Which wave would you observe first?

  • Thread starter jewilki1
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In summary, when lightning occurs in the sky, energy is released through electronic relaxation of nitrogen, resulting in visible light and sound waves (thunder). To determine which wave would be observed first at a distance of 10 km, one needs to compare the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s) and the speed of sound (~350 m/s). Using the equation t = d/v, it can be calculated that light would be observed first as it travels much faster than sound.
  • #1
when lightning occurs in the sky, energy is released through the electronic relaxation of nitrogen. This energy can be observed as visible light and can be heard as sound waves (thunder). If you were 10 km from the lightning strike, which wave would you observe first? You must justify your answer and must include a calculation(s). Assume that the sound has a frequency of 100 Hz and and a wavelength 3.5 m. Assume that the visible light has a wavelength of 510 nm.

This comes from problems of the day. We get no solutions, but we have to use these to study for tests. Could you please help me set up these equations. Thanks.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Well there is a few equations you would use here being
velocity=frequency * lambda
so you would find the speed of both, then you would rearrange velocity=distance/time and see which has the smallest time
  • #3

FAQ: Which wave would you observe first?

What is the concept of "Which wave would you observe first?"

The concept of "Which wave would you observe first?" refers to the observation of different types of waves, such as sound waves or light waves, and determining which would be observed first in a given situation.

What factors determine which wave is observed first?

The factors that determine which wave is observed first include the speed of the waves, the distance between the source of the waves and the observer, and the medium through which the waves are traveling.

How does the speed of the waves affect which is observed first?

The speed of the waves plays a crucial role in determining which is observed first. In general, the faster the wave, the sooner it will be observed by an observer. For example, light waves travel much faster than sound waves, so light waves will be observed first in most situations.

In what situations would sound waves be observed first?

Sound waves are typically observed first in situations where the distance between the source of the waves and the observer is relatively short, and the speed of the waves is not significantly impacted by the medium through which they are traveling. For example, sound waves can travel through air more easily than light waves, so they will be observed first in a room filled with air.

Why is the concept of "Which wave would you observe first?" important?

The concept of "Which wave would you observe first?" is important because it helps us better understand the behavior of different types of waves and how they interact with one another. It also has practical applications, such as in determining the timing of events or the speed of objects based on the observation of different types of waves.

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