finding me lovable.
  • #14
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  • #15
Perko's DE and DynSys, GaryFLakes CBN, Lewis Theory of Computation, Bondy's Graph Theory, O'Rourke' Computational Geometry. Bauer and Nobel: ODEs
  • #16
Birkhoff and Maclane's Modern Algebra was memorable, as was anything by Artin I've ever read.

FAQ: Which Textbooks Were Your Most Memorable?

1. What makes a textbook memorable?

A textbook can be memorable for a variety of reasons. It may have engaging visuals or illustrations, clear and concise explanations, or a unique approach to the subject matter. Memorable textbooks also often have a lasting impact on the reader, making them think critically and sparking their interest in the topic.

2. How can a memorable textbook enhance learning?

A memorable textbook can enhance learning by making the material more engaging and easier to understand. When students are interested and invested in the material, they are more likely to retain the information and apply it in their studies. Additionally, memorable textbooks often have effective study aids, such as practice questions or interactive activities, that can help reinforce learning.

3. Can a textbook be memorable for different students for different reasons?

Yes, a textbook can be memorable for different students for different reasons. Each student has their own learning style and preferences, so what may be memorable for one student may not be for another. For example, a visual learner may find a textbook with lots of diagrams and pictures to be the most memorable, while an auditory learner may prefer a textbook with accompanying audio recordings.

4. Are there any downsides to using a memorable textbook?

One potential downside to using a memorable textbook is that it may not align with the curriculum or teaching methods of the course. This could cause confusion for students and make it challenging for them to keep up with the material. Additionally, a textbook that is too focused on being memorable may sacrifice important information or depth of coverage in order to be more visually appealing or entertaining.

5. Can a textbook become more memorable over time?

Yes, a textbook can become more memorable over time. As students continue to review and reference the material, it can become more ingrained in their memory and have a lasting impact. Additionally, a textbook may become more memorable if it is used in multiple courses or referenced in future studies, making it a valuable resource for students.

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