Which way does the cylinder roll? Solution posted doesn't make sense.

In summary, the problem involves a cylinder weighing 30lbs at rest on a horizontal surface with a spring attached to it and a string attached to a mass. The question is about the direction of movement after the system is released, and there is disagreement between two approaches. One approach uses the moment equation and predicts a leftward roll, while the other approach uses the parallel axis theorem and predicts a rightward roll. The discrepancy may be explained by considering the direction of movement at the end of the spring and the relationship between the distance the cylinder rolls and the distance the spring end moves.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cylinder weighing 30lbs is initially at rest on a horizontal surface. There is a spring attached directly below the center, 2ft away from the center point o, pulling to the right horizontally. There is a string attached to the center and to a mass (around a pulley, frictionless) that can free-fall upon release of the system, with tension to the left direction (horizontally). There is enough friction to oppose slipping in this case.
(I know it says no pictures, but its a little hard to visualize this.)
Weight of mass = 10lb
weight of cyl= 30lb
delta_x=2ft (stretched)
r1(to spring from center)=2ft
r2(radius of cyl)=3ft

There was a lot to do on this problem but the question that I am confused with is it wants to know in what direction will this travel after release. Apparently it moves to the right, although I don't see how this is possible without slipping.

Homework Equations

He gives a hint to use the moment equation, where Mo=Io(alpha). In the posted solution, he also uses the parallel axis theorem, Ip=Io+md^2.

The Attempt at a Solution

I took the moments about point o. The spring force would have a moment of 25lbft ccw, the tension doesn't have a moment, and friction is unknown, but would have to be to the left in order to prevent slipping (causing a cw moment). The resulting direction would be that it would roll to the left.

He took a different approach.

He said, because we don't know friciton, but we can represent T=massofweight*accelofsystem and we know fs (spring force), we can take the moment about point P, the bottom most part of the cyl in contact with the ground with vp=0. Thus the moment of fs is cw, and the moment by T is ccw, but because the spring force is much greater than the tension force, the fs moment outweights the T moment, thus it rolls to the right (cw).

Everyone agrees with me that this doesn't make sense, but no one knows how to argue the case against it. Maybe we are all wrong, but no one has explained it in a way that would let us change our mind.

here is his math in case anyone is interested in how he did it.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
ph7ryan said:
Apparently it moves to the right, although I don't see how this is possible without slipping.
If the cylinder rolls to the right, what direction does the cylinder end of the spring move, and what is the relationship between the distance the cyliner rolls versus the distance the cylinder end of the spring moves? Do the math for this and the answer should make sense.
  • #3
rcgldr said:
If the cylinder rolls to the right, what direction does the cylinder end of the spring move, and what is the relationship between the distance the cyliner rolls versus the distance the cylinder end of the spring moves? Do the math for this and the answer should make sense.

it would move to the left... meaning it would stretch more, and the weight would move up. the energy would have to come from somewhere for this to not violate thermo law 1.

and I did the math for the ratio traveled, it comes out to like 2:3.

FAQ: Which way does the cylinder roll? Solution posted doesn't make sense.

1. What is the solution to the question "Which way does the cylinder roll?"

The solution is that a cylinder will roll in the direction of its downward slope or towards the lowest point of the surface it is on.

2. Why doesn't the solution for the direction of cylinder roll make sense?

The solution may not make sense because it may not have taken into account external forces such as friction or an uneven surface.

3. Is the direction of cylinder roll affected by its shape?

Yes, the shape of the cylinder can affect its direction of roll. For example, a cylinder with a flat bottom will roll in a straight line, while a cylinder with a rounded bottom will roll in a curved path.

4. Can a cylinder roll in any direction?

No, a cylinder will always roll in the direction of its downward slope. If there is no slope, it will not roll unless an external force is applied.

5. How can I determine the direction of cylinder roll in a real-life scenario?

You can determine the direction of cylinder roll by looking at the direction of its downward slope or by observing its movement on a flat surface. You can also take into account external forces such as friction and the shape of the cylinder.
