Why 2 photons are formed from positron-electron annihilation at rest

In summary, according to this article, there are various ratios of the number of photons produced after annihilation of a positron and an electron. The most common ratio is 2 photons for every 1 photon annihilated.
  • #1
This isn't a homework question, though it kind of relates to a practical I did recently. Sorry if it's posted in the wrong section!

So, why are only 2 photons formed from positron-electron annihilation at rest? I understand why you can't have just one, as then you won't get conservation of momentum. But why do you only get 2 photons instead of say, 10 or 1000? I've looked up various particle physics textbooks and one on radiation detection, but they only explain that you can't get a single photon.
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  • #2
As far as I know, you can get any number of photons except 1, but the reaction to two photons is really dominating, as it just needs [strike]one[/strike] two vertices ("interaction points") (edit: fixed) in the Feynman graph. In addition, the photons always have the same energy, so it is easy to detect.

3-photon annihilation, suppressed by a factor of 370.

Positronium is interesting, as it has one short-living state (which decays to two photons) and one long-living state (which cannot do this, and has to decay to three photons)
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  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I don't quite understand, though. I thought that positron-electron annihilation always occurs when a positron captures an electron to form positronium, which then decays. If positronium can only decay into 2 and 3 photons, doesn't this rule out the decay into other numbers of photons?
  • #4
Those numbers for positronium are just the most likely numbers (as all lower numbers are forbidden), and a positron/electron pair does not have to form positronium to annihilate.
  • #5
but the reaction to two photons is really dominating, as it just needs 1 vertex ("interaction point") in the Feynman graph
there are two vertex in annihilation.There is a electron or/and positron internal line between the two photons.
  • #6
Oops, thanks. I imagined two and wrote one.
  • #7
Ah, I see. I guess the other mechanism is a plan old collision? The wording of Das and Ferbel's intro to nuclear and particle physics seemed to imply that positronium always formed before an annihilation, so I just assumed that it formed in a collision.
  • #8
gives the theoretic ratios of 4 photon annihilation to 2, and 5 photon annihilation to 3, in the region of 1/1 000 000. Experiments are similar, though they have measurement errors.

FAQ: Why 2 photons are formed from positron-electron annihilation at rest

1. How are photons formed from positron-electron annihilation at rest?

When a positron and an electron come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of two photons. This is due to the conservation of energy and momentum, as the total energy of the two particles is converted into the energy of the photons.

2. Why do two photons specifically form from this annihilation process?

The annihilation of a positron and electron results in the formation of two photons because the total energy and momentum of the two particles must be conserved. These two photons have equal energy and travel in opposite directions to conserve momentum.

3. What happens to the mass of the positron and electron during annihilation?

During annihilation, the mass of the positron and electron is completely converted into energy in the form of photons. This is described by Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light.

4. Can photons be formed from other types of particle annihilation?

Yes, photons can also be formed from the annihilation of other types of particles, such as protons and antiprotons. However, the energy and momentum of the resulting photons may vary depending on the masses of the particles involved.

5. How is this phenomenon utilized in science and technology?

The annihilation of positrons and electrons is a fundamental process in particle physics and is also used in medical imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET). It is also being studied for potential applications in energy production and propulsion systems for spacecraft.

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