Who is yowser? A Personal Introduction to a Curious Mind

  • Thread starter Yowser
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In summary, yowser is a curious individual who seeks to explore and understand the world around them. They are driven by a desire to learn and discover new things, and are always open to new experiences and perspectives. Yowser is a unique and inquisitive mind who is constantly seeking knowledge and understanding.
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Hello, all. My username is yowser, from the frequency of the use of that word when my multiple attempts at anything result in a painful result. To say I am a newbie is a bit misleading, as I consider myself three days older than dirt.

My physics background is limited to what I learned in grade school and limited high school, with additional and continuing learning in life. I'm fine with arithmetic and algebra, but cannot grasp trigonometry or advanced mathematics. Electricity is a crap shoot. I can follow most diagrams, but the symbols are a mystery. I understand general concepts and am fascinated by physics, but no clue as to how anything above the basic seven applies to life.

Not boasting, but have been told I have a "big brain", I can figure out most mechanical situations (I've always said if a man put it together, I can take it apart). Human interaction is not my strong point, I sometimes take offence at the most menial of statements (please let me know if I offend you somehow, I am not good at subtleties). I do not suffer fools gracefully.

I question most everything. I have chemo fog, so sometimes it takes me a while to understand. And most importantly, I need to break my addiction to endlessly scrolling through Quora looking for answers. I thank you all for being here.
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Likes berkeman
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
Welcome to the forum. Be a good idea to read the rules since they actually matter here. Just don't be rude (that's my job :smile:) and you'll do fine.

Answers here are a lot more reliable than on Quora but this is not a Q&A site. If you have a question you are expected to make an effort to find your own solution and let us know where you get stuck, rather than just asking the question with no effort on your part.
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Likes PeroK
  • #4
And this is why I need to get away from the people that ask, "If a tree had ears, could it eat a shark?" I tend to read and analyze as the information applies to my needs, but sometimes (more often than not), the info is just too complex, and I need help.
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Likes berkeman
  • #5
Welcome to PF. :smile:

Sorry to hear that you are having to go through chemo -- hopefully it goes reasonably well for you.
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Likes phinds