Who Will Comfort Me After Losing My Beloved Antigravity Cat?

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary, Evo found his antigravity cat, who he referred to as "Rabbit" and who he loved deeply. The Evo child is coming over later to be with him when he buries Rabbit. Evo is still in shock and sad over Rabbit's death.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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I just found him. He was my antigravity cat, he was my rabbit. He had huge rabbit feet and a round face with rabbit ears and was the most loving thing.

Every night when I'd come home he run up to me and flop onto his back and wait to get his stomach rubbed.

The Evo child is coming over later to be with me when I bury him. I can't see to type through the tears right now.

This is him as a baby, the only picture I have.

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  • #2
I am sorry to hear that Evo.
Myself I am a cat lover as well, I don't have any in my home but I take care of two homeless cats.

I wish you strength in going through your greef!
  • #3
I'm so sorry, Evo. :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • #4
My condolences to you, Evo.

  • #5
Aww. He sounds like he had a great life, Evo.
  • #6
Sorry to hear that.
  • #7
He is in Kitty heaven now, chasing birds, mice, and an occasional deer to satisfy his lion-sized ego. :wink:

He looks like he was a nice friend. :approve:
  • #8
I'm sorry Evo! :frown:

That's horrible!

I remember when my dog died when I was young. I was watching TV, and I swear, every commerical and show had a dog in it. It was not fun. It made me sad. It really is amazing how much those little guys can mean to you, you know? Well anyways Evo, I'm sorry for your loss. Don't get too many tears on your keyboard :smile:
  • #9
Thanks everyone, I'm still in shock.
  • #10
Sorry to hear that Evo. It's tough to lose furry family members. I'm glad Evo Child is coming over to comfort you.
  • #11
That's Too Bad :frown:
  • #12
Sorry to hear that Evo :frown:. Losing pets sucks.
  • #13
Here's to Sherman!
  • #14
That's awful.

p.s. Did he die naturally, or was he killed? (Sorry to ask.)
  • #15
Knavish said:
That's awful.

p.s. Did he die naturally, or was he killed? (Sorry to ask.)
I think he was poisoned.
  • #16
My condolences.
It's never easy to lose a close companion.
  • #17
:frown: Sorry Evo; always a very sad day.
  • #18
I'm so sorry to hear that, honey. Been there, and wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I might suggest that you approach death as I do: I never mourn the loss of someone--I celebrate having had him/her in my life. Everyone that I meet has an influence upon who I am. Cats more so than a lot of people...
  • #19
I'm very sorry too. We get so use to our animal friends company, I know you will miss him very much.
My last house had 20 years of pets burried in the back yard. I ended up makeing a map for the new owners..of where they shouldn't dig.
  • #20
Bad day all the way around. If you suspect poisoning, you might want to check around for some neighbor's cooling system leaking anti-freeze, or blowing puddles in the gutters --- "once" is once too many.
  • #21
Having others, though, does not diminish the lack of the deceased. As a for instance: I have 2 brothers and a sister left, but I still miss my other brother.
  • #22
I'm really sorry for you. It's the great tragedy of having pets...having to let go. But still, that doesn't compare to the joy they give. Hugs!

Poisened you say? By accident, or deliberately (it happens, there a sick people out there, a friend of mine lost a dog that way...)?
  • #23
This time of year, it's really possible for it to have been accidental. People have all sorts of lawn care stuff and insecticides out in the yards, slug killer in the gardens, and are busy working on cars and boats, leaving fluids lying around, and there's also all the pool chemicals. But, yes, it's also possible it was deliberate. It's a dangerous world out there for kitties.
  • #24
I wasn't sure what Zz meant in his PF photo contest post, since I had missed this thread.

I'm sorry to hear that, Evo. :(
  • #25
sorry for your loss.
i can still remember how sad i was when my cat died...
  • #26
I'm so sorry to hear this, Evo.
  • #27
Poor kitty. :frown:
  • #28
I'm sorry to hear about Sherman. It's always sad to lose a pet, especially the ones that have been around a long time.
  • #29
Thanks again everone, it's going to be really hard when I go home tonight and he's not there. Where ever he was when he heard my car come down the street, he started racing for the house to greet me.
  • #30
Sorry to hear that Evo, it is awful when an animal dies, it's like losing a family member.
  • #31
scorpa said:
Sorry to hear that Evo, it is awful when an animal dies, it's like losing a family member.

Not quite, but still painful.
  • #32
Sorry for your loss Evo:cry:
  • #33
Evo, probably the saddest day of my life was when I had to take Turbo to be euthanized after he had a debilitating stroke. He couldn't walk and had only limited control of his front paws, and when I said goodbye at the vet's, he licked my face and nuzzled me. I was in tears. I hope you can cope, and still hold the feeling of loss. That feeling honors our animal companions and proves that they are more than "pets". I'm sorry.
  • #34
Thanks, it was very sad coming home from work. My "cat rabbit" wasn't here and I feel the loss of his presence so strongly. :cry:
  • #35
Evo, I have not seen your avatar anywhere before, but am driven to comparisons with Ophelia. Am I close?

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