Why a bar magnet or EM coil does not effect EM fields?

In summary, a radio wave or microwave is not affected by a magnetic field from a electromagnet or bar magnet because the oscillating frequency of the EM wave creates a net force of zero when interacting with the magnet's field. In addition, the photon's charge-less nature prevents it from being affected by magnetic or electric fields, and its interaction with the magnetic field is limited by its speed of light. The interaction between photons and electrons is complex and involves an understanding of all four fundamental forces.
  • #1
Why is it that a radio wave or a microwave is not affected by a magnetic field from a electromagnet or bar magnet? I know they are self contained and so no outside force should effect them but that I can't get my head around.

The idea I have is that since the Electromagnetic field is oscillating, the bar magnet or electromagnet actually do affect the microwaves or radios waves magnetic component. The key though is the oscillation part, since the magnetic field component of the electromagnetic wave is going north then south and so on constantly, it creates a push pull from the bar magnet or Electromagnet. Thus the push then pull creates a net force of zero causing no change to the radio wave or Microwave. However if you could sync the Electromagnets frequency with that of the microwave for example so they ware in phase with each other, you could get the Electromagnet to always cause a push or pull on the microwave's magnetic field component causing it to bend either way or toward the electromagnet.

I also think you might be able to stop the microwave entirely by canceling out it's magnetic field component. However I am really not sure on this one, I don't think it would work because even if you cancel it out, the magnetic field is still there, your just opposing it and causing a net field between the two of zero. Like two opposing Electromagnets, there fields are still there but in the middle, there is a point of zero field strength.

Also I know That since Photons are charg-less and so cannot be effected by magnetic or electric fields, but I need a more in depth explanation as to why.

Is the answer as to why light can not be bent that because electric and magnetic fields are created by the photon which is charg-less ( so no direct interaction can happen) however anything effecting the magnetic or electric component won't effect the photon either because the photon is moving at light speed and since the interaction with the magnetic field is behind or to the side of the photon, no information can make it's way back and cause a force on the photon? I say to the back or to the side because the photon can't create a magnetic field or electric field in front of it since those fields would now have moved faster then light speed and no interaction can happen before the fields are there.

So is this right.
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  • #2
The magnet would interfere with the radio - if you were able to shake it a few million times a second and match the radio's frequency.
  • #3
How do you explain the interaction between photons and electromagnetism? That is how is magnetic field composed of photons particle and that these photon particle is responsible for the interaction between electron particle through an induced current?

I am really asking can you increase the amount of photons in a magnetic bar by directing a beam of light to increase the photon packets around the magnetic bar?

What is the interaction between photons and electrons? What is the characteristics of this interaction and how it differs from the other 3 interaction ( gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear)?

My knowledge is only limited to a high-schooler relative to today, but i am constantly practicing physics knowledge outside my requirement for school because of curiosity, so please do enlighten me, Thank-You Very Much
  • #4
norice4u said:
How do you explain the interaction between photons and electromagnetism? That is how is magnetic field composed of photons particle and that these photon particle is responsible for the interaction between electron particle through an induced current?

A photon is the quantum of electromagnetic radiation. This just means that when an EM wave interacts with anything it will do so in little packets of energy we call photons. So the induced current in an antenna in a radio is the result of countless little interactions between the wave and the antenna. Normally it would be described as countless photons being absorbed and adding their energy together.

I am really asking can you increase the amount of photons in a magnetic bar by directing a beam of light to increase the photon packets around the magnetic bar?

A magnetic bar does not contain photons. If you were to move the bar back and forth it would produce a propagating EM wave, which would then interact through photons. Directing a beam of light at the magnet would do nothing. There are no photon packets surrounding the magnet.

What is the interaction between photons and electrons? What is the characteristics of this interaction and how it differs from the other 3 interaction ( gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear)?

The interaction between the electromagnetic force and any charged particle is complicated and requires an understanding of it along with the other 3 forces. I don't think we could hope to explain all of it here in a thread. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetism
  • #5

Your understanding is partially correct. It is true that the oscillating magnetic field of a bar magnet or electromagnet can create a push-pull effect on the magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave. However, this does not affect the overall electromagnetic field. This is because the electromagnetic wave is a self-contained entity, with both electric and magnetic components constantly oscillating and reinforcing each other. Any external forces, such as those from a bar magnet or electromagnet, will have no effect on the overall field. This is similar to two opposing magnets canceling each other out, but the magnetic field still exists in the space between them.

As for why light cannot be bent by magnetic or electric fields, it is because photons, the particles that make up electromagnetic waves, do not have a charge. This means they do not interact with electric or magnetic fields. It is not that the fields are created by the photon, but rather the photon is simply a carrier of these fields. This is why light can travel through a vacuum, as there are no particles that can interact with the fields to slow it down.

The idea of a photon being unable to create a magnetic or electric field in front of it is also correct. This is due to the speed of light being a constant and the laws of causality, which state that an effect cannot occur before its cause. Therefore, the photon cannot create a field in front of it before it has passed through that space. This is also why information cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

Overall, the key to understanding why a bar magnet or electromagnet does not affect electromagnetic fields or why light cannot be bent by these fields is to remember that the electromagnetic wave is a self-contained entity with no external forces acting upon it. Any attempts to manipulate it from the outside will have no effect on the overall field.

FAQ: Why a bar magnet or EM coil does not effect EM fields?

1. Why doesn't a bar magnet or EM coil affect EM fields?

A bar magnet or EM coil does not affect EM fields because they have their own magnetic fields, which are independent of external EM fields. The magnetic field of a bar magnet or EM coil is a result of the alignment of its atomic particles, whereas an EM field is a result of moving electric charges.

2. How does a bar magnet or EM coil interact with EM fields?

A bar magnet or EM coil interacts with EM fields through the principle of electromagnetic induction. When an EM field is passed through a coil, it induces a current in the coil, which in turn creates its own magnetic field. This interaction is the basis for many electronic devices, such as generators and transformers.

3. Can a bar magnet or EM coil block or shield EM fields?

No, a bar magnet or EM coil cannot block or shield EM fields. While they can interact with EM fields, they do not have the ability to prevent or alter the propagation of EM fields. In order to shield from EM fields, specialized materials such as conductive metals or magnetic materials must be used.

4. Why are bar magnets and EM coils commonly used in experiments and demonstrations involving magnetism and electricity?

Bar magnets and EM coils are commonly used in experiments and demonstrations involving magnetism and electricity because they are easily accessible and can demonstrate the principles of magnetism and electromagnetic induction. They also allow for a visual representation of these concepts, making them useful for educational purposes.

5. Are there any exceptions to the principle that bar magnets and EM coils do not affect EM fields?

While bar magnets and EM coils do not affect external EM fields, they can have an impact on each other. When two bar magnets or EM coils are brought close together, their magnetic fields will interact and can either attract or repel each other. This is known as the magnetic force and is an exception to the principle that they do not affect EM fields.

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