Who created the Crunch Theory and the Continual Expansion Theory ?

In summary, the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory" were created by Einstein, Friedmann, Robertson, Walker, and Lemaitre. They were direct consequences of Einstein's gravitational field equations with assumptions on the properties of matter in the universe. However, recent experiments have shown that the simplified view of these theories is not enough due to the presence of dark energy. Einstein originally hypothesized this concept, but later rejected it when Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe. It was later discovered that Einstein's original "Lambda term" could explain the acceleration of expansion and the overall curvature of the universe. The simplified version of Einstein's equations, created by Friedmann and possibly Lemaitre, have been used by cosm
  • #1
Who created the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory"?

Who created the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory"?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Einstein, Friedmann, Robertson, Walker, and Lemaitre. I don't know the specific roles each of these people played, although I think at least two or three came up with identical results independently.

The things that you are talking about are direct consequences of Einstein's gravitational field equations with some reasonable assumptions on the properties of the matter in our universe thrown in. Depending on how much matter there is, the universe will eventually either crunch or expand forever.

Recent experiment show that this simplified view is not quite enough, since there is a very large component of the universe called dark energy (different from dark matter!) that changes the results a little. This was originally hypothesized by Einstein 90 years ago, but he eventually rejected it when Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. It turns out he was right all along though.
  • #3
I'm not sure "theory" is the right word - they are models. They all start with a lot of "if's" (the dark matter/energy Stingray was talking about). If the universe has xxx amount of mass, yyy will happen, etc. Right now scientists are apparently leaning toward the inifinite expansion model, AFAIK. And though a lot of scientists have discussed them and built on them, I think they came from Friedman.
  • #4
Originally posted by Stingray
Einstein, Friedmann, Robertson, Walker, and Lemaitre. I don't know the specific roles each of these people played, although I think at least two or three came up with identical results independently.
... This was originally hypothesized by Einstein 90 years ago, but he eventually rejected it when Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. It turns out he was right all along though.

I wish we had an online source with some of the history.
IIRC both Friedmann and Lemaitre got results roughly around 1920.
If someone knows more exactly please correct the details.

So the story is first AE makes the general 1915 theory
and he notices that it is unstable and tends to have solutions
that are either expanding or contracting
and he doesn't like that because he thinks the U should stand still

so he puts a Lambda term into the equation to make it possible for the solution to be static----if Lambda is finetuned to be exactly right. this is a kind of fragile solution because if something jostles it the U will start expanding or contracting again. but
as a stopgap measure at least it gives a static solution

then observers like Hubble notice that the U is not static after all
but is expanding

so AE throws away the Lambda in disgust---he didnt have to sneak it into allow a static solution, because static was the wrong answer!

however the Lambda term also has the possibility that it can cause expansion to accelerate or decelerate depending on its size, and it can effect the overall curvature (as any form of energy can, since the curvature reflects average energy density in the U)

so 80-some years later people are re-invoking the Lambda term to explain apparent acceleration of expansion

Friedmann lived in St. Petersburg and had the idea in the 1920s of making a SIMPLIFIED version of AE equations by assuming symmetry and uniformity. Then he could solve them. If you make simplifying assumptions like all the energy (material) is smeared out to just be a uniform average density, so things look the same from anywhere and in all directions, then AE's original complicated multiple-equations boil down to just two ordinary differential equations involving a simple number---the scale number that keeps track of the size or the distance between things as it changes due to expansion or contraction.

Maybe Lemaitre, who IIRC was a Belgian and maybe also a Catholic priest, did the same thing. and Lemaitre also proposed an expanding solution to AE's equations.

Whenever that was, sometime in the 1920s I think, cosmologists have been using the simple diff.equations of Friedmann ever since (instead of the Einstein equation in its full complexity) because in fact the U does look pretty uniform and the same in all directions. so why not take advantage of those simplifying assumptions?

Finally, Einstein's original Lamba term carries over into the Friedmann equations. And it is thru fitting the Friedmann model to the data that they determine what Lambda has to be.
And it turns out to be 0.6 joules per cubic kilometer, plus/minus some uncertainty.

So who gave us the sensational imagery of Bang and Crunch and Accelerated Expansion?

Those are just different solutions of the Friedmann equations if you run the equations putting in different parameters. So it was some guy in St.Petersburg (maybe it was called Leningrad) who gave us those images, which are now so etched into everybody's imagination.

FAQ: Who created the Crunch Theory and the Continual Expansion Theory ?

1. Who first proposed the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory"?

The "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory" were both first proposed by two different scientists. The "Crunch Theory" was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity in 1917. The "Continual Expansion Theory" was first proposed by Edwin Hubble in 1929, based on his observations of the redshift of galaxies.

2. What is the main difference between the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory"?

The main difference between these two theories is the ultimate fate of the universe. The "Crunch Theory" suggests that the universe will eventually stop expanding and start contracting, leading to a "Big Crunch" where all matter collapses back into a singularity. On the other hand, the "Continual Expansion Theory" proposes that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, with no eventual collapse.

3. What evidence supports the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory"?

Both theories are supported by different pieces of evidence. The "Crunch Theory" is supported by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is believed to be leftover radiation from the Big Bang. The "Continual Expansion Theory" is supported by observations of the redshift of galaxies, which indicates that the universe is still expanding.

4. Are there any other theories about the fate of the universe?

Yes, there are other theories about the fate of the universe, including the "Big Freeze" or "Heat Death" theory, which suggests that the universe will continue to expand until all energy is evenly distributed and no work can be done. There is also the "Big Rip" theory, which proposes that the expansion of the universe will eventually accelerate to the point where everything, including atoms, is torn apart.

5. Can we determine which theory is correct?

At this point, it is not possible to determine which theory is correct. Both the "Crunch Theory" and the "Continual Expansion Theory" have evidence to support them, but more research and observations are needed to fully understand the fate of the universe. It is also possible that a new theory may emerge in the future that better explains the behavior of the universe.

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