Who is Smarter: Men or Women? Thread Closed.

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    Iq Women
In summary: You must be a woman...and this is an insult because it implies I would have called myself stupid, or because it implies I have voted for "women" ? Yes, I am a man and I have voted for "women"... In any case, I think this poll is insulting, and...I don't think there is a clear answer to this question.

who is smarter,men or women?

  • men are smarter

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • no,women are smarter

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • #1
who do you think is smarter,men or women?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Personally I don't believe in IQ tests(because I regularly score 1) and I think smartness is something to do with creativity or original thought.Can you be more specific with your question?
  • #3
The question needs a third option/answer: people who don't ask this question.
  • #4
Men obviously, not even sure why there is a poll.
  • #5
I have this IQ test story to relate:

My husband recently thought we should both take the same free on-line IQ test (in which the results are emailed to you). He took it, got his results, then set it up for me to take and handed the laptop over. About a half-an hour later he happily announced that they revised his score upward, at which point I had to say:
"But honey... you set it up to email MY results to your email too."

Think that settles the point in OUR family at least. :wink:
  • #6
if smartness equates to getting along in life and getting your way, then women are clearly more on the ball.
  • #7
Men are on average way starter than women. This gets upside down if you take me out of the average though.
  • #8
I just asked my wife and she says men are much smarter than women. She also adds "Now take out the garbage, put the dishes in the dishwasher, take out the laundry, bring me some chocolates, and get the car warmed up, we're going shopping for jewelry."
  • #9
jimmysnyder said:
I just asked my wife and she says men are much smarter than women. She also adds "Now take out the garbage, put the dishes in the dishwasher, take out the laundry, bring me some chocolates, and get the car warmed up, we're going shopping for jewelry."

And presumably you are smart enough to do all these things, right? :biggrin:
  • #10
physics girl phd said:
And presumably you are smart enough to do all these things, right? :biggrin:
Indeed. Strong like bull, smart like chicken.
  • #11
I'm not touching this with a 10ft pole.
  • #12
What's your definition of 'a smart person'?:-p

jimmysnyder said:
I just asked my wife and she says men are much smarter than women. She also adds "Now take out the garbage, put the dishes in the dishwasher, take out the laundry, bring me some chocolates, and get the car warmed up, we're going shopping for jewelry."
  • #13
physics girl phd said:
I have this IQ test story to relate:

My husband recently thought we should both take the same free on-line IQ test (in which the results are emailed to you). He took it, got his results, then set it up for me to take and handed the laptop over. About a half-an hour later he happily announced that they revised his score upward, at which point I had to say:
"But honey... you set it up to email MY results to your email too."

Think that settles the point in OUR family at least. :wink:

I can see why you beat him :-p
  • #14
I wouldn't say either one is smaarter than the other, rather they are just better at diffrent things.
  • #15
Stratosphere said:
I wouldn't say either one is smaarter than the other, rather they are just better at diffrent things.
It's true that women are better than men at getting pregnant.

I must say that, the problem with answering seriously to this discussion is that it assumes it can be taken seriously.

Which pet is smarter : the cat, the dog, or the girlfriend ?
  • #16
physics girl phd said:
I have this IQ test story to relate:

My husband recently thought we should both take the same free on-line IQ test (in which the results are emailed to you). He took it, got his results, then set it up for me to take and handed the laptop over. About a half-an hour later he happily announced that they revised his score upward, at which point I had to say:
"But honey... you set it up to email MY results to your email too."

Think that settles the point in OUR family at least. :wink:

Last year, one of my students told me that he wanted to marry a smart woman, so I jokingly (? :wink:) told him that if he married a smart woman, he would just lose more arguments.

I know; I have first-hand experience.
Last edited:
  • #17
George Jones said:
Last year, one of my students told me that he wanted to marry a smart woman, so I jokingly (? :wink:) told him that if he married a smart woman, he would just lose more arguments.

I know; I have first-hand experience.

Its better to loose the argument when she understands you though.
  • #18
physics girl phd said:
And presumably you are smart enough to do all these things, right? :biggrin:

  • #19
jobyts said:
You must be a woman...
and this is an insult because it implies I would have called myself stupid, or because it implies I have voted for "women" ? Yes, I am a man and I have voted for "women"... In any case, I think this poll is insulting, and one should not even try to argue seriously about how dull it is, because it so low that it does not deserve to be treated seriously.

See, being a professional physicist, people picture me as clever all the time, as soon as they know what my profession is. As a consequence, it creates a bias in my discussions with them, and since they tend to give too much value to my opinions, it prevents me sometimes from benefiting from their own knowledge and experience. It frustrates me, honestly, and it is a stereotype that physicists are more clever than average people. Physicists are very good at science, but they often have a lot to learn on the human side. So to think that stereotypes as elementary as "women vs men intelligence" are still out there, it only reminds me how long it will take before it is generally recognized how we all have to learn from each others.

And now I feel like deleting the serious part of my message... D*mn
  • #20
Still arguing about this? Women always argue everything... not going to win this one...
  • #21
A coworker and I took an IQ test about 15 years ago. We both scored 150.

I asked her; "Ok Einstein, what does the 'c' in E=mc^2 stand for?

She of course could not answer the question.

But damn, she could do things I could never imagine.

One day, she pointed out that someone had the wrong kind of shoe on for the outfit.

I was like; "wow. you are a genius."
  • #22
OmCheeto said:
A coworker and I took an IQ test about 15 years ago. We both scored 150.

I asked her; "Ok Einstein, what does the 'c' in E=mc^2 stand for?

She of course could not answer the question.

But damn, she could do things I could never imagine.

One day, she pointed out that someone had the wrong kind of shoe on for the outfit.

I was like; "wow. you are a genius."


Cyrus's girlfriend probably.
  • #23
JasonRox said:

Cyrus's girlfriend probably.

Nope, I know how to dress very well...thank you very much!
  • #24
I've heard, and I believe from experience, that's there is a wider range in male intelligence, but on average, men and women have the same IQ (a questionable test, anyway). Even though the average is the same though, you'll meet more absolute idiot who are men rather than women and you'll also meet more true genius who are men.
  • #25
female intelligence is just different from men. sure, a man may be more likely to give you the right answer, but a woman always knows what you're doing wrong.
  • #26
Thread closed.

FAQ: Who is Smarter: Men or Women? Thread Closed.

What is the difference between the average IQ scores of men and women?

The average IQ scores of men and women are not significantly different. According to research, the average IQ score for both men and women is around 100, with a standard deviation of 15.

Do men generally score higher on certain types of IQ tests compared to women?

There is no evidence to suggest that men generally score higher on certain types of IQ tests compared to women. IQ tests are designed to measure overall intelligence, and are not biased towards any specific gender.

Are there any studies that show men perform better on spatial reasoning tasks, and women perform better on verbal tasks?

Yes, there have been studies that show a slight difference in performance between men and women on spatial reasoning and verbal tasks. However, these differences are small and do not reflect overall intelligence.

Why is there a common belief that men have higher IQs than women?

This belief is based on outdated and biased studies that have been debunked by modern research. It is important to recognize that intelligence is not determined by gender, but rather by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Can IQ tests accurately measure intelligence in men and women?

IQ tests can provide a general measure of intelligence, but they are not perfect and should not be used as the sole measure of intelligence in men and women. Other factors such as emotional intelligence and practical skills should also be taken into consideration.

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