Who was Reverend Spooner and what legacy did he leave behind?

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
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In summary: I don't know, but you have to suspect that would have been a temptation. People do tit around and sinvent...
  • #1
"Spooner was an albino, small, with a pink face, poor eyesight, and a head too large for his body. His reputation was that of a genial, kindly, hospitable man. He seems also to have been something of an absent-minded professor. He once invited a faculty member to tea "to welcome our new archaeology Fellow."
"But, sir," the man replied, "I am our new archaeology Fellow."
"Never mind," Spooner said, "Come all the same."
After a Sunday service he turned back to the pulpit and informed his student audience: "In the sermon I have just preached, whenever I said Aristotle, I meant St. Paul."
But Spooner was no featherbrain. In fact his mind was so nimble his tongue couldn't keep up. The Greeks had a word for this type of impediment long before Spooner was born: metathesis. It means the act of switching things around.
Reverend Spooner's tendency to get words and sounds crossed up could happen at any time, but especially when he was agitated. He reprimanded one student for "fighting a liar in the quadrangle" and another who "hissed my mystery lecture." To the latter he added in disgust, "You have tasted two worms."
Patriotic fervour excited Spooner as well. He raised his toast to Her Highness Victoria: "Three cheers for our queer old dean!" During WWI he reassured his students, "When our boys come home from France, we will have the hags flung out." And he lionised Britain's farmers as "noble tons of soil."
His goofs at chapel were legendary. "Our Lord is a shoving leopard," he once intoned. He quoted 1 Corinthians 13:12 as, "For now we see through a dark, glassly..." Officiating at a wedding, he prompted a hesitant bridegroom, "Son, it is now kisstomary to cuss the bride." And to a stranger seated in the wrong place: "I believe you're occupewing my pie. May I sew you to another sheet?"
Did Spooner really say, "Which of us has not felt in his heart a half-warmed fish?" he certainly could have; he was trying to say half-formed wish.
Lederer offers these other authentic spoonerisms: At a naval review Spooner marvelled at "this vast display of cattle ships and bruisers." To a school official's secretary: "Is the bean dizzy?" Visiting a friend's country cottage: "You have a nosey little crook here."
Two years before his death in 1930 at age 86, Spooner told an interviewer he could recall only one of his trademark fluffs. It was one he made announcing the hymn "Kinkering Congs Their Titles Take," meaning to say "Conquering Kings."
So if you have made a verbal slip, rest easy. Many have. Radio announcer Harry Von Zell once introduced the president as Hoobert Heever. And Lowell Thomas presented British Minister Sir. Stafford Cripps as Sir. Stifford Craps.
Thanks to Reverend Spooner's style-setting somersaults, our own little tips of the slung will not be looked upon as the embarrassing babblings of a nitwit, but rather the whimsical lapses of a nimble brain. So let us applaud that gentle man who lent his tame to the nerm. May sod rest his goal."

Spoonerisms > History of spoonerisms
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  • #2
That's great Zoob, thanks! I do that often myself. :redface:
  • #3
Evo said:
That's great Zoob, thanks! I do that often myself. :redface:
Remember any good ones?
  • #4
We hold these roots to be effervescent.
{We hold these truths to be self-evident}

I overheard a fellow student{way back when} say that, and it stayed with me all these years. I wonder if he had that disorder?
  • #5
It's not a disorder really, most people do it now and then, Spooner just did it more than most people and made it famous.

My favorite is: "The Lord is a shoving leopard." I think I would have peed myself laughing if I'd been in that Church when he said it.
  • #6
I can't imagine being someone who speaks publicly for a living, being able to live with this. It would make me nuts, but I would of been first in line to join his classes. I bet he was brilliant.
  • #7
hypatia said:
I can't imagine being someone who speaks publicly for a living, being able to live with this. It would make me nuts, but I would of been first in line to join his classes. I bet he was brilliant.
I don't get the impression he was much aware he was doing it, and was probably not bothered by it, himself.
  • #8
zoobyshoe said:
I don't get the impression he was much aware he was doing it, and was probably not bothered by it, himself.
Ah.. so clever people planning drab occasions asked him to speak so as to add some levity? :-p
  • #9
TheStatutoryApe said:
Ah.. so clever people planning drab occasions asked him to speak so as to add some levity? :-p
I don't know, but you have to suspect that would have been a temptation. People do tit around and sinvent spoonerisms.
  • #10
Zoob, you have very mad banners. This thread is nothing but a lack of pies ! None of this tit is shrew, and I'm not pit nicking. Moonerism is a sith ! That's all I'm sewing to gay, go help me sod.
  • #11
Gokul43201 said:
Zoob, you have very mad banners. This thread is nothing but a lack of pies ! None of this tit is shrew, and I'm not pit nicking. Moonerism is a sith ! That's all I'm sewing to gay, go help me sod.
Spat's the Thirit!

-ShoobyZoo (Flowling on the roar, affing my lass off.)
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FAQ: Who was Reverend Spooner and what legacy did he leave behind?

1. Who was William Archibald Spooner?

William Archibald Spooner was a British educator and Anglican priest who lived from 1844 to 1930. He is most well-known for his tendency to mix up letters and syllables in his speech, which led to the creation of the term "spoonerism".

2. What is a spoonerism?

A spoonerism is a verbal error in which the initial sounds of two or more words are accidentally transposed, often resulting in a humorous or nonsensical phrase. This term was coined after William Archibald Spooner due to his frequent occurrences of this type of mistake.

3. How did Spoonerisms become popular?

Spoonerisms became popular due to William Archibald Spooner's role as a professor at Oxford University. His students found his verbal errors to be entertaining and started to repeat them, which eventually spread to a wider audience.

4. What are some famous spoonerisms attributed to William Archibald Spooner?

Some famous spoonerisms attributed to William Archibald Spooner include "a blushing crow" instead of "a crushing blow" and "a well-boiled icicle" instead of "a well-oiled bicycle".

5. Did Spoonerisms have any impact on William Archibald Spooner's career?

Spoonerisms did not have a major impact on William Archibald Spooner's career. While he was known for his verbal errors, he was also a respected educator and priest. His legacy is mostly tied to his contributions to the field of education and his role as an influential figure at Oxford University.

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