Whom do you think will win the X-Prize and why?

  • Thread starter LURCH
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In summary: I don't remember what their project is called.Looks like the UK is leading the pack with a few other teams close behind.I don't think people here are only interested in P.C.s. It's just that we don't know much about the X-Prize other than it exists.
  • #36
cronxeh said:
I think any design that uses a ROCKET to launch anything into space is essentially a highly inefficient, idiotic idea.

If you want to launch stuff into space - the best way is to EM-accelerate them like a bullet, with a spin, and send off flying into outer space at a ZOOMing speed.

Once in space, use booster rockets (some compressed gas - any gas will do) to maneuver around

I had a similar idea, but with an old-fashioned steam catapult like they use on aircraft carriers, only much bigger, of course. This would employed tried-and-true old technology, and would accelerate the vehicle slowly enough for passengers to survive. Just build the launch facility on the western slope of a tall mountain range (to shoot upward and to the east), as close to the Equator as possible, and near an existing power plant (for the steam). Requires no new technology at all.

Rutan has announced his first launchdate as Sept. 29th.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #37

Watched the first flight live! Just saw the video of flight #2, now I'm saving up to buy my ticket! :wink:

See you guys up there.
  • #38
I was there to watch the last launch leading to the win. Hell I only live two hours from there so how could I NOT go? Man was it a great time!
  • #39
Creative research is having confidence in nonsense
- Burt Rutan;
From the documentary about his efforts:
Black Sky
The Race for Space.
Science Channel. 10/12/04

[its on right now if you're reading this in time]
  • #40
This is great! Make sure that you watch this.

Black Sky: The Race for Space

What does it take to build a space ship? Go behind-the-scenes as Burt Rutan designs and builds SpaceShipOne for entry in the X Prize competition. The competition was created to inspire the race for space tourism.
tv :: g
cc :: unavailable

On Air (ET):

Oct 13 2004
@ 07:00 AM

Oct 13 2004
@ 12:00 PM

Oct 13 2004
@ 03:00 PM

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  • #41
My opinion is completely changed.

Burt Rutan is my new hero! He is truly inspirational. He is the man.
  • #42
cronxeh said:
it only requires electricity [very cheap] and if u want to include humans - some form of a liquid gel to keep em alive thru the 50-100+ Gs they'll pull off on take off

I haven't done any calculations with this thing (other than visualizing the whole process and result in my head)

but here are some additional snips that even a HS physics student can build, given the resources:


I mean really.. how hard can it be? :approve:

Ohh boy is this old or what? I bet in a year nothing changed - we still rely on chemical propulsion and waste money and environment :eek:
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  • #43
Just say no to E M Mass driver.

cronxeh said:
Ohh boy is this old or what? I bet in a year nothing changed - we still rely on chemical propulsion and waste money and environment :eek:
Why some 50-100 G gelpacks needed electromagnetic mass driver system? Let's concentrate on carbon nanofiber research, and go for a Earth to GEO tether space elevator :!) system, from what I've seen it holds out the greatest promise for a mass space transportation system.