Who Will Win the US Presidential Elections and Why?

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  • Thread starter The_Professional
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In summary: But seriously, I do believe that the average person is more intelligent than the average politician, and that if people were given a voice, they would make better decisions. Politics is a dirty business, and it's easy for the wrong people to get in, but with enough exposure and education, the right people can make a difference.
  • #1
Who do you think will win the upcoming Presidential elections (in the US) and why?
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  • #2
Bush, I am sorry to say. He'll withdraw most of the army from Iraq before the summer (regardless of stability / constitution / ...), suddenly see the huge threat that Syria is to the US (they will have at least 10 A-bombs and are capable to hit anyplace in the US within 45 minutes!), invade Syria over the summer, conquer the country easily (Syria's army is in ruins) and then he'll be reelected as a victorious war-president. Of course, then there will be a hostile country filled with US troops and the attacks will start all over, but he won't have to worry about that until after the elections.
  • #3
Suyver –

Yep! I agree, the coalition should station troops in Syria as well as Iran.
  • #4
Bush - with the economy booming, he couldn't possibly lose.
  • #5
Originally posted by GENIERE
Suyver –

Yep! I agree, the coalition should station troops in Syria as well as Iran.

The trouble in Iraq is being caused by an insurgency less than one tenth the size of our deployment in a country with a populous that considers us the lesser of two evils.

In Iran, the insurgency would be 2 to five times larger than our deployment, and the populous would have an absolute visceral hatred of us. Why don't you paint a target on your back and go to Iran Geniere.

  • #6
Nothing that happens between now and next July will have a direct impact on the election. People won't vote against their tendancies unless the memory of something nasty is still fresh. Today's events have only an indirect impact by affecting fund raising. However, Howard Dean has had little trouble raising a decent amount of money.

I'd say Bush has the advantage in that he can direct some events somewhat to his liking. If the economy is a political draw, Bush can direct events in Iraq to his liking. His challenge is to pull out with an appearance of accomplishing the objective of a stable, cooperative (not necessarily friendly) Iraq. The two ways to do that are to really accomplish the objective, or to create the appearance, and have the election come between when we pull out, and events go to hell. I will give George the credit that he is trying for the former, but I think he'll accept the latter rather than keep a large deployment through the election.

The economy is a tricky matter. It can go either way. It has been very poor though most of his tenure, but people don't remember more than a few months ago. Sitting presidents can usually take advantage of this short memory by taking short term quick fixes and pushing the fed to lower rates near elections. Bush can't do this. The fed can't push rates any lower, and any pork Bush publicly endorses will explode in his face in light of the awful deficits we are now incurring. Bush is in the tenuous position of needing a genuine recovery.

Plus, there is always the chance that his brother Neil will get caught banging sex-slaves in Thailand again just before the election.

  • #7
Njorl -
Why don't you paint a target on your back and go to Iran Geniere.

My response was directed to the posters of the many inane “hypotheticals” found in these forums. Not the more considered postings of others such as yours; just a satirical response to another ill-conceived scenario.

Incidentally Njorl, have you ever considered running for political office? I’m sure you're doing well in your scientific field but would urge you to consider it. From the content of your many posts, I judge your political posture to be quite different from mine, but nevertheless, some one I could vote for as well as for the equally adroit Russ_Watters.
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  • #8

You know Njorl your right aabout this "...but people don't remember more than a few months ago." Thats how the the populous can be so easily swayed by the hype the media puts out.Still, I don't think Bush will be elected this time... either.
  • #9
Originally posted by GENIERE
Njorl -

My response was directed to the posters of the many inane “hypotheticals” found in these forums. Not the more considered postings of others such as yours; just a satirical response to another ill-conceived scenario.

Incidentally Njorl, have you ever considered running for political office? I’m sure you're doing well in your scientific field but would urge you to consider it. From the content of your many posts, I judge your political posture to be quite different from mine, but nevertheless, some one I could vote for as well as for the equally adroit Russ_Watters.

I could see myself whispering in the ear of a candidate with nice white teeth and a good haircut, but I'm sure if I ran for anything I'd screw it up royally.

Njorl: Hi vote for me and that baby you're expecting will grow up in a better world, ma'am.
Voter: What baby? AND WHADDYA MEAN MA'AM??
Njorl: Uh, sorry sir. Can I stil count on your vote?


FAQ: Who Will Win the US Presidential Elections and Why?

What are the main factors that determine the outcome of US presidential elections?

The outcome of US presidential elections is determined by a combination of various factors, including the candidates' campaign strategies, their political ideologies, the current state of the economy, and the political climate of the country. Other influential factors include the candidates' popularity and favorability among voters, their policies and promises, and the effectiveness of their campaign messaging.

What role do swing states play in determining the winner of US presidential elections?

Swing states, also known as battleground states, are crucial in determining the outcome of US presidential elections. These states are neither solidly Democratic nor Republican and can swing either way in an election. Candidates often focus their campaign efforts and resources on winning these states as they can play a decisive role in the final outcome.

How does the US electoral college system impact the results of presidential elections?

The US electoral college system is a unique method of electing a president, where the winner of each state's popular vote is awarded a specific number of electoral votes based on their representation in Congress. This can sometimes lead to a candidate winning the majority of the popular vote but losing the election due to the electoral college system. This has happened in five US presidential elections, including the 2016 election.

What are some key demographics that can influence the outcome of US presidential elections?

Demographics such as age, race, gender, income, and education can play a crucial role in determining the outcome of US presidential elections. These factors can affect voter turnout and preferences, as well as shape the candidates' campaign strategies and messaging. For example, in recent years, the growing number of young and diverse voters has had a significant impact on election results.

How do debates and media coverage affect the outcome of US presidential elections?

Debates and media coverage can have a significant impact on the outcome of US presidential elections. Debates allow voters to see the candidates' stances on important issues and how they handle pressure and criticism. Media coverage, on the other hand, can shape public opinion and influence voter perceptions of the candidates. Both of these factors can sway undecided voters and potentially impact the final election results.
