Whittaker's solution and separable variables

In summary, The Laplace equation can be solved in n dimensions by using complex coordinates that also solve the Laplace equation. Whittaker's solution provides a general solution to the Laplace equation, which can be expressed as an integral. By using a specific function, it is possible to find a solution to the Laplace equation that matches Whittaker's solution. This can be achieved by solving the integral and finding the functions g(w) and h(w). Further understanding of twistor theory and global and local solutions may be necessary for a more in-depth explanation.
  • #1
So It is well known that the 2D solution to the Laplace equation can be obtained by changing to complex coordinates ##u=x+iy## and ##v=x-iy##. This can be extended to n dimensions as long as the complex coordinates chosen also solve the Laplace equation. For example in 3D

##w=i\sqrt{2}z+xcos\vartheta +iysin(\vartheta)##

along with the complex conjugate of w. This allows the 3D laplace equation to be solved in the same way as the 2D case. I.e the solution of
##\nabla^{2}f=0## can be found through


A general solution to the Laplace equation is given by

##f=\int f(w,\vartheta)d\vartheta##

this is called Whittaker's solution and from this we can obtain

##f=\frac{2\pi x}{(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2})^{3/2}}##

which is a solution to the Laplace equation...Ok so my question is I am unsure how to show that they are equivalent?

Whittaker's solution must be able to be expressed as

##f=\int f(w,\vartheta)d\vartheta=g(w)+h(\tilde{w})=\frac{2\pi x}{(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2})^{3/2}}##

I am sure there is a simple explanation? probably involving a taylor expansion or something? but I am not sure how to get there...I believe these all have some context and relation to twistor theory and the like but before i delve cohmology etc I am hoping for an easier solution =]
  • #3
As far as I could figure out by reading some old old document Whittaker shewed that solutions to the 3d laplace equation can be put on the form ## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x + iy\cos(v) + iz\sin(v)) dv ##. By pure guessing I found that

## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x,y,z,v) dv = \frac{2\pi x }{\left(x^2 + y^2 + z^2\right)^{3/2}}## with ## f(x,y,z,v) = \left(x + iz\cos(v) + iy\sin(v)\right)^{-2}##. Now you just have to find g(w) and h(w), right?
  • #4
Strum said:
As far as I could figure out by reading some old old document Whittaker shewed that solutions to the 3d laplace equation can be put on the form ## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x + iy\cos(v) + iz\sin(v)) dv ##. By pure guessing I found that

## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x,y,z,v) dv = \frac{2\pi x }{\left(x^2 + y^2 + z^2\right)^{3/2}}## with ## f(x,y,z,v) = \left(x + iz\cos(v) + iy\sin(v)\right)^{-2}##. Now you just have to find g(w) and h(w), right?

Pretty much, but where the solution to the Laplace equation is the addition of some function ##g(w)## and ##h(\tilde{w})## where ##\tilde{w}## is the complex conjugate of ##w##...
The more I'm reading about it, it seems as if I need to look at twistor theory, global and local solutions etc...I wonder if take a laurent expansion would help, but I haven't really been able to get very far
  • #5
Strum said:
As far as I could figure out by reading some old old document Whittaker shewed that solutions to the 3d laplace equation can be put on the form ## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x + iy\cos(v) + iz\sin(v)) dv ##. By pure guessing I found that

## \int_{0}^{2\pi} f(x,y,z,v) dv = \frac{2\pi x }{\left(x^2 + y^2 + z^2\right)^{3/2}}## with ## f(x,y,z,v) = \left(x + iz\cos(v) + iy\sin(v)\right)^{-2}##. Now you just have to find g(w) and h(w), right?

Would you show me how you solved the integral? I appear to be having some trouble
  • #6
Maple syntax.

f:=(x,y,z,v) -> (x + I*z*cos(v) + I*y*sin(v))^-2;
int(f(x,y,z,v),v=0..2*Pi) assuming(x,real,y,real,z,real,v,real)

FAQ: Whittaker's solution and separable variables

1. What is Whittaker's solution and separable variables?

Whittaker's solution and separable variables is a mathematical technique used to solve partial differential equations. It involves separating the variables in the equation and finding a solution for each variable separately.

2. When is Whittaker's solution and separable variables used?

This technique is commonly used in physics and engineering to solve equations that involve multiple variables such as time, space, and temperature.

3. How does Whittaker's solution and separable variables work?

The technique involves separating the variables in the equation and finding a solution for each variable separately. These solutions are then combined to form a general solution for the equation.

4. What are the advantages of using Whittaker's solution and separable variables?

One advantage is that it simplifies the equation and makes it easier to solve. It also allows for the use of known solutions for each variable, which can save time and effort in solving the equation.

5. Are there any limitations to using Whittaker's solution and separable variables?

This technique can only be used for equations that are separable, meaning that the variables can be separated and solved individually. It may not be applicable for more complex equations that cannot be separated in this way.

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