Who Wants to Join the Physicsforum CIV IV Tournament?

  • Thread starter micromass
  • Start date
In summary: Civ. :)I've never tried that before. Are there any gameplay changes in BAT, or is it just appearance and interface?Just appearance and graphics, and BUG of course, it's kind of... the original Civ. :)
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Would anybody here be up for a CIV IV tournament? Post if interested.
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  • #2
What a stupid idea.
  • #3
Yes! Of course! Count me in :D
  • #4
I would be honored
  • #5
Count me in, of course. And considering everything, I'll also say that I'll probably be the host of this particular tournament.
  • #6
Double-post, of course, but I'd just like to log an official entry:

Leader: Willem van Oranje (Custom Name: Emperor Zechario Magni)
Civ: Netherlands (Custom Name: Nyancat Dynastic Empire)

Put me in for Player 1, cause I feel the NEED to host this ****!
  • #7
I will be paying a lifetime PF account for the winner and a free year account for the second place!
  • #8
Official Entry!

Leader: George Washington (Custom Name: Ivan the Great)
Civ: American (Custom Name: Roman Empire)
  • #9
Official Entry!

Leader: I have no idea (Custom Name: Peng is better than Ivan)
Civ: IV?
  • #10
micromass said:
Would anybody here be up for a CIV IV tournament? Post if interested.
Probably a case of, if you have to ask..., but I'll ask anyway... What's CIV? and What's CIV IV?
  • #12
Ivan92 said:
Civilization IV the turn-based strategy game

Oooohh.. I think we have that here somewhere.. My son plays that sometimes but is big on Age of Empires (online).
  • #13
I'm in!

Love that game.

I think I'll be the Incans.

What are the rules? (vassal states, tech trading, etc..)
  • #14
Rules are yet to be determined. As of now, we are just interested in seeing who would be willing to play. lol
  • #16
A couple of rules I am proposing:

1. No random events or villages.
2. Vassal states are allowed. Permanent alliances are not.
3. Time, Diplomatic, and Religious victories are disabled.
4. If you are Incan, do not Quechua rush.

Note that these are just my opinion. My justifications are as follows:

1. If random events or villages are on, it's easy for a player to gain a huge advantage by pure luck. One example of this is when I was playing with a friend of mine, and he got a settler from a village in turn 2. Turning these off is in the interest of fairness.
2. Why allow Vassal states?Simple: I couldn't think of a reason why not. Permanent Alliances are disabled for the simple reason that we need one winner... not two.
3. Diplomatic and religious victories are disabled because it would be impossible to win them in a human game anyway. Time is disabled because it's kind of embarrassing to win by time.
4. It is my personal opinion that the Quechua rush is overpowered. Huayna Capac is a very good leader without it, but with it he turns into a monster.

EDIT: Also, it might be good to add in a roster. Here we go:
1. Char. Limit (of the Dutch)
2. Ivan92 (of the Americans)
3. Pengwuino (unknown)
4. Disregardthat (of the Incans)

And Greg, I personally feel you should get Civ IV and try it out!
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  • #17
I was hoping for a friendly game, let's leave the stuff on. I wouldn't expect anyone to cheese their way to a cheap victory anyway, like warrior rushing. Civ IV is as imbalanced as you can get it as a competitive multiplayer game in any case.
  • #18
Understood, although Permanent Alliances will still need to be disabled for obvious reasons. (We really can't have two winners)
  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
I only have Civ V :(

Same here. Maybe the next event can be with V? Although, I probably won't even have the time to participate. :frown:
  • #20
I'll agree with that. What do you think of tech trading though? It's basically game over for the ones not getting a piece of the cake. Kind of opportunistic. To me it's a single player feature, but I'll go either way.
  • #21
Hmm... that's a tough one. I'm leaning towards disabling it, but a lot of diplomacy in the game goes to tech trading. Perhaps there's some compromise here that can be done?
  • #22
Char. Limit said:
Hmm... that's a tough one. I'm leaning towards disabling it, but a lot of diplomacy in the game goes to tech trading. Perhaps there's some compromise here that can be done?

There is, disabling tech brokering. What do others say on this one?
  • #23
That is what we shall do then!

Also, would you guys mind if we played this using the BUG Mod? There are no gameplay changes, but the improved interface is really way more informative.
  • #24
Char. Limit said:
That is what we shall do then!

Also, would you guys mind if we played this using the BUG Mod? There are no gameplay changes, but the improved interface is really way more informative.

BAT mod! :)
  • #25
disregardthat said:
BAT mod! :)

Oooooh... I've never tried that before. Are there any gameplay changes in BAT, or is it just appearance and interface?
  • #26
Just appearance and graphics, and BUG of course, it's kind of neat.
  • #27
Bump. I am looking forward to this :D

FAQ: Who Wants to Join the Physicsforum CIV IV Tournament?

What is "Physicsforum's CIV IV tournament"?

"Physicsforum's CIV IV tournament" is an online competition organized by the Physicsforum community to play the popular strategy game Civilization IV. It is open to all members of the community and follows a specific set of rules and guidelines.

How can I participate in the tournament?

To participate in the tournament, you must be a member of the Physicsforum community and have a copy of Civilization IV. You can sign up for the tournament by following the instructions provided in the tournament announcement thread.

What are the rules and format of the tournament?

The rules and format of the tournament vary from edition to edition, but generally, players compete against each other in a series of games within a set time frame. The winner is determined based on a scoring system that takes into account factors such as game difficulty, game length, and player performance.

Is there a prize for the winner of the tournament?

While there is no monetary prize for the winner of the tournament, they will receive recognition and bragging rights within the Physicsforum community. The main goal of the tournament is to have fun and engage in friendly competition with fellow members.

Can I join the tournament if I am new to Civilization IV?

Yes, the tournament is open to players of all skill levels. However, it is recommended that you have some experience playing the game before joining the tournament to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.
