Who Do You Look Up To? Exploring Role Models and Inspirations

  • Thread starter StevieTNZ
  • Start date
In summary: Mike's Mother.In summary, the conversation touched on various people that the participants look up to, such as Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, teachers, family and friends, Bernie Sanders, Steve McQueen, Richard Dawson, Shatner, Greg Bernhardt, PF Admins, PF Mentors, Jimmy Page, Freeman Dyson, farmers, everyday working folks, "Uncle Hub" from "Secondhand Lions", Steve Wozniak, Richard Feynman, Leonardo da Vinci, Frederik Chopin, Albert Einstein, John Stuart Mill, Richard Dawkins, George Carlin, Carl Sagan, Christopher Hitchens, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bob Dylan, Mahatma Gandhi, Alan Turing,
  • #1
It'd be interesting to see who people look up to.

I look up to Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. I wish I could do a PhD under his supervision.

I also look up to my 2004 and 2005 High School Classical Studies, and Computing, teachers.
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  • #2
People who are taller than me.
  • #3
trollcast said:
People who are taller than me.

I usually get to the same height, then look at them.
  • #4
  • #5
According to my tape measure anyone above 5 11. Other than that select family and friends.
  • #6
  • #7
Bernie Sanders.
  • #8
Steve McQueen and Richard Dawson

Maybe Shatner but only once he's dead.
  • #9
Greg Bernhardt, PF Admins, and PF Mentors.
  • #10
PhizKid said:

I personally see Jimmy Page as my god.
  • #11
Are we constrained to the living?

Freeman Dyson

farmers, and the everyday working folks who keep the machinery of civilization running.

if you'll grant me one from fiction - "Uncle Hub", the character portrayed by Robert Duval in "Secondhand Lions". He reminds me of some WW2 vets I knew.
  • #12
I look up to Steve Wozniak.

StevieTNZ said:
It'd be interesting to see who people look up to.

I look up to Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. I wish I could do a PhD under his supervision.

I also look up to my 2004 and 2005 High School Classical Studies, and Computing, teachers.

So I have to ask, why do you look up to the ancient aliens guy?
  • #13
The great Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Granth Sahib
  • #14
*Scratches head*
Uhh...I don't know...
  • #15
Richard Feynman is my hero. Smart dude with broad interests, penetrating insight, a good heart, a sense of humour and no time for bull****.
  • #16
Leonardo da Vinci, Frederik Chopin, Albert Einstein, John Stuart Mill, and, like Adyssa above, Richard Feynman.
  • #17
Some people I appreciate are/was Richard Dawkins, George Carlin, Carl Sagan, Christopher Hitchens, Neil deGrasse Tyson + some other scientists + a bunch of composers.
  • #18
DennisN said:
George Carlin...Christopher Hitchens
Yes and yes! I love these guys. These two + Bob Dylan had such a huge influence on me. Jimmy Page is still god tho :p
  • #19
trollcast said:
People who are taller than me.

:smile: I actually thought this haha

All of my life I never understood the whole role model thing or why people would look up to another person, but it seems I have developed a deep appreciation for Neil de Grasse Tyson. As I am often discouraged these days, I listen to a lot of his speeches and somehow find hope within them. I also admire Astronuc which is odd because I do not hunt down his posts like Neil de Grasse Tyson's videos XD but I appreciate his posts whenever I come across them...maybe it has something to do with his username, beard, and use of the word "one."
  • #20
I look up to Mahatma Gandhi
  • #21
proyang said:
I look up to Mahatma Gandhi

I really wish that everyone could see the truth about Gandhi. He wasn't the great saint that he is made out to be.
  • #22
Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman.
  • #23
Lots of people. For example, Om, because he cured himself :cool:.
  • #24
Richard Feynman. His stories, charisma, and passion is what inspires me.
  • #25
I look up to my mom, Fermi, and Alan Turing.
I also admire the person who discovered coffee.

aquitaine said:
So I have to ask, why do you look up to the ancient aliens guy?

I'm glad someone finally pointed that out. To add on why would he want to work on a Phd under him?
  • #26
lisab said:
Lots of people. For example, Om, because he cured himself :cool:.

  • #27
Drakkith said:

Well his story involves activities we don't support here, so you'll have to ask him. Maybe he will share. It's a great story!
  • #28
lisab said:
Lots of people. For example, Om, because he cured himself :cool:.

Hmm... I never did confirm that I cured myself.

I only knew that, after 9 months of suffering, my symptoms went away, after taking a drug, that the literature said, would cure me.

I had lots of time to study the literature.

I don't mean to belittle the doctors. They've got thousands of patients, and millions of diseases to know about. I only have to worry about the one, causing me distress, at the moment.

I do look forward to seeing my new doctor* this month, his mouth was wide open when I told him the story.

*I ran into him a month after I "cured" myself. A totally random, sitting at the bar kind of thing. I ran into him again about 2 weeks ago, and he said he'd be my doctor. Though he said he didn't remember me. I smiled.
  • #29
"Look up to..." implies, "role model", implies, "not being oneself", this means, "your value as a human is less than that of the one you look up to", which implies, "they are better than you." Aside from that, I know it is another human to which many if not most (possibly all) humans have faults or flaws. Why would I want to look up to another thing that is almost as imperfect as I am? Why would I even bother trying to model myself after something like a human? Where is the sense in that? I cannot be that person as I wasn't born that person so I am not going to die wanting and trying to be someone else. If I were to do that then it would make more sense for me to try and become a sea turtle. If I could change who I was, I certainly would choose to be a tree or a sea turtle, not another human. But the latter is an asinine notion! Just like trying to model yourself after another person. That is my opinion, but that is why I don't model myself after another. I just try to be a better person based on what I think "better" is.
  • #30
I look up to Mike's Mother.

She endured, what no mother should have to endure...


And she used her son's death, as a lesson to others, rather that being bitter about it, and pointing fingers...

I spent time in the same area Mike lived, when I was about his age.


I owe my life to Mike's Mother.

I look up to her.​
  • #31
Wow, that's crazy Om!
  • #32
I look up to Conan the Barbarian. :) Seriously, I find Steve Jobs an inspiring person.
  • #33
  • #34
StevieTNZ said:
It'd be interesting to see who people look up to.

I look up to Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. I wish I could do a PhD under his supervision.

I also look up to my 2004 and 2005 High School Classical Studies, and Computing, teachers.

:confused: Uh... what?


On the up side, he has some epic hair.
  • #35
Astrum said:
On the up side, he has some epic hair.

Even if it was still the 80's he would be the extreme.

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