Who has the advantage in the 1-11 game to reach 56?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Ackbach
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In summary, the 1-11 game involves two individuals or teams competing to reach a score of 56 first. The objective is to reach this score before the opponent, using strategic moves and accurate calculations. Factors that can give a player an advantage include understanding the rules, quick calculations, and a strong memory. While there is no set pattern or strategy to win, some players may develop their own techniques. The duration of a game can vary, but on average it takes 10-30 minutes to finish.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is this week's POTW:


Two players play the following game. The first player selects any integer from 1 to 11 inclusive. The second player adds any positive integer from 1 to 11 inclusive to the number selected by the first player. They continue in this manner alternately. The player who reaches 56 wins the game. Which player has the advantage?


Remember to read the http://www.mathhelpboards.com/showthread.php?772-Problem-of-the-Week-%28POTW%29-Procedure-and-Guidelines to find out how to http://www.mathhelpboards.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=2!
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  • #2
Congratulations to Kiwi, kaliprasad, and Fallen Angel for their correct solutions! Kiwi's solution follows:

Player 1 always wins by following this sequence:

Player 1 plays 8
Player 2 plays 1-11 bringing the total to 9-19
Player 1 brings the total to 20
Player 2 plays 1-11 bringing the total to 21-31
Player 1 brings the total to 32
Player 2 plays 1-11 bringing the total to 33-43
Player 1 brings the total to 44
Player 2 plays 1-11 bringing the total to 45-55
Player 1 brings the total to 56 and wins

FAQ: Who has the advantage in the 1-11 game to reach 56?

Who are the players in the 1-11 game?

The players in the 1-11 game are usually two individuals or two teams competing against each other to reach a score of 56 first.

What is the objective of the 1-11 game?

The objective of the 1-11 game is to reach a score of 56 before the opponent does. This can be achieved by strategic moves and counting points correctly.

What gives a player an advantage in the 1-11 game?

There are a few factors that can give a player an advantage in the 1-11 game. These include having a good understanding of the game rules, being able to make quick and accurate calculations, and having a strong memory.

Is there a specific pattern or strategy to win the 1-11 game?

While there is no specific pattern or strategy to win the 1-11 game, some players may develop their own techniques based on their strengths and weaknesses. However, luck and chance also play a significant role in this game.

How long does it typically take to finish a game of 1-11?

The duration of a game of 1-11 can vary depending on the players' skills and strategies. On average, it can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes to finish a game.
