Which theory accurately explains the effect of gravity on light?

In summary, the conversation discussed the effect of gravity on light and whether it slows down as it passes through a massive object. There are two possible explanations - in a geometric theory like general relativity, light bends due to the curved spacetime but maintains its constant speed of c. In a non-geometric theory like field theory of gravity, the speed of light may vary and it bends due to a gravitational force.
  • #1
gravity"s effect on light

If light is bent by gravity as it passes a massive object like the sun isn't the speed of light retarded as it leaves the same massive object? If not how can gravity have the effect of bending light but not slow it down as it leaves?

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2

There is an effect called "Gravitational Redshift" where the light leaving a massive body is red-shifted by the gravitational field of the emitting body. This does NOT change the velocity of the light, it just "stretches out" the wavelength.

Actually, light from a distant source passing near a massive object follows the "geodesic", a curvature of space-time which deflects the path, as you describe above.

But there is an additional effect: while traveling toward that mass it must feel a slight "blue-shift" and after passing that mass it feels the "red-shift". These are really small effects for an average-sized object, and it seems they would cancel each other. (not sure about this)
  • #3

Light passing through a pane of glass slows down, but, resumes its normal speed once it exits the glass.
  • #4

thetexan said:
If light is bent by gravity as it passes a massive object like the sun isn't the speed of light retarded as it leaves the same massive object? If not how can gravity have the effect of bending light but not slow it down as it leaves?


The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Any curved or circular path taken between two points will increase the distance from one point to the other. That's why in boxing a jab is quicker than a hook. One travels in a straight line while the other in a circular trajectory.

The same with light. When light approaches a massive object it is suddenly forced to travel along a curved or warped space. Therefore it will take longer to reach us. Looking at gravity as a space-warper which forces moving matter to confrom to that space warpage as Einstein did instead of an attractor removes the seemingly paradoxical conunundrum.
  • #5

thetexan said:
If light is bent by gravity as it passes a massive object like the sun isn't the speed of light retarded as it leaves the same massive object?

For a distant observer light slows down near the massive object. It's called Shapiro delay:


As a reduction of the speed of light is equivalent to an increase of the refractive index gravitational lensing works similar to classical refraction.
  • #6

thetexan said:
If light is bent by gravity as it passes a massive object like the sun isn't the speed of light retarded as it leaves the same massive object? If not how can gravity have the effect of bending light but not slow it down as it leaves?


There are two possibilities. In a geometric theory as general relativity (GR) the speed of gravity is c, which is a constant, and lights bends because is moving in a curved spacetime (Light bending in curved spacetime)


In non-geometric theories of gravity as field theory of gravity (FTG) the speed of gravity is not c but varies with gravitational field and lights bends because is subject to a gravitational force (Light bending in flat spacetime)

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FAQ: Which theory accurately explains the effect of gravity on light?

What is gravity's effect on light?

Gravity can bend the path of light, which is known as gravitational lensing. This means that light can appear to be curved as it passes by a massive object, such as a star or galaxy.

How does gravity affect the speed of light?

Gravity does not directly affect the speed of light, as it always travels at a constant speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. However, gravity can change the path of light, which can make it appear to travel at a slower or faster speed.

Can gravity make light disappear?

No, gravity cannot make light disappear. However, it can cause light to be absorbed or scattered by massive objects, making it appear to disappear from our point of view.

Can gravity change the color of light?

Gravity does not have a direct effect on the color of light. However, the path of light can be altered by gravity, which can change the way we perceive its color. For example, light that passes near a black hole may appear to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum due to the strong gravitational pull.

Why is studying gravity's effect on light important?

Studying gravity's effect on light can provide valuable insights into the nature of the universe and the laws of physics. It can also help us understand how massive objects, such as galaxies and black holes, interact with light and influence the way we see the universe.

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